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Posts posted by EC2151

  1. Pretty disappointing presentation. Nintendo Land, SiNG, Just Dance, Wii Fit U, large chunks of time dedicated to explaining how important their latest control gimmick is. Lots of time dedicated to third party games that most of us already own on another console or PC. Nintendo games are the reason I would buy a Nintendo console and this is just looking like more and more of a repeat of the Wii. Retro's mystery project is about the only thing left that could make me get a U early in it's life now I think, though that probably won't even be that early the way it's looking

    MS and Sony weren't much better though sooo...pretty decidedly unhyped about consoles at the moment.

    It definitely made me feel better about just getting a Dreamcast!

    The P100 game looks pretty cool. I wish they didn't spend 15 minutes explaining a minigame in NintendoLand when it could have taken them a minute to do so.

    Likewise, there is nothing that is making me itch to buy a WiiU at this moment.

  2. Well I mean, considering how their "hardcore" controller is laughably similar to Xbox's controller we might have some of that "hardcore" support.

    About the only thing I care about is a new Metroid game, myself >.>

    I hope the rumors about a new Metroid Prime are false. I love the trilogy, but the series needs to move on.

    I guess I'll find out today!

  3. Oh, and I forgot, you can look into the Albert Odyssey series. Only one of the games was released in the U.S. - the one for the Sega Saturn, Albert Odyssey: Legend of Eldean, and if you wanted to realistically play it, you'd probably have to figure out Saturn emulation (because the game is rare and expensive - i'd know since I own a copy).

    But it's a pretty fun game, with some really goofy, silly dialogue (courtesy of a localization by Working Designs - by-and-far my favorite localization company to ever exist), and it's very much a "classic" RPG as well. It's short, too, which might be better for you.

    As well, you can look into the Lunar: the Silver Star series, also localized by Working Designs. The Sega-CD version, and the PS1 version would be the way to go.

  4. A bump with two new tracks:

    Get Ready!

    -probably one of the better-sounding songs I've made as of this posting. Pretty catchy.

    Requiem for a Space Bug

    Doesn't loop too well, and I haven't isolated the problem on Audacity. One day I will, though.

    Right now I am trying to experiment with VGM_MM's PSG capabilities, making some songs that would sound right at home on the Master System or Game Gear. Always some fun stuff.

  5. Yeah, I'd recommend the two Lufia games for the SNES as well. The first one is a pretty standard RPG, but the second one is fun to play for Zelda-esque dungeons. The third Lufia game on the GBC is pretty cool, too.

    However, you want some "normal" RPGs.

    The Phantasy Star series might be another good place to look. Phantasy Star II is a very "classic" RPG - it's quite the grind-fest. Phantasy Star IV is a great, story-driven RPG, with the same classic battle system (and it's infinitely the best game in the original Phantasy Star series).

    Also look into Star Ocean 1 on the SNES. You'd be surprised what the SNES can do, judging by that game.

  6. I've dealt with them before and they are no match for my unbridled might.

    I wonder if there is still an online community for PSO. I bet there is (or might be I dunno about the servers), but it's only the most hardcore of hardcore at this stage.

    I hear Sega might be releasing a Saturn Vintage collection (in the same way they've released the Monster World* and Alex Kidd Vintage collections), which would be interesting to see. I'd love to see some of the rarer Saturn games actually made affordable for a change (Burning Rangers and Panzer Dragoon Saga, I'm looking at you), but from what I understand the source code for those games were lost. Like, I guess Yu Suzuki spilled coffee on the hard-drive with the files.. which was right next to the coffee machine or something. >.>

    *I am very sad they didn't include Wonder Boy: Monster's Lair [or whatever it's called the series is confusing as fuck - it's the shmup] in the collection. It's probably one of the best games in the series.

  7. sorry for the necrobump, but I figured my own topic would be the place to ask:

    My former roommate is offering to sell his Dreamcast, 2 controllers, and 14 games to me for 80 bucks.

    The games are:

    Jet Grind Radio

    Sonic Adventure

    Tony Hawk 2


    NFL 2k1

    Tom Clancy Rainbow 6 Rogue Spear

    Space Channel 5

    Bust A Move 4

    Crazy Taxi 2

    Power Stone 2

    Phantasy Star Online


    and some disney game

    All complete in their cases. Obviously only some of those appeal to me but I can sell what I don't want.

    Does 80 bucks sound like a good deal? Should I try to "jew" it down to 75? 70?

    the DC of course is also appealing for its ability to play burned roms. Yum.

    EDIT: Lol I am becoming such a Sega fanboy. My childhood self weeps. I must've been burnt out on Nintendo's lackluster efforts this past generation!

  8. I just picked up Thunder Force V for the Saturn. It was a little pricey ($50) but I figured to myself that the PS1 version usually went for $40, and that the version I saw on amazon was about thirty dollars less than it usually is, so I snagged it.

    I'm looking forward to playing it - even though I have yet to beat any Thunder Force game! Of the ones I've played, I'd say that Thunder Force III is my favorite. I like IV, but the whole "levels are larger than the screen" stuff always kills me, because i hate not being able to see the whole level come at me, and have things out of sight. It is annoying. I'm pretty sure it only happens on certain levels (the space ruins and desert levels if I recall) but I don't like that style very much.

    I see Raiden IV on the 360 for $23. Can anyone tell me if it's worth the trouble to convince my older brother to get it for my birthday? I haven't played too much of the Raiden games (though one of the Raidens was one of the first shmups I played, years ago- still love that purple seeking laser), but it looks like fun and the music sounds fantastic.


    TFV is pretty cool, and it came in faster than I thought. The music for the first stage is a kickin' remix of the forest level music in Thunder Force III.

