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Meteo Xavier

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  1. Like
    Meteo Xavier got a reaction from Abadoss in OCRA-0059 - Esther's Dreams   
    Wow, this project turned out to be HUGE. No wonder it took so long to get out - I had no idea it was 3-4 discs long.
    So glad to be doing OCR work again and... wait, Rexy didn't like Secret of Mana's Color of the Summer Sky???? I thought I'd sooner see Jesus walk on water in my backyard than see someone who didn't like that song!
    ...umm, ok I'm back on track. AND I hope this week to listen to the full release.
  2. Like
    Meteo Xavier got a reaction from Neo-Nut in Big Roland style Synth Brass   
    Synth 1 has some big ass brass in it. You need to get the additional libraries for it, but it's all free.
    Roland also released a VST version of their Sound Canvas. Not exactly the fix you might be looking for, but worth looking at. It is not free.
  3. Like
    Meteo Xavier got a reaction from Cole Train in [Recruiting] SONG MAKERS / REMIXERS   
    Need to tell us a bit more than that, sir. More about what your channel is, what type of remix music, the main motivation of working for you (like compensation), etc.
  4. Like
    Meteo Xavier reacted to Brandon Strader in Phantoms Fill The Southern Skies [Book Release]   
    I did buy it when I posted that, does the money not even go to you? Then what's the point?  
  5. Like
    Meteo Xavier got a reaction from Rapidkirby3k in .WAV File Won't Play, Won't Delete, Causes Windows Explorer Problems (Fixed)   
    If you can't see the full title, this problem is actually fixed and I'm not asking for help. Instead, I'm detailing and archiving the problem/solution so anyone else who might run into this ungodly issue may find it and get it solved.
    (As previously posted on Game Audio Denizens)
    I'm having one hell of a strange problem. I've finished a track I'm doing on commission and I go to export a .WAV of it and something in it is causing my Windows 7 computer to have some considerable issues.
    - Windows Media Player will not play it and causes it to freeze up. Winamp somehow plays it correctly.
    - If I have ANYTHING recognize it, then Windows will start hanging up, not showing certain folder icons, causing other bizarre hang ups I've never seen before.
    - I can shred the file with Glary Utilities, but it doesn't show so in the conventional way. It hangs up and freezes too, but the file is gone.
    - MP3s of the song works and does not give me the same problems.
    - My DAW, FL Studio 11, does not do this with other .WAVs. I did a whole other song file and it didn't give me the same problem.
    The fuck is going on here? Has anyone had this problem before?
    Edit: Rather, what I posted here doesn't include that one render of the .WAV absolutely would not vanish with Glary Utilities. Nothing I tried, Glary, simple delete, shredding with AVG, FileAssassin, using CMD.exe, rebooting, check disking, etc. Nothing would get this one render to delete, however the solution still applies.
    (Also previously posted on Game Audio Denizens)
    So last night I posted an EPIC problem that a .WAV file was giving my computer and was asked to post on it if I fixed the problem.
    Well holy ***damn motherfucking hell, I fixed it. After many attempts to delete it through conventional and hardcore computer maintenance means - shred with AVG, shred with Glary Utilities, that CMD.exe method, rebooting, disk checking and more, here's how I fixed it:
    This .WAV file is pretty much Pazuzu but, oddly enough, Audacity and Winamp were able to open it and play it correctly. So what I did just now was open the problematic file straight from the original (don't make a copy or anything), put a fade-out on the whole thing (just to put a random effect on it) and export it under the same name. It gave me two files, the one with the same file name and one with old-1 at the end of it.
    But praise be to Jesus (and I mean that), that somehow fixed the problem. Not only was I able to delete the file, but I was able to salvage the final WAV too into a properly working file that I can give my employer.
    Take this down for future reference, denizens. If your sound file is completely fucking up your computer as if it was a virus, try opening it in Audacity, edit it, and see if that can work.
  6. Like
    Meteo Xavier reacted to Brandon Strader in Phantoms Fill The Southern Skies [Book Release]   
    I bought your last book, haven't quite read it yet, did a little bit but not far. You're asking me to buy this just based on..... what, our "friendship"? The fact that we're both on OCR? The fact that I don't take no shit? Telling me on facebook, "Go buy it you horsecock"? Did you really think any of that stuff is a legitimate reason for me to buy your book?
    ....'cause maybe it is. 
    But you had BETTER pay it forward.
  7. Like
    Meteo Xavier got a reaction from timaeus222 in Touhou-ish ZUN music? (Also piano improv but mostly the ZUN)   
    Hmm... Flexstyle doesn't usually post giant warning text. Something stirs beneath the ground, methinks.
  8. Like
    Meteo Xavier got a reaction from Nabeel Ansari in Touhou-ish ZUN music? (Also piano improv but mostly the ZUN)   
    Hmm... Flexstyle doesn't usually post giant warning text. Something stirs beneath the ground, methinks.
  9. Like
    Meteo Xavier got a reaction from swansdown in Seiken Densetsu 3: Songs of Light and Darkness - History   
    I KEEL YOU! I KEEL YOU WHEY YOO STAN! Yiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyi!!
  10. Like
    Meteo Xavier got a reaction from Drawn by Dai in Paths Less Travelled: Terranigma - History   
    I was invited to claim a track for this project and I would like to try for Crysta (Hometown 1, I think). I have no idea when I could begin or finish it, but I'm interested in trying all the same.
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    Meteo Xavier reacted to Brandon Strader in Phantoms Fill The Southern Skies [Book Release]   
    Congrats on the book release. I would poop emoji the hell out of your book and post if it was possible to do that in real life. 

