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Posts posted by alfredofreak

  1. Being the good forum n00b I am, I decided to look a bit before asking this question. As far as I can tell, there was one weekend compo held by starla back in 2008, but I haven't found anything else.

    Would anyone be willing to host a weekend compo? Say, every Friday or Saturday night? I can squeeze ORC in once a month, but my weekday schedule is pretty packed and I'd love to get even more music experience.

    I'm sure this is a lot to ask. If this isn't possible, I'll take my :tomatoface: and stick with ORC. =]

  2. JerryTerry, I feel your pain. I'm currently a second-year CS student. To make matters worse, I have this crazy delusion (starting last month) that I can participate in Ludum Dare each month as well.

    BUT. Looking at my current classes and everything else in my life right now, I've come to the conclusion that I'm not going to magically get some extra time at some point. Therefore, I am making a excessively late New Year's resolution to make time for hobby game programming and music stuff at least once a week.

    Back in December, I think, I had the crazy delusion of attempting to participate in a JHCompo. Even though I was finishing up an assignment at the time and I was only able to listen instead of contribute, I am still very interested in creating music, regardless of my current abilities (or rather lack thereof).

    Regardless of what assignments I have to work on, I WILL schedule things accordingly to get good grades, take care of whatever life stuff needs to be taken care of, and spend a bit of time on music. I will have something submitted for ORC 138, regardless of the fact that I am pretty much a complete beginner at music.:tomatoface:

    (In the entirely likely event that I am the only one to submit anything, I'll punt the original submission to someone else.)

  3. As the first reply to your first post ever, 1) welcome =D and 2) search for "his world techno" on YouTube. That should tide you over until someone gives it the proper treatment over here. *hint to remixers more experienced than myself*

  4. I'm in the same boat as Malkyre. I've used ACID Music Studio for a couple years to make some entertaining loop-based stuff (like this and this with virtually no proper mixing), but I'll be demoing DAWs for a while so I can start making some real stuff.

    Ableton's got a pretty nice fully functional trial version that'll give you 2 weeks with no strings attached.

    On a side note, Live now offers a fully functional 30 day trial. :-D

  5. If this is in the wrong spot, please move it. I can't think of a more suitable spot in the forums for this.

    Less than two hours ago, my brother acquired WarTech: Senko no Ronde for the 360 and I'm already liking the soundtrack. From what I've found, no one has attempted to remix any of those songs on here. Regardless of how much remixability the songs have, does ANYONE know of any MIDIs that exist for the game?

    Thanks in advance!

  6. That should keep you entertained for a bit. :smile:

  7. I haven't been actively following the forums for long, but it seems like most gaming music events occur on the east coast. Are there any events that occur a bit closer to my side of the country? I live in Utah and plane tickets to MAGFest won't work with my college student budget.

  8. There goes my free time! =)

    I gave the XBLA version of Beat Hazard a shot a couple months ago but I haven't played my 360 at all lately. For anyone that hasn't played this, it's like Asteroids meets Geometry Wars meets bullet hell meets acid trip. :mrgreen:

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