Super Mario Odyssey "Now the Flowers Will Grow!" 5:50

By Black Ace

Arranging the music of 2 songs from 2 games ( view all )...

"Steam Gardens", "Underground BGM"

Primary Game: Super Mario Odyssey (Nintendo , 2017, SWTCH), music by Koji Kondo, Naoto Kubo, Shigetoshi Gohara, Shiho Fujii

Posted 2020-10-15, evaluated by Rexy

Black Ace (Alexey Bakhmetyev) hits us with a frolicking wallop of d'n'b on this breakneck, breakbeat-laden take on Super Mario Odyssey's surftastical "Steam Gardens" theme:

"My remix of "Steam Gardens" theme from Super Mario Odyssey.

Природа за время самоизоляции очистилась настолько, что ко мне начало приходить вдохновение и (что несколько печалит) появилось время для написания музыки, посему вот уже ВТОРОЙ САМОИЗОЛЯЦИОННЫЙ РЕЛИЗ!

Начну издалека - наконец-то я смог поиграть и полностью пройти Super Mario Odyssey! Игра действительно шикарная, ну и как полагается - имеет замечательный ОСТ! Пожалуй, самым популярным и узнаваемым треком в этой игре является тема Лесного королевства под названием "Steam Gardens" - судить об этом можно хотя бы по количеству уже существующих каверов.

Почему так случилось? Во-первых - это совершенно нетипичный для Супер Марио музыкальный стиль - сёрф-рок, а во-вторых - ОЧЕНЬ приятная и прилипчивая гитарная мелодия!

Мне тоже долгое время хотелось сделать что-то приближённое к этому музыкальному стилю, но не было повода и, так сказать, технической возможности. Сейчас появилось и то, и другое! Поэтому представляю вам мой ремикс на эту тему в стиле ДРАНДУБАСА! (Hey, OC ReMix guys? R U there? Yeah, it's DRANDUBAS time again! :'D)

Главное испытание, которое я для себя устроил - добиться максимальной схожести гитары с оригиналом. Думаю, получилось неплохо. Ну и от себя я, традиционно, тоже кое-что добавил. :)"

If you're not down with the Russian/Cyrillic or are simply too lazy to Google Translate, this is the second mix Alexey's made during isolation, he dug Odyssey and specifically the novelty of this theme introducing surf guitars into the world of Mario, and yes... it's time for more DRUNDUBAS! He also tried to make the guitars as close as possible to the original, and I'd say he succeeded; pretty solid resemblance. You've got some crazy transitions, found fx/samples left & right, a thorough pummeling of swift beats, and a generally manic - but musical - d'n'b take on Kondo's swingin' source. Rexy evaluated & lays down her thoughts:

"Good old' "Drundubas"! I'm so glad that Alexey read the blurb on his recent Battletoads arrangement because even he knows this translation error won't go away any time soon. Naturally, the polish is on par with previous works, with some ear-catching synth tones and flanger effects carrying them forward, all parts being identifiable in the mix, and some fantastic LFO shaping and drum writing to maintain interest. If any part had me a little confused with its use, it was the female vocal at 3:18. Tonally it feels like the anomaly of the sound palette, but the sound is shaped lovely and gives it a defined place in this buildup.

Of course, the source is noticeable right off the bat - going through one loop with some twists, and then part of another with some added manipulations. My concerns about source clarity on that Battletoads arrangement seemed to have gotten taken to heart - because he's allowed for the brass riffs in the background to take prominence whenever the melody takes a backseat. The shoutout to the SMB1 Underworld theme at 2:22 was genius, and it adapted so naturally into the setting, being a great breakdown before the C section's use. He played around with the melody during the second half, too. There's a full development on the A section at 3:40, and the B section at 4:25 getting added rhythm bursts that synergize amazingly well with the beat.

It all adds up to a fun interpretation with an equally entertaining presentation - definitely can't expect anything less from Alexey. молодец!"

I really liked the 3'18" non-sequitur; breaks things up, unexpected, and the already-maximalist, kitchen-sink aesthetic made the angelic vox a great juxtaposition. If they weren't growing before, those flowers have *gotta* be growing now - excellent stuff from Black Ace!



Latest 4 comments/reviews; view the complete thread or post your own.
on 2024-04-09 11:50:54

The drums went crazy on this one! This one was definitely a trip, I think my favorite part of the remix was the clever and creative use of the SFX throughout. This was fun to listen to, good job!

on 2023-12-05 19:27:15

Mixing surf guitars and energetic drum and bass together wasn't a combo I'd expect, but it's one I love. The female vocal breakdown was nice as was the transition back to the beat. Overall, not bad at all.

on 2020-10-19 20:49:07

When you start with a song as good as Steam Gardens, it's almost guaranteed you'll have a winner. I think this goes on a little longer than necessary but it's good nonetheles

on 2020-10-13 14:16:06

What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.

Sources Arranged (2 Songs, 2 Games)

Primary Game:
Super Mario Odyssey (Nintendo , 2017, SWTCH)
Music by Koji Kondo,Naoto Kubo,Shigetoshi Gohara,Shiho Fujii
"Steam Gardens"
Additional Game:
Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo , 1985, NES)
Music by Koji Kondo
"Underground BGM"

Tags (7)

Drum and bass
Electric Guitar,Electronic,Sound FX,Synth
Time > Tempo: Fast

File Information

10,372,579 bytes


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