    Ain't nobody going to pay $18 for your paperback! I wouldn't even pay that much for a Dean Koontz or Stephen King or John Grisham or Whoever-wrote-50-shades-of-gray paperback. And I doubt your book is on the same level of eroticism as 50 shades of gray. Probably more like "a few shades of white", not to get too controversial, but to express the missionary position-esque excitement expressed by your book of scary tales. 
    I dunno, I'm just being silly, because you're always silly. But I'll never be able to match your silliness.
    Post when the 99 cent Kindle Edition is released  
  13. Like
    Meteo Xavier got a reaction from Brandon Strader in Phantoms Fill The Southern Skies [Book Release]   
    Good afternoon, I humbly represent a new item of consumer interest bearing my name to my friends, associates, rivals and visitors to OCremix for your consideration as an addition to your private library.

    This here grimoire is my contribution to Southern folklore, 212 pages of "non-fiction" (in quotations for a reason) paranormal accounts throughout the histories of Tennessee, Kentucky, both Carolinas, Georgia and Alabama. This is a project I'd been working on and waiting on since September 2013, investing much time into perfecting a tome that met the high quality standards I had for it. Some of them are famous and are relatively tame to make for relaxing reading, and others are obscure, absolutely bonkers tales of supernal insanity.
    And unlike many peer titles in this genre, I took the time to research and provide skeptical analysis to many entries in here. Some simply amount to fun stories that couldn't have possibly happened in real life, but others are much more vague, and at least one of the weirdest items in this book is certified FACT - it really happened!
    Link of it is in the picture above but I'll post it here too:
    I'm not yet sure if an e-book version is coming out, I'm waiting to hear back on it. I'll update this here post when I know for sure.
    Thank you and please enjoy.
  14. Like
    Meteo Xavier got a reaction from Callas in Seiken Densetsu 3: Songs of Light and Darkness - History   
    UPDATE: I'm chatting with DJP on it now and we've come to an agreement on this subject. We'll be moving forward with his design and policy.
  15. Like
    Meteo Xavier got a reaction from Sagnewshreds in Seiken Densetsu 3: Songs of Light and Darkness - History   
    UPDATE: I'm chatting with DJP on it now and we've come to an agreement on this subject. We'll be moving forward with his design and policy.
  16. Like
    Meteo Xavier got a reaction from Brandon Strader in Seiken Densetsu 3: Songs of Light and Darkness - History   
    UPDATE: I'm chatting with DJP on it now and we've come to an agreement on this subject. We'll be moving forward with his design and policy.
  17. Like
    Meteo Xavier got a reaction from Pavos in Seiken Densetsu 3: Songs of Light and Darkness - History   
    UPDATE: I'm chatting with DJP on it now and we've come to an agreement on this subject. We'll be moving forward with his design and policy.
  18. Like
    Meteo Xavier got a reaction from Toadofsky in Tropes vs. Women / #GamerGate Conspiracies   
    Our generation hates being criticized. For anything. Ever. This same generation also has no problem throwing accusations and criticisms of sexism and racism around freely for things like a female character, gasp, having big boobs, or a non-white character being voiced by a white voice actor. This sort of thing is a major vein in the body of the Gamergate scandal.
