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Any technology can be used for good or bad purposes. BitTorrent is often associated with piracy, but is also used by large companies, schools, etc. We only host our own torrents, and they contain the same content found on our website, often in higher quality formats.

Collection Torrents

These torrents provide an archive of the entire collection of individual arrangements featured on OC ReMix. They are usually versioned & updated quarterly.

Album Torrents

All OC ReMix albums are released in ZIP format, which contains MP3 files and can be downloaded directly from albums sites, as well as via bittorrent, which includes lossless FLAC versions as well.

Latest: Super Metroid: Relics of the Chozo - 1340 MB

Name Category Size (MB) UL Done Added
Name Category Size (MB) UL Done Added
Super Metroid: Relics of the Chozo Albums 1340 2046 338 2023-09-12
OC ReMix Collection - 4001 to 4473 (Q2 2023 update) Collection 3230 3227 732 2023-08-22
Final Fantasy VIII: SeeDs of Pandora Albums 3231 10835 2236 2023-05-08
Mode Seven: A Jazz Tribute to the SNES Albums 792 7688 1153 2022-11-07
Jet Force Gemini: Mizar Attacks! Albums 1755 2931 960 2021-06-22
BadAss: Paragons & Renegades Albums 727 3065 1811 2020-12-01
OC ReMix Collection - 1 to 4000 [v20201028] Collection 21640 4303 5208 2020-11-11
Golden Sun: A World Reignited Albums 2340 4181 2470 2020-06-30
Shonen ReMix Jump! Albums 493 3348 1488 2020-02-26
Paths Less Travelled: Terranigma Albums 1444 9251 1882 2019-12-19
X over Zero: Mega Man Metal Albums 444 2571 2243 2019-11-26
Songs of the Sirens: Link's Awakening ReMixed Albums 801 3691 3188 2019-09-20
Chronopolis: Music Inspired by Chrono Cross Albums 1081 3172 3535 2019-03-18
Arcadia Legends: Music Inspired by Skies of Arcadia Albums 1963 2653 2339 2018-12-20
Hometown Heroes: Town Themes Arranged Albums 472 3766 2188 2018-11-19
Candy Corn III: Direct to Video Albums 278 2735 1542 2018-10-31
Seiken Densetsu 3: Songs of Light and Darkness Albums 2814 3910 2408 2018-10-01
OverClocked University: Sophomore Year Albums 419 2991 1790 2018-09-11
VROOM: Sega Racing Albums 548 2550 2022 2018-05-08
Secret of Mana: Resonance of the Pure Land Albums 1356 3274 2805 2018-02-04
Candy Corn II: The Sequeling Albums 330 2603 2051 2017-10-30
Heretic Sinphony Albums 173 2691 2108 2017-10-23
Smash The Record: The Record Albums 241 3436 2520 2017-09-14
Mirror Image: A Link to the Past ReMixed Albums 739 3947 5097 2017-08-07
Speeding Towards Adventures: 25 Years of Sonic the Hedgehog Albums 1026 3353 4725 2017-06-22
Super Mario RPG: Window to the Stars Albums 1311 3940 4807 2017-01-31
Candy Corn Albums 229 2407 2828 2016-10-31
Chronology: A Jazz Tribute to Chrono Trigger Albums 495 3744 8542 2016-08-22
Esther's Dreams Albums 977 2714 4015 2016-06-29
Apex 2016: I Got Next Albums 304 3091 3343 2016-06-17
Final Fantasy V: The Fabled Warriors ~II. WATER~ Albums 480 2567 4210 2016-04-25
BadAss: Boss Themes: Volume III Albums 870 2816 6277 2016-03-08
Heart of a Gamer: A Tribute to Satoru Iwata Albums 310 3746 5345 2015-12-06
Super Cartography Bros Albums 3011 2799 5204 2015-11-30
Vampire Variations Trilogy Albums 2695 2985 5871 2015-10-31
Final Fantasy IX: Worlds Apart Albums 2522 3310 9014 2015-09-08
CEO 2015: Champion Albums 487 2658 4458 2015-06-22
Final Fantasy II: Rebellion Albums 873 2845 5207 2015-06-08
7th Saga - Seven Songs for Seventh Saga Albums 1388 2499 5340 2015-03-02
Apex 2015: This Is the Moment Albums 403 2496 5657 2015-01-30
Dungeonmans Remanstered Albums 391 2414 3160 2015-01-12
Shuttle Rush: Shuttle Remix Albums 257 2200 2769 2014-11-06
Final Fantasy VII: Voices of the Lifestream Albums 1673 3365 102113 2014-09-17
Legacy: Game Boy 25th Anniversary Albums 640 2523 8351 2014-07-31
Futebol Arte: World Cup Tribute EP Albums 420 2342 2885 2014-06-30
