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Status Updates posted by Sir_Downunder

  1. Good to see you're so excited. :D

  2. Just the preview for VROOM now (Late to the party, i know) can't wait to see what else you've got cooked up, mate ^_-

  3. Congratulations on finally releasing Lucid Dreaming, Stevo! And once again, happy birthday! ^_^

  4. Thanks for wishing me a happy birthday steve! (A bit late for my response, but what the hey)

  5. Just dropping a quick message to wish you luck in the Robot Master Battles. Also your round 2 mix rocked my face off...



    Keep up the good work!

  6. Ohhh... god I'm a douche -_-'

    But to answer you question, no I don't. Facebook and stuff like that really doesn't interest me.

  7. No, I don't even know what it is...

  8. Yaaaaay! ^_^ Thank-ee for become my friend!

  9. Congrats on getting your first mix posted Steve, keep up the good works with OCAD as well.

  10. Hello to you too, friend!!

  11. Hello Matt! A belated congrats on getting your first mix posted for you!

  12. Welcome to the site Namine! ^_^

  13. ^_^ Aww, thanks for the message and the happy b-day stevo!
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