Final Fantasy VII "Son of Chaos" 5:39

By Xaleph

Arranging the music of one song...

"Shinra Company"

Primary Game: Final Fantasy VII (Sony , 1997, PS1), music by Nobuo Uematsu

Posted 2008-05-18, evaluated by djpretzel

It's been awhile since our last Voices of the Lifestream ReMix, and now seems like a good time. This one's from Xaleph, who's last mix was part of the comeback flood we did back in late 2007; at the time when he put this 'Shinra' ReMix together, he hadn't had anything on OCR for quite awhile. Hence project director Andrew Aversa writes:

"One of my goals with VotL was to get old-school ReMixers on board to contribute, especially those who hadn't been posted to the site in several years. Xaleph (formally DJ Carbunk1e) was one of the people on that list, and while I was very excited when he signed on, when I finally got his finished track I was REALLY happy. I always thought the Shinra theme was one of the best selections from the FFVII soundtrack in terms of its mood and ambiance, and this ReMix just really brings out those qualities while simultaneously converting it into a new genre entirely - "downtempo psytrance", I think?

Anyway, it's awesome no matter what you call it, and if you listen to tefnek's "motor crazycycle" right after this it not only makes sense in terms of the game timeline, but they flow really well too."

Downtempo psytrance indeed; I confess that I wouldn't REALLY be able to identify psytrance with 100% certainty even if it came up and bit me in whatever parts psytrance would bite, but I can hear the trance elements, and things are certainly deliberate. It's interesting to hear some of the staple kick drum and synth bass trance patches employed in a slower, more open context. You've got spooky lo-fi sweeping pads, piano, filtered choral elements, the afforementioned trance kick along with an assortment of additional tasteful electronic percussion and, of course, synths aplenty. Actually, given the attention to detail on the drums and the rather ambient nature of the piece, it sounds not unlike modern film soundtrack work. "Soundtrack" isn't really a musical genre - it's more of a context/medium - but perhaps that'd nevertheless be the most likely mental categorization some would make. It also sounds like good "tactical espionage action" music, but perhaps I've just got MGS4 on the brain. Excellent work from Xaleph; I definitely agree with Andy that with this track he brought something both different and valuable to the overall project. Check it out, and (dead horse? beaten!) be sure to check out Final Fantasy VII: Voices of the Lifestream if for some reason you haven't yet.



Latest 15 comments/reviews; view the complete thread or post your own.
on 2012-07-10 00:45:21

What is that thing... it's like a dance kick drum? It starts the track off... I hate it

I enjoyed this track enormously... except I cringed every time I heard that sound - I'm gonna call it a kick drum...

At 1:57 the kick drum takes a back seat but still feels like it's still violating me...

If that kick drum was different I'd put this song on my permanent play list, but as it stands... I'll pass

Well worth a listen, some great things happening :grin: but beware of the kick drum of doom

on 2011-12-17 14:09:17

It's because of this track that I found OCRemix so I thought it was about time to sings it's praises. I still listen to this track today and still love the dark undertones, the stereo delay on the drums making the complex rhythms and how it keeps the familiar vibe of the original whilst still being something new. Love it

on 2009-11-20 16:53:19

the darker the trance, the happier I am. This song brings a very big smile to my face. I can almost picture Sephiroth's twisted smile as he discovers his origins when I listen to this song. I love the synth bass that first appears at 0:38. An all around well-layered and foreboding song. It holds very true to the source material but takes it down a very dark road. Props.

Pachi Risu
on 2009-11-13 12:56:56

Nice job with creating a foreboding sensation. Kudos.

on 2009-05-02 23:05:08

I think this may have made better music for in the Shinra tower than the music used in-game.

But anyway, this piece is really cool, very dark, and yet still gives the feel of an evil, planet-killing, cash-mongering company's HQ building.

Very nice.

on 2008-09-02 16:11:17

I love that high end cold synth. Mixed with the choir; such a sinister sound.

The feel of this is great, it moves slowly but with a purpose, and it's not plodding at all. A very difficult balance pulled off expertly here. I love how the cymbal crashes don't really hit as much as explode into particles. Fantastic effect and very well used.

The original theme was pretty good to begin with, but this takes it to such a new level, the comparison is simply ridiculous.

A++ material

on 2008-06-05 15:39:58

great spacial feel. keep up the good work.

Motari Riseth
on 2008-06-02 22:56:44

Ugh. Yet again another Final Fantasy VII remix has my stomach churning with nostalgia.

It's songs like this that remind me of why I fell in love with Final Fantasy VII in the first place.

on 2008-05-21 12:14:15

I like the evil feel of this one. Definately a good use of sounds to acheive the right effects.

on 2008-05-20 09:21:25

Ahh this was easily one of my favs from VotL. The arrangement and sound choices totally heightened the mood and atmosphere of the piece. The intricate rhythms and lofi choir are def my favs. It gives the piece this slow but bouncy feel with an indefinite coolness factor.

on 2008-05-20 00:42:13

ABOUT FRIGGIN TIME THIS ONE GOT ADDED! One of the coolest and evil mixes of VoTL a great piece in general. :D

on 2008-05-19 10:51:25

Yeah, the power in this one was pretty sick. Excellent arrangement and awesome production, Matt! Really can't wait for what's next from you if you're still planning to refurbish some older pieces of yours. You've really taken your game to another level in the past 2 years, and it shows!

on 2008-05-19 10:34:37

nice nice! loving the atmosphere

on 2008-05-19 05:32:31

One of my favorite remixes from VotL.

Great production, superb mood and nice use of synths.

All in all, a keeper.

on 2008-05-18 22:24:05

What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.

Sources Arranged (1 Song)

Primary Game:
Final Fantasy VII (Sony , 1997, PS1)
Music by Nobuo Uematsu
"Shinra Company"

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