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Posts posted by Wacky

  1. So The Girl finds herself relentlessly replaying every single Dragon Age Origin as a variety of people for the following reasons:

    1. Roleplaying a Captain Kirkish everything that moves noble rogue who finds Leliana enchanting and shacks up with her Good Friend Al in a marriage of convenience so she can be Queen of Ferelden AND Arl of Amaranthine AND go for the appropriate person depending on what she's feeling like each day to slake her "needs"

    2. A female mage who wanted Cullen and Jowan and ended up settling for the King of Ferelden and who insisted that her "Aunt Wynne" look after her and Alistair

    3. A variety of Dwarves and Elves who either go for the sickly sweet aforementioned King of Ferelden or Zevran Montoya (Gotta admit he is pretty cool.) She insists all humans are racists in this game and so wouldn't find an elf attractive if they weren't all pretty-boys. (Speak for yourself, dearie. Merrill is the sweetest, cutest thing ever. Come to think of it, why aren't there more hot elf chicks in this game? Oh right. They're slaves.)

    4. Not liking Velanna because she was "stealing her Nathaniel."

    5. Bemoaning the fact she couldn't set up Wade and Herren's wedding.

    She even approved/denied the plot twist from Morrigan "depending on what the character would have done."

    Why do I start with this?

    Because this *could* be an abstraction into what Bioware does so well- write its characters. I love Bioware for writing good characters- If I mention Minsc, Edwin, Sand, Mordin Solus, Imoen, Conrad Verner, Bastila Shan, HK47... they're irrepressible, and they're actually characters you give a damn about, which is important for an RPG.

    This, however, is a bit disturbing. You could have quite literally made the entire rest of the game, including the epic plots, a FMV, and a legion of fans would still buy the game just for the romance plots. Not even the banter, which is hilarious, but the mere fact that choosing the right dialogue choices could get a girl in bed with a hot dorky British guy who has every chance of being a King.

    Come on guys

    You make fun of men when they play creepy Japanese Dating Sims WITH THE EXACT SAME PROPERTIES


  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppUm3TFnhtk

    I believe Ms. Perry writes her own songs?

    I have to say she has sufficient skill to come up with some generally aesthetically pleasing lyrics (As in, they fit her singing in how they sound, on pure aural grounds.)

    She has some really good songs (Teenage Dream is one of the best songs I have heard about the flash in the pan that is your youth and innocence, by a person who's IN tat flash in pan.) It's a sad song because it's meant to be.

    But yeah, the linked song... she's not even trying. It's like she's going to the censors and saying FUCK YOU

  3. I just want a joke about Isabella and her foursome.

    Yes, I dragged two suboptimized rogues (Leliana was optimised) through Denerim with no tank just so I could get a few really funny yet hideously tacky lines out of Zevran.

    Incidentally in those stages when you have those gigantic flash mobs of soldiers trying to kill you in Denerim, Wynne, Morrigan and a Mage-Warden all firing off Earthquakes, followed by Infernos, is a hoot.

    Tanks are nearly pointless in this game.

  4. So.. you didn't install the hardcore sex mods?

    You know that world outside your window? With the trees and flowers and girls that aren't figments of someone else's imagination?

    Yeah they're all out there. Go forth, and explore!

  5. Man, I watched a few of the makeout scenes... Anders's is downright hilarious.

    NOM OM NOM MMMPH *sloppy wet kissing noises*

    Yes because DA I wasn't full of cringe-worthy arty sex music and strangely placed underpants.

    Oh wait

  6. We all know that games now are capable of having exceedingly good in game engine graphics, as good as in game cinematics- for example, Mass Effect uses the same models in cinematics as they do in game (or at least, barring certain animations, I can't tell the difference.) Same with Force Unleashed, Bayonetta, etc.

    Even games with less dazzling graphics (Dragon Age, Dawn of War 1, Homeworld) still have the greatness to use the game engine to do cutscenes (Homeworld is one of the most beautiful games ever made.)

    You know where I am getting now, right?

    Observe this Dragon Age trailer:


    You have a game with pretty awesome graphics as it is and they couldn't use the same freaking game models in the trailer? Sure, it's a trailer, and they allegedly all lie, but this is just... weird. Especially since the voice actors are the same (Claudia Black, I could recognise you anywhere...) I am willing to suspend disbelief to the point that Morrigan can fight hand-to-hand or that Leliana apparently learnt Wuxia acrobatics, but all this effort has been put into a trailer, with the same voice actors, over graphics that aren't actually in the game. But the game graphics are of a sufficient quality to PUT them in the trailer.

    Same with all those RPGs that lie completely about the strange abstract numbers that float off people's heads when they get hurt.

    Case in point: Lineage 2-

    MMORPGs do it worst. Oh come on! Either your game engine is shit, or you're trying too hard to put work in a trailer which you're supposed to be putting in the god damned game!

    I think we have reached the stage where we can use in game models for your awesome trailers, don't you think?

  7. Wait wait wait

    But you can't make that argument when the first thing you posted was how you could evaluate any given computer game title x for a variable value or worth y and then evaluate buying price z in order to show how title x(1) was objectively better or worse than x(2) and that prices z(1) and z(2) could have some rational correlation through its relation with values y(1) and y(2)


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