Jurassic Park "Concerto for Velociraptor" 3:52

By Koelsch1

Arranging the music of 4 songs...

"Game Over", "Grant: Stranded in T-Rex Territory!", "Map", "Power Station B"

Primary Game: Jurassic Park (Sega , 1993, GEN), music by Sam Powell

Posted 2006-05-08, evaluated by the judges panel

Koelsch1 has sent in a number of mixes that have really had some very innovative and expressive arrangement ideas coupled, unfortunately, with problematic production elements or arrangement ideas that didn't fit the context quite so well. This particular mix he finally decided to keep revising, based largely on panel feedback, to a point where it'd more likely "break on through to the other side", and his iterative process has indeed paid off. This JP (Gen) mix uses sax in its intro and outro to evoke velociraptors crying... or howling... or whatever it is that velociraptors did. Perhaps they were just voicing disapproval of Sam Neill; it's hard to say. The effect reminds me of some of the very strange and otherworldy woodwind effects that permeate the soundtrack to the X animated feature. The more melodic sax passages remind me of Branford Marsalis' performances on Horner's Sneakers score (truly great soundtrack), if more minor key and menacing. GL gives mixed praise:

"I was ready to NO this, but the sax work is too nice and luckily it's the star role here. The background material while problematic, is sufficient. Now that it has reverb again, it sounds better. Though I would have pushed the strings a bit further back, especially during the solo harp section and the string pizz/spic where they are exposed and very thin sounding."

The sax is definitely the star, and the strings definitely have some consistency issues. There are times when the sax itself is a little late on the beat; whether intentional or not, it does come off as dragging a bit once or twice. But the arrangement itself capitalizes on the live sax admirably, with afforementioned intro and outro effects that do quite a bit to contextualize the piece and put it in a sort of "double-reed wilderness", in addition to the flowing, legato melody. The ReMixer put quite a bit of time and energy into revising this, but there are still some latent issues with the portions that don't lean as heavily, or at all, on the sax. Collaborations might be one way of learning to handle aspects of accompaniment while turning out pieces that are more polished overall, but if he wants to go the solo route, I can admire that, too, since that's the path I've taken to date. The arrangement's dark and inventive and the sax adds quite a bit of life; other elements have some catching up to do, sure, but the former duo is enough to hold down this particular fort.



Latest 15 comments/reviews; view the complete thread or post your own.
on 2009-11-10 18:17:47

Nice sax tone, but the rest of the track was super empty. Not really feeling this one at all, sorry. :-(

on 2009-01-20 19:49:00

There's a big jump between the intro and the main mix which detracts a bit from it.

The sax here is amazing, but that's about it. Nothing much else here that's worth noting. Fairly average mix.

Martin Penwald
on 2006-06-02 10:17:12

I'm diggin' the sax. To me, the whole piece has kind of a movie-score-ish feel to it. Especially starting from 1:30, this sounds like a film-noir/late 80's Cyberpunk Anime soundtrack. And props for the "velociraptor" sounds.

Overall, a very nice piece that caught my attention immediately after the first time listening to it.

on 2006-05-20 14:31:05

Wow! Koelsch1 made it to OCR! This is interesting news! Alot of VGMixers, both once horrible moving to the big-tops, and top 20 remixers have been on here in the last couple a years! Who will be next? BlackPerson? Gwylim? Reece Riley The Terminator? Oh man! I'm keeping my eye on this site more often!

Anyway, let me review the mix. This is some very interesting orchestral ambience. It should have been featured in the movie but it was definately worth a listen. The tuba, strings and violas, although not excellent in sample quality, but which that accompany the sax, are excellent sequenced followers and players (as they play off certain lead parts) of the star, the saxophone. We need more mixes like this. Good job, Koelsch!


on 2006-05-14 13:49:48

I have to admit that I jumped the gun on this mix a little. I saw it was from some game I've never played and then read the title: "Concerto something or another...meh." And just wrote it off. Then I finally listened to it, and I think I did myself a favor. This isn't the most intense or exciting peice for sure, but I do like the arrangment, and I love the sax.

I'd really think of this as more ambient or background music than a concerto piece. I say this because aside from the very beginning the music never really reaches out and grabs you ,but regardless; it sounds nice . The whole velociraptor call thing at the beginning is pretty clever, too!

on 2006-05-11 17:59:03

Heh. I was just reading all 4 judge decision threads about this for fun, and some positive comments caught my interest so I decided to check it out.

