Posted 2001-03-10, evaluated by djpretzel

I gotta leave space for credits, but PEOPLE - this is an amazing track, full of energy and ideas and some bitchin' Mustin + Cloud sax, as well as an amusing 'Music of My Groin' reference (among others) :) The sheer amount of talent combined to make this ReMix boggles the mind - it's a wonder cables didn't fizzle, ears pop, and amps explode during the production from the sheer skillz. Bravo guys - an amazing accomplishment, artistically and technically . . . I love this. nyKad: Original Concept, Vocals, Direction. Dale North: Arrangement, 88 Keys, Fender Rhodes, Vocals, Producer, Sound Engineer, Direction. Nate Cloud: Alto Sax, Flute, Vocals. Mustin: Arrangement, Tenor Sax, Guitar, Bass, Vocals, Audio Drama Introduction Production, Direction.



Latest 15 comments/reviews; view the complete thread or post your own.
on 2024-06-14 11:44:09

You never know what kind of gold you'll find in that AM wilderness out there! Truly unique remix that is still on my playlist. The intro is a lovely (tiny) portion of early OCR.

on 2018-08-03 17:20:40

i'm just here to remind y'all kids that this is how the west was won.

this. is how. the west. was won.

on 2015-03-09 11:40:13

Holy crap, this is from 2001! This is superb take on the source. The sax is damn hot 3 Love the tango/spanish nature of it. The moment at 1:49 is indeed cool :) A true classic :nicework:

on 2010-04-29 11:54:11

Awesome intro - this is exceptionally classy. XD

1:49 is incredible, and easily the best hook of an already solid song. This whole track sounds like it was incredibly fun to make, and the enthusiasm is infectious. The sax solo afterwards was excellent, and really, high quality tracks with a lot of personality like this one is the kind of thing that made me think that it'd be fun to remix myself.

Total classic. 3

on 2009-12-20 19:50:40

BAHAHA, oh wow. The intro is like a giant inside joke and is an inspiration of pure genius. It really situates this mix in an amazing context. I also like how the Latin flair is extended into the actual arrangement part too. Also the sax work here is amazing. This is so worth everyone's time and effort to download and listen to.

on 2009-11-25 22:20:36

Well here's a classic I forgot to comment on. The intro is a really nice touch, and the continued latin theme throughout is just as good. I think the horns carry it well, with the piano making up the memorable background.

Definitely one of my favorite Mega Man mixes, and there are a lot of those!

on 2009-11-25 13:11:40

the opening really reminds me of Queens of the Stone Age's album "Songs for the Deaf" especially how it switches to a Spanish station. This mix itself is pretty energetic and catchy but it's really the "Music of My Groin" reference that sold me. I burst at the seams with laughter from that unexpected reference.

on 2007-01-27 13:57:16

It was seriously an OK track. I thought the intro with the guys searching for a radio station was actually quite ANNOYING. It takes away from the piece. I thought it was actually quite innovative to use a different beat and give the melody to a sax.

One thing I found kinda tacky was the stopping of the instruments during that middle bridge part. Like "who-ee! this is a wannabe latin track! ole!" Seriously kinda hammy.

An alright track but honestly left much to be desired.

on 2006-09-03 23:53:28

loved that intro and all the spanish references. This mix kicks serious ass 360 degrees all the way around. Can't say much more just listen to it and you'll be amazed. Oh yeah FYI bitchin live performances.

on 2006-03-10 19:31:59

The opening entertains me every time. And the OC references they make are very well done. I also like the pidgeon spanish, or at least that's what it sounds like. And then we hit the mix and I just can't stand it...

... naw, just kidding. The mix is great, with great flow, powerful sax, and good feel. An excellent mix, one of the OC classics.

on 2006-02-24 00:02:54

This remix is clearly one of the best songs there is. Really love the beginning of the track when they are checking all the radiostations. really really well done guys. 5/5

on 2006-01-07 04:09:11

Listen to the Spanish station? That is so lame.

...until I heard this. As for many, I´m more of a music person so the conversation in the beginning is in my opinion kind of unnecessary. But it´s a little funny, specially the thing i quoted. And for the others, the remix starts for real ar 1:06, just so you know.

I thought it was excellent. When all the voices has disappeared, all is left but a great saxophone with a full mexican band. Very nice indeed. I don´t know if they´re samples or if you guys played them yourself, but they sound so real! It has to be for real, or else give me the name of your samples. Except for the sax, there was an excellent piano that made its quick and passionate keyplay in the back. If this aint salsa, then nothing is.

Maybe i should tune in Spanish radio more often. Gracias dudes!

on 2005-11-06 12:57:50

Yeah, man. This is awesome. The latin feel was well composed and well maintained. The 'music of my groin' reference is classic. And I dig the intro. It think remixes needn't be confined to just music, but also to place-setting. I'm very impressed by this piece. I would have added more crowd/partying noises throughout. That's about it.

Why does MegaMan go so well with latin music?

on 2005-07-24 21:41:09

Not too bad! It has a nice vibe to it, and a cool swing. It makes me feel like drinking tequila...

I think the intro is cool the first couple of times. Afterwards, it gets a little annoying, and I found myself thinking "Enough with the appetizers, let's get to the meat!" Still, a good mix, and definately worth my time to listen to.

on 2005-04-26 22:57:12

i really like the music! it's quite wonderful, all 3 odd minutes of it, but those first 40 some seconds, they're slightly annoying. anyway to get a version where it starts off with the spanish anouncer talking?

Sources Arranged (2 Songs, 2 Games)

Primary Game:
Mega Man 3 (Capcom , 1990, NES)
Music by Harumi Fujita,Yasuaki Fujita
"Needle Man Stage"
Additional Game:
Mega Man 2 (Capcom , 1988, NES)
Music by Manami Matsumae,Takashi Tateishi
"Game Start"

Tags (10)

Electric Piano,Flute,Piano,Saxophone,Sound FX,Vocals: Voice Acting
Arrangement > Extended Soloing
Time > 4/4 Time Signature

File Information

5,313,646 bytes

Music Lover:

Hey, man, it ain't no party without any music. Turn on the radio, huh?


Are you sure you want me to turn it on? All I get is AM radio.

[Crowd shouts]


Oh, definitely.
Aww, gimme a break.


OK... [radio turns on] Whatever.
OK, guys. Just tell me when to stop.

[Radio plays "Magnet Man Stage"]
[Radio static]

[Radio plays MkVaff - "Gemini Salsa"]

Immature Guy:

Put it on "Music of My Groin"!
[Crowd laughter]

[Radio static]
[Radio plays Mustin - "Blue Bomber Forever"]

[Radio static]
[Radio plays Gux - "It's Boss Time"]

[Radio static]
[Radio plays Mustin - "Proto Man Blues"]

Spanish Music Fan:

Keep it here, keep it here!
[Crowd agrees]


You want the Spanish station? Oh, come on, that's so lame.


OK! MMXX Latino Radio, y aquí estamos otra vez, y ese fue "Proto Man Blues" de Mustin. Y solamente porque me gusta tanto, vamanos a tocar un otra corte -- y ese es una collabracion! Pues, abran las orejas para nyKad, Dale Norte, Nate Cloud, y Mustin -- "Needles!"


Okay! MMXX Latino Radio, and we're back again, and that was "Proto Man Blues" by Mustin. And just because I like him so much, let's listen to another track -- and it's a collaboration! So, open your ears for nyKad, Dale North, Nate Cloud, and Mustin -- "Needles!"


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