Super Mario 64: Portrait of a Plumber Albums 1051 2988 11090 2014-06-16
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shell Shocked Albums 995 3017 9142 2014-04-08
Audio Engineering: A Tribute to Cid Albums 408 2618 7285 2014-02-20
Apex 2014: A New Challenger!! Albums 910 2381 7080 2014-01-17
Sonic CD: Temporal Duality Albums 1866 3174 9780 2013-11-25
Bionic Commando ReMixed: OK, We'll Groove Albums 566 2410 4878 2013-10-22
BadAss: Boss Themes: Volume II Albums 719 2722 12665 2013-09-29
Be Aggressive!: A Gunstar Heroes Tribute Album Albums 919 2505 5526 2013-09-09
Pokemon: The Eevee EP Albums 357 2795 13633 2013-08-20
Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin Albums 3244 3433 45679 2013-07-01
Perfection. Original Soundtrack OST 138 2294 4721 2013-06-11
Deus Ex: Sonic Augmentation Albums 328 2464 14010 2013-04-25
THE ANSWER - Armored Core Tribute Album - Albums 455 4371 11968 2013-03-29
Milky Way Wishes: A Kirby Super Star Tribute Albums 351 2655 13479 2013-03-10
Apex 2013: Straight to the Top Albums 347 2661 7982 2013-01-11
Donkey Kong Country 3: Double the Trouble! Albums 3105 2815 11274 2012-12-02
Impulse Original Soundtrack (12 Followers/Meteo Xavier) OST 417 2203 4355 2012-10-18
Final Fantasy: Random Encounter Albums 1109 3094 20544 2012-06-18
Pilotwings: Take Flight Albums 191 2072 7486 2012-04-24
Mega Man X: Maverick Rising Albums 2906 2675 27929 2012-03-23
Unsung Heroes Albums 733 2672 10078 2012-01-24
Wild Arms: ARMed and DANGerous Albums 2494 2659 10016 2011-12-20
BadAss: Boss Themes Albums 905 2840 24456 2011-12-06
25YEARLEGEND: A Legend of Zelda Indie Game Composer Tribute Albums 1081 3589 35980 2011-11-22
Super Dodge Ball: Around the World Albums 877 2249 6216 2011-10-10
Mega Man 9: Back in Blue Albums 783 2777 15411 2011-09-06
NiGHTS: Lucid Dreaming Albums 1361 2310 11886 2011-07-05
Sonic the Hedgehog: The Sound of Speed Albums 559 2958 28670 2011-04-12
Mega Man: The Robot Museum Albums 378 2611 19599 2011-03-24
Pokémon: The Missingno Tracks Albums 858 4862 28107 2011-03-01
Missile Master, Episode 1: Invasion Original Soundtrack OST 164 2166 4104 2011-03-01
Heroes vs. Villains Albums 1039 2319 26734 2011-02-07
Return All Robots! Original Soundtrack OST 434 2465 6573 2010-12-23
Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening: Threshold of a Dream Albums 684 2402 26882 2010-12-12
Teen Agent: The Root of All Evil Albums 363 2267 5647 2010-11-22
Final Fantasy V: The Fabled Warriors ~I. WIND~ Albums 266 2418 17885 2010-09-09
Trenches Original Soundtrack OST 102 2175 5954 2010-07-29
Donkey Kong Country 2: Serious Monkey Business Albums 1286 2746 42643 2010-03-15
Kaleidoscope Original Soundtrack OST 124 2308 6541 2010-02-12
Castlevania: Sonata of the Damned Albums 293 2881 30937 2009-11-01
Xenogears: Humans + Gears Albums 1097 3046 23566 2009-10-19
Final Fantasy IV: Echoes of Betrayal, Light of Redemption Albums 1718 3682 39113 2009-07-18
Namco Tales Series: Summoning of Spirits Albums 1785 3485 17713 2009-03-07
OC ReMix - Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix Official Soundtrack Albums 592 2610 61915 2009-03-06
Sonic the Hedgehog 2: Hedgehog Heaven Albums 86 3194 71642 2009-03-06
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos Albums 202 2721 64614 2009-03-06
Radical Dreamers: Thieves of Fate Albums 96 2755 24027 2009-03-06
Doom: The Dark Side of Phobos Albums 734 2730 49748 2009-03-06
Doom II: Delta-Q-Delta Albums 805 2590 22772 2009-03-06
Donkey Kong Country: Kong in Concert Albums 884 2738 63402 2009-03-06
Chrono Trigger: Chrono Symphonic Albums 573 4500 90021 2009-03-06
Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo: Blood on the Asphalt Albums 122 2619 46934 2009-03-06
Kirby's Adventure: Rise of the Star Albums 322 2270 31034 2009-03-05