This feels really empty and limited to me. Like... really empty. It doesn't even feel like a song. Things are just jumping in and out with no connection either. Where's the beef? I don't get it. I can't take something like this seriously. The 0:31 section started out interesting... then everything just got progressively lacking and directionless, especially around 1:55 and near the end. My favorite section was probably 3:48, I think the raptor call worked there; I guess? Whatever. Send this to OLR. :lol:

on 2006-05-09 07:12:26

Saxophone breeding... heh. Something about that saying is giving me the most girlish vibes in my way of thinking right now. :P Thank you very much.

Also, considering Forsaken World, I can't really speak on Darangen's behalf but I'm sure the reason on that is because in spite of some improving production work, the interpretation of the theme itself was too conservative to make it onto the site. That also had a very close vote to accompany it, so I understand your grief with that track.

on 2006-05-09 01:57:06
Don't question the judges, or bad things will happen to you in your sleep.

Yes sir... ^_^

And Taucer, thanks for righting me me on the whole Star Freezes Over thing... I had forgotten that DJP overuled that one.

As for Saxophone breeding... yeah.

Red Shadow
on 2006-05-09 00:49:06
I felt that the jazz style improvisational sax was completely out of place among the contemporary orchestral backing track, and the backing track itself was pretty weak as far as samples and even arrangement go. The raptor communication at the beginning was extremely creative, however, and I will never hesitate to congratulate someone for making it onto the site. Good work, sir. Hope to see more mixes from you, because you sure know how to play sax. :)

I'm the kind of person that likes blending of styles like this, so I'll have to respectfully disagree with you. :]

Xenon Odyssey
on 2006-05-09 00:22:39
Red Tailed Fox: New mix yaaay

XenonOdyssey22: omg where?

Red Tailed Fox: I am talking about the Koelsch1 thang

XenonOdyssey22: o yeah, I heard that last night

XenonOdyssey22: INSANE




XenonOdyssey22: OMFG!

XenonOdyssey22: TO THE PHOTOSHOP!

Red Tailed Fox: Omg man, please do this, please.

XenonOdyssey22: I would if I had photoshop

Red Tailed Fox: Yeah, me too...


Man, compare this to my works, and mine make you wanna smash your speakers. Koelsch plays some truly amazing sax, whether it is making velociraptor noises or grooving to the beat. I inspire to play my sax as well as he can. Congratulations on making to OCR, Koelsch. You definitely deserve it.

Benjamin Briggs
on 2006-05-08 23:36:44

I felt that the jazz style improvisational sax was completely out of place among the contemporary orchestral backing track, and the backing track itself was pretty weak as far as samples and even arrangement go. The raptor communication at the beginning was extremely creative, however, and I will never hesitate to congratulate someone for making it onto the site. Good work, sir. Hope to see more mixes from you, because you sure know how to play sax. :)

Mr. Fox
on 2006-05-08 23:04:44

Red Tailed Fox: New mix yaaay

XenonOdyssey22: omg where?

Red Tailed Fox: I am talking about the Koelsch1 thang

XenonOdyssey22: o yeah, I heard that last night

XenonOdyssey22: INSANE




XenonOdyssey22: OMFG!

XenonOdyssey22: TO THE PHOTOSHOP!

Anyways, I just wanna give my second props to the remixer, I still can't find anything really special about the "velociphones" but the interpretation and sax playing grow on me on every listen.

on 2006-05-08 22:14:36

I like the arrangement of the song, but major gripes to the backround accompaniment, other then that - good song.

The Orichalcon
on 2006-05-08 21:49:42

Don't question the judges, or bad things will happen to you in your sleep.

Congrats to Koelsch. I still love the sax in this.

Geoffrey Taucer
on 2006-05-08 21:48:06
I don't understand how they could accept this and not, for instance, Daragon's Forsaken World, or Taucer's A Star Freezes Over. These things sometimes seem arbitrary.

The judges DID accept SFO. DJP vetoed the YES decision by the judges, not due to arrangement quality, but due to the fact that it incorporated a non-vg sourcetune.

While I do agree the the production is not what it could be on this piece, I think it more than makes up for it with innovation, and with some truly hot sax.

Sources Arranged (4 Songs)

Primary Game:
Jurassic Park (Sega , 1993, GEN)
Music by Sam Powell
"Game Over"
"Grant: Stranded in T-Rex Territory!"
"Power Station B"

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