Tales of Destiny "Pretension" 5:40

By Jewbei

Arranging the music of one song...

"Tales of destiny"

Primary Game: Tales of Destiny (Namco , 1997, PS1), music by DEEN, Motoi Sakuraba, Shinji Tamura, Tommy Tallarico Studios

Posted 2008-12-20, evaluated by the judges panel

Seems like quite a bit can happen in just a couple days, too:

Actually, I also finally broke down and bought a Kurzweil PC3 after a decade-long obsession with VAST, which you'll probably be hearing on all my '09 mixes, but that's small potatoes next to Andy & Jill's announcement - sincere congrats from me personally and on behalf of OCR. Definitely saw it coming a mile away, but that just reinforces how much sense it makes and how good a fit you two are!

Right then, for this frigid weekend morning we've got more toasty n00b action, as Jewbei (James Joyner) hits us with some Tales of Destiny trance. He straightforwardly writes:

"This is a remix to Tale Of Destiny's Title theme. I've learned from my mistakes from my last submission. The feedback from the judges have helped to realize my strengths and weaknesses. In my last submission Liontamer pointed out that i have the skills necessary and that I just need to develop them. Thank you for your time."

It sounds a little like Larry was performing the role of Tony Robbins in that exchange, but whatever - it worked, and the final result is some epic trance that really focuses on the rolls/builds. Some elements here are pedestrian, and the cleaner saw synth seems like it could have used a touch-up, but the builds are huge, extended out past the usual number of bars to the point where they become less transition and more the emphasis of the song structure. Mr. Fiancé says:

"This is reminiscent of Siamey's style of trance, which is somewhat "harder" than most subs we get. I like the creative soundfield: it has a decent amount of standard trance sounds, but some other interesting tones on the side... I'm liking the arrangement, which has a good balance between original writing & source material. The variations on the simple source arpeggio are well-executed. I was hoping to hear more of the chord progression from the original, but this is not a big issue."

James did actually make some production fixes while the mix was being evaluated by the judges that addressed most of their concerns in that arena, nixing some clipping and polishing things up. I think there's room for growth in terms of instrumentation & arrangement, but with these fixes James has solid production, and most importantly his mix has a sense of energy & urgency that's critical to sustaining a longer trance track, so definite kudos there. I dug it, I looped it a couple times, and I've come to the conclusion that it's an enjoyable bit o' trance to get your holidays thumpin'. Congrats to Andy & Jill on the engagement and to newcomer Jewbei on his first mix being posted.



Latest 15 comments/reviews; view the complete thread or post your own.
on 2011-04-27 14:57:14

don't like that music style. But i love Tales. good job

on 2009-12-03 16:43:35

Nice builds. :nicework:

Seriously, this is a pretty great genre adaptation, and it has enough personality to sound distinct. Some nice original stuff mixed in with source makes this a good arrangement in my mind. I dig it. :-)

on 2009-02-15 12:13:24

Whoops! I meant to review this song ten listens ago. Guess I got lost in it.

I've been nodding my head for the last ten minutes and I couldn't figure out why until I realized I was listening to this song. Fantastic trance.

on 2009-01-23 20:53:44

This is a great mix and worth checking out, but, imo, this mix set up a great foundation just to go crazy and do all kinds of creative tricks, but it didn't. It just stays "low and slow".

It really is a good mix as it is, but the potential to do much more here is obvious.

on 2009-01-01 20:17:44


Once the melody came in I thoroughly enjoyed it. I don't know too much about this style, but I do know that the way you've meshed together certain sounds works really well, and it keeps me interested all the way through, it's never boring. My only beef is that the beginning up until the melody seems a tad too long for my tastes, but again, that's probably just me. Excellent work.

on 2008-12-29 19:40:02

I loved Tales of Destiny. Nice to see a remix from that game. I've been an avid Tales fan since Tales of Destiny. Keep it up.

on 2008-12-24 19:04:06
pretty conservative imo

WHAT?!? :tomatoface:

on 2008-12-24 13:08:59

pretty conservative imo, but still a really nice mix. good job!

WHAT?!? :tomatoface:

Oh, don't get me wrong, the builds are sick, but they always come back to a rather subdued (at least imo) pace. Nothing wrong with that at all, I just like lots of noise :-P

on 2008-12-24 01:04:14
No one said Jewbei was a n00b to music. If people believed that, he wouldn't be on OCR. OCR is famous enough for people to know only the best usually get accepted. Newcomer, n00b, newb, newbie... Who cares how they say it. He's a new artist to OCR. They're not trying to belittle him. Besides, you shouldn't challenge a judge like that, especially when it's a stupid argument.

Can we stop changing the subject now? I enjoy reading all the positive feedback this song is getting without the off topic nonsense. Thanks.

You know what, I could drag this on, because I don't say things without reason. But meh, I was just trying to reserve a more epic title for him *shrug*. "Toasty n00b" isn't my idea of epic...:puppyeyes:

on 2008-12-23 22:11:19
Then use "Newcomer", gawd 8-O Just tryin' to stick up fer my brutha legend here

No one said Jewbei was a n00b to music. If people believed that, he wouldn't be on OCR. OCR is famous enough for people to know only the best usually get accepted. Newcomer, n00b, newb, newbie... Who cares how they say it. He's a new artist to OCR. They're not trying to belittle him. Besides, you shouldn't challenge a judge like that, especially when it's a stupid argument.

Can we stop changing the subject now? I enjoy reading all the positive feedback this song is getting without the off topic nonsense. Thanks.

on 2008-12-23 01:12:22
Anyone who has a first mix here is a "newcomer" or "n00b"; it doesn't mean they're new to music. In other words, shaddapz! :tomatoface:

Then use "Newcomer", gawd 8-O Just tryin' to stick up fer my brutha legend here

on 2008-12-23 01:11:22

wow abg you came out of nowhere! we have alot of catching up to do. and thanks for the kind words man.

on 2008-12-22 23:53:01

This is a really cool track. I like how you don't rely on the same sounds and patterns the whole mix, every moment feels like it has some sort of fresh new element driving things forward. This track has a very natural flow that is very important for trance music. Great work Jewbei!

on 2008-12-22 21:39:02
Well he's been here a while, posted a song (though it didn't make the cut)... so he's not a n00b. plus... n00b sounds lame and Jewbei ain't lame XD

Maybe "New Challanger"

Anyone who has a first mix here is a "newcomer" or "n00b"; it doesn't mean they're new to music. In other words, shaddapz! :tomatoface:

on 2008-12-22 21:13:09
"n00b", as in, this is his first OC ReMix. He's a n00b to being posted here.

Well he's been here a while, posted a song (though it didn't make the cut)... so he's not a n00b. plus... n00b sounds lame and Jewbei ain't lame XD

Maybe "New Challanger"

Sources Arranged (1 Song)

Primary Game:
Tales of Destiny (Namco , 1997, PS1)
Music by DEEN,Motoi Sakuraba,Shinji Tamura,Tommy Tallarico Studios
"Tales of destiny"

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