    So far so good, though I am getting my ass handed to me. That's to be expected my first time playing it!

  9. When I was doing this track, I was listening to the whole thing at volume levels between 80-90 on my laptop, through my headphones. That might have been the reason it sounds so quiet on normal volume levels.

    Should I just keep things at a solid 50 when I am doing music production/composition? I had it high because i wanted to make sure I heard everything going on as clearly as I could...

    BTW, thanks to everyone for the advice they've given me, and/or the suggestions for further listening - I was pretty close to giving up on the track, but maybe with a few tweaks I can get it sounding a bit better, with more fitting instruments.

    Besides, I made this in two nights and a day (with very little breaks >.> ), so if worse comes to worse, I might be able to pull a similar miracle with an improved take (but I like what I have thus far).

  10. Thanks for the encouragement...

    I am using mainly the free Kontakt stuff (like Skanner, and Mikro Prism), samples from Camel Audio's Alchemy and Planet Earth sets, as well as a few odds and ends (like one bass sound is DVS MegaBass VST). So it's not like I'm using Secret of Mana instruments (though at this point who knows!). I am using FL 10, and while some instruments are at their preset settings, most of them have some filter effects (like reverb, or Fruity Phaser or Flanger) to bring in some more flavor.

  11. Thanks for some great advice! I'll get to work right away to implementing some of your suggestions. I'm a little excited because i've honestly never really tried to seriously EQ something before, so it would be a good learning experience.


    The feedback I've been getting from my directors has been a little bit distressing, mainly because both the guy in charge of the project and the assistant director have criticized the mix for sounding "Too MIDI"

    Now I am at a bit of a loss here. First, that kind of puts me in a hard spot - in that I don't have you know, Garritan Orchestra or anything like that, and that I never exactly knew that synthesizers were supposed to sound realistic in the first place. So if there are any comments on the sound of the instruments themselves, and suggestions I'd appreciate that.



    MY WIP


    This is for the Harmony of a Hunter Extension Album (101% run) that is to be released later this year. This is my track for it, and I have been listening to this so much that I know I need fresh sets of ears to give an honest critique of any problems in audio/technical production.

    The deadline is approaching soon and I don't want to submit a half-assed work. Why? 1) it reflects poorly on me as an artist, and 2) it's Metroid, dammit. It's a series that demands and deserves respect, especially in the musical world.

    So I please ask any mods and listeners to offer friendly words of improvement (or if there is the crazy off-chance that i nailed it on the first try whoopee it's party time) - I do intend on eventually submitting this to OCR (since I feel fairly strongly about my arrangement work - though that might be hubristic bias), so hopefully there are no secret rules broken.

    Thank you, anyone in advance!


  13. I have CD rips from my saturn copy of After Burner 2, which contains the AB1 soundtrack, the AB2 soundtrack, and the "With Melody" versions of the AB2 soundtrack (which is really only significant for final takeoff and after burner, but all the tracks sound like they have extra instruments added)...

    If anyone's interested...

  14. You might like it ; p

    It's a beautiful-looking series, with interesting characters (really liked the main heroine Re-L and her android compatriot, Iggy), but everything spirals out of control and into the realm of frustration one-third of the way through the show.

    They decide "who cares about these character traits we've established in the first arc of the series? Let's just have random characters spout pseudo-psychological ramblings and call it moving the plot forward!" Which is funny because the plot grinds to an absolute stop halfway through, all the way until the penultimate episode where they realize they have to wrap things up so like everything happens plot-wise in a span of 20 minutes. It tries to set up this really ambitious look into, like, the psyche of the characters, but it doesn't have the grace or intelligence to ultimately pull it off. It sounds smart without being smart. That, and the filler episodes. Holy moly. Worst filler EVER.

    Like I said though. It looks beautiful [i really love the character designs, and it's very well-animated when it needs to be].




    When I watched the series the first time, I didn't notice the problems, because I was too caught up in the world the series built. So I enjoyed it. Second time, however, they were the only things I could see. So yeah, it's worth one watch, but I wouldn't go beyond that!

  15. If I want gore and nudity I think I'd stay with Mad Bull 34. With Manga UK's dub, I'd at least be consistently entertained. It's emotional porn... without the emotion!

    Unless manliness is an emotion... then Mad Bull has it in spades.

    Such is the fate of any anime starring Mike Haggar:


    I usually tend to go towards more actiony adventure-type shows, like Lupin, Space Adventure Cobra, Tank Police, etc. - mainly because i know any anime trying to be "profound" or the dreaded "deep" (loaded term!) ends up falling flat on its ass and being a presumptuous, unwatchable pile of junk. See: Ergo Proxy (and I actually watched this series twice!), Serial Experiment Lain (oh my God this is the most boring, plodding anime in existence), and Paranoia Agent*

    *I actually give the series a solid 5/10, in a positive sense. Because the first half of the series is complex, and incredibly interesting, with a great sense of buildup. It's exciting, and with great psychologically-disturbed characters and Kon's impeccable sense of style. Unfortunately, what should have been a really cool OVA-length series had 6 more episodes that totally derailed the plot with nonsequitirs and killed the goodwill and respect I had for the series in the first 6 episodes.

  16. Perhaps I should say its goodness comes from a "so-bad-it's-good" quality (especially if you watch the dub - shit's fucking hilarious).

    The show is plodding, nothing but pointless gore and lolis, with uneven pacing, irritating characters, complete with an annoying group of fans that tout its "deepness" which is solely due to its above-average soundtrack.

    It can't be hard to see it for what is basically a glorified loli snuff series with moeblob characters.

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