    That's a far more troubling double standard, which is what many of the anti-gamergate people like to utilize and either fail to acknowledge to acknowledge their PRIDE in it. Garbage on both sides, like I said.
  19. Like
    Meteo Xavier reacted to prophetik music in Sale/Want 3.0   
    both the MS store credit and the game are gone.
    i am, however, continuing to debate selling my music workstation. it's an older i7 (8 cores @3ghz) and 16gb DDR3 ram, with a couple TB of storage and a discrete graphics card for multi-monitor setups, in a really over-large rackmount case. it still handles large projects pretty easily, thanks to the huge amount of cores and the excellent i7 architecture, but would get blow up by any current i7 on the market. i could sell it within driving distance of rochester ny for probably 400$ OBO, or shipped for 50-100 more (i'd need a new case for it) plus shipping, likely around 30-40$ for a system of this size. i'd be amenable to trades as well, since it's just taking up space and i don't have any sunken investment in it.
    it is, however, way more computer than you could ever get for 400ish$, so if you're interested, let me know and we can talk it out.
    edit: forgot to mention that this is basically a perfect slave machine if you want to get into that kind of setup. tons of cpu power, no fancy extra crap.
  20. Like
    Meteo Xavier got a reaction from timaeus222 in Programs For Sound Design   
    I'm only focusing on software for now. I can't justify buying a bunch of hardware stuff unless/until I get a foothold of success starting out to begin with.

    Iris 2 looks kickass, but I'm reading that thing is so CPU intensive that it's borderline prohibitive. I think Omnisphere 2 would be better there and I want that fucker so bad I can taste it, but it's out of my current budget right now.
  21. Like
    Meteo Xavier got a reaction from Nabeel Ansari in ProjectSAM Orchestral Essentials 1 or 2?   
    I think it would be a long-ass time before I get into any serious orchestral work, if I ever did at all, but I do have orchestral needs not requiring hardcore orchestral skills to be addressed, so I need something to supplement my EWQLSO and OE1 seems to be the ticket. Looked fairly easily in my opinion.
  22. Like
    Meteo Xavier reacted to avaris in ProjectSAM Orchestral Essentials 1 or 2?   
    Spitfire has a 30% discount for students or people who work at a University.  With no commercial restrictions.
    Makes things way cheaper if you can get it.
  23. Like
    Meteo Xavier reacted to Rozovian in Seiken Densetsu 3: Songs of Light and Darkness - History   
    For those wondering about progress... we're inching on. I've been writing writeups/track notes, and will probably do the same for artists, just so we've got something to put on the website before trying to down every remixer for their thoughts and bios and stuff.
    Also, don't pay Meteo. I think he works better when he's starving.
  24. Like
    Meteo Xavier got a reaction from Cyril the Wolf in What's everyone up to??   
    I'm going to have some $ work for you in the not too distant future I feel, Cyril.
  25. Like
    Meteo Xavier got a reaction from Garpocalypse in Next Batch of Sega 3D Classics Leaked   
    Dear Sega:

    Signed, President Obama.
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