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Posts posted by Argitoth

  1. I say change the theme, and to be fair, get the original theme poster (last contest winner) to give us a more well-defined theme HOPEFULLY based on the original idea. Such as: Choosing exactly what the decision is.

    For example, the original theme poster could say the theme is "a decision is made to go to hell to redeem sins." something like that. Now we don't have to be bogged down by making the decision in the music, now we just compose the decision made...

  2. ...you just gotta be kidding me.

    Battery 3 is a sampler, not a sample library. It comes with a sample library, but damn you'll never fool anyone with that. I can't even believe your ears would even consider Battery 3 to meet your jazz percussion needs.

    Anyway, im going to get a hold of the jazz demos of ns_kit7 for you.

    Ok, I take back what I said. Zircon has informed me that Battery 3 is in fact worth a look because of its sample library. It does have the capability to create realistic percussion riffs.

  3. I'm going to have to bash the theme a little more. As far as I know, the only visual cue we have to go on is that there's a guy who has the gates of heaven and hell on each side of him and he must go to one of them.

    The problem I see with this is that hell is bad. No one *wants* to go to hell, so what kind of choice is that? The description of the theme would need something in there to tell us why the sinner might choose hell over heaven.

    It says something about attoning sins or craving greed. Now, is it greedy to go to heaven or is it greedy to go to hell? Do you attone yoru sins in heaven or do you attone sins in hell? But HOLD ON! WAIT A MINUTE HERE! If atoning sins means going to hell, then how can you instead choose to go to heaven if you're still greedy? If it's greedy to go to hell, then how do you attone sins in heaven? That's why this theme makes no sense to me.

  4. Honestly, I don't like the theme either, or at least the way it's described.

    Yeah, main problem for me is that the description doesn't describe an actual scene of what is going happening, like in a movie. It more describes some kind of metaphor. The best music I could come up with in my head is that kind of hollywood mysterious thinking music where the character is coming to a big realization and then he's going to execute operation 1B or something, you know?

    I dunno. EVEN if I composed the music to describe something like that, it would still be hard to come up in my head how it relates to making a choice between heaven and hell. Really, the theme's problem IMO is that it's not describing an actual scene or event.

  5. Yeah, their circular sweep seems to be the same as a stir, but there aren't any demos :(

    Battery 3 sounds pretty good.

    ...you just gotta be kidding me.

    Battery 3 is a sampler, not a sample library. It comes with a sample library, but damn you'll never fool anyone with that. I can't even believe your ears would even consider Battery 3 to meet your jazz percussion needs.

    Anyway, im going to get a hold of the jazz demos of ns_kit7 for you.

  6. Neither NS_kit7 nor DfH:C&V have demos showing this as a sample asset. Doesn't anyone do jazz anymore?

    What is a brush stir? Is that another word for brush sweep? Because ns_kit7 does have some very good jazz demo mp3s on the website with nice circular snare sweeps. Cymbals also have quick sweeps. Go here: http://naturalstudio.co.uk/ns_kit7audiodemos.html

    For some reason the playlist isn't working for me soo hopefully it's working for you. You could also try the pdf manual. It explains brush sweeps (staccato, legato, and circular). Sorry if stir does not equal sweep. http://naturalstudio.co.uk/pdf/ns_kit7manual.pdf

  7. It is impossible for two libraries to be so similar that you could say you could get the exact same results with either library. That's not to say that DFHS isn't versatile enough to be used in any project. Practically, any ns_kit user will have a different sound to their music than any DFHS user. DFHS users among DFHS users will even have their own sound.

    ANYWAY! Point is, I am choosing ns_kit7 over DFHS because I see features that DFHS potentially doesn't have and the fact that ns_kit7 is such a good deal financially I can put the extra money toward other projects. Also... for freaken sake it won't be available forever! I might as well get a copy! As for the review, it's simply an opinion as is yours.

  8. I haven't owned either (yet) of course I'm getting ns_kit7 by October 20th hopefully. What I can do is post a review made by someone who has used many sample libraries. One thing I personally could probably tell you is that there's not a library that can compete with ns_kit7 congas. It sounds amazing in the demos.

    You should check it out and even buy it, it's for download for like 12GBP, but free for ns_kit7 owners: [link]

    here's the review: [link] The review mentions DFH.

    the DFH series -- sounds real good on first impression, especially C&V, but eventually ends up sounding musically "flat" on repeated listens; the BFD series -- sounds pretty good overall, but no real "oomph," takes quite a bit of tweaking to fit in a mix, and it isn’t going to fool any real drummers;
  9. You should listen to the demos, this link has individual kits: http://www.naturalstudio.co.uk/ns_kit7audiodemos.html

    However, Tensei san is using it for his Bloody Tears Metal remix and they sound really nice. Hmmmm.

    If you want to hear some more of ns_kit7 in a mix, try this: http://www.naturalstudio.co.uk/bb/viewtopic.php?t=487

    actually, just download this mp3: http://www.metroidmetal.com/metroid_mp3/mp/metroidmetal_spacepirates.mp3 [right-click, save-as]

    Matter of fact, check out this YouTube video:

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