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The Derrit

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Posts posted by The Derrit

  1. What do you mean? Have you played Far Cry 2? The whole driving for miles and constantly respawning guard posts killed any enjoyment I was getting from the game.

    I didn't play the game, you're right. I was saying I hadn't heard any negative feedback from it, but you have me convinced to skip it by that.

  2. AIDS will stop being a problem two millennia from now, when African men finally realise that having sex with a virgin doesn't cure the disease, and stop running around raping babies and young girls. Aside from this illusion, it's really a kind of self-remedying condition. Either you watch out for it, or you die with it.

    That's a completely unfair assumption to make. Not everyone gets it from being retarded as you seem to say. Even if we were to cordon off Africa from the rest of the world AIDS would still be a growing problem.

  3. I'm really not interested in another protagonist with another set of witty one liners who utilizes another amazing doohicky giving him special abilities, tasked with saving another kingdom from another thousand years of darkness.

    And no death=no skill. That's why I beat Prey in one go and never touched it again.

    Then you should probably stop playing videogames cause that's most of it

    And also there are no witty one liners, they got rid of that after the emopunk second one. I feel its obvious you've played the other games in the series though so I bow to your superiority there

    EDIT: also to plastikbag, i agree on assassin's creed but i have yet to hear a bad word about far cry 2 that surprises me. Anyhoo i'm wishing for the best as well

  4. when can you cats play today?

    I might be able to tonight, I got it set up but I'm not sure how much of an issue lag is going to be. Lagtest me?

    Also. Salluz. I'm sorry but mewtwo has no advantage in any way shape or form against marth. There are many other people here who can back me up on that.

  5. If you're just starting with your runs, I would actually advise against running every day right now. Every other day would be great, along with of course staying active inbetween, but running every day and trying to max out the distance will drain you very quickly. Pacing is very important in this aspect.

  6. eh, still the best PT i've ever seen. nice handling of ivysaur, at any rate :o

    also, for someone who's such a prominent figure like Ankoku, i somehow imagined he'd be better. huh.

    i'm almost tempted to post him boning me up and down with his Shiek for the next two games but i don't think i will

    and thank you :D

  7. So I was browsing through the recent Remix additions, and a good bunch of them don't have songs attributed to them, though they are based off of a specific song. I don't know if this was accidental just didn't add that info, or if the OST database needs updating, but it helps me to know what's from where.

    If its just not having some of the OSTs labeled, I'd be more than happy to help out with that and contribute tracklists and whatnot.

  8. You know, I have always had a bias against King DeDeDe since I've played Kirby Superstar. You have now kindled the fumes of prejudice that I have against DeDeDe. I have seen a tier list saying that Deed was a top-tier character, if I am not mistaken, but... well, maybe he's only good against certain people because I've seen him get whooped so many times it isn't even funny. In fact, some kid tried to use him against my Sonic... I never got hit + I wasn't that good.

    Who is Deed good against? Slow characters? Little weak ones that aren't fast? I'll look online to see how and when he wins.

    Dedede is good against a ton of people. Your experience =/= enough to say he is bad. when he is actually quite good

    EDIT: HideousBeing this is where to begin. you take the rest.

  9. Hey jam i heard you met a couple of my friends brendan and lenny this past weekend, lenny played luigi and brendan was a cfalc, bigger guy, booming voice. I used to play with those two all the time, if you remember who they are how'd they do

    i miss the old days of tourneys

  10. So there used to be a thread for this which got locked for some reason I'm not aware of. Anyways, for anyone who didn't hear about this site before, it lets you keep a collection of your games that you own and your status on how far you are into them. I rediscovered it the other day and its brought me back into games that I had long forgotten about and still enjoy, as well as motivate me to manage my time gaming better so I can enjoy it. I encourage everyone to make an account, its a lot of fun.


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