Posted 2024-09-08, evaluated by the judges panel

Happy birthday to OCR Sage pixelseph of twin magic act Pixels & Paradiddles! We're celebrating Seph with an FF8 classic rock-style co-arrangement with Phoenix-based band The Rocket Knights that pays stylistic tribute to Pink Floyd as well as the emo love of Squall and Rinoa! Our Dwelling of Duels line-up:

Great line-up, and a warm welcome to the Tiberian Sons' Connor Engstrom as well! Long-time community member Guy In Rubber Suit makes his OC ReMixing debut as part of the Rocket Knights, providing his comments:

"This was originally submitted to the Final Fantasy month (November 2023) for Dwelling of Duels. I just had an idea to take "Balamb Garden" and make in the style of Pink Floyd, specifically "Wish You Were Here". I didn't have a lot of experience arranging, mixing, or dealing with instruments other than guitar, so I asked for some collaborators (anonymously, of course) and I ended up working with some amazing musicians that really helped make everything happen! We may have not placed super high in the end -- I am beyond proud of what we did."

Definitely no need to be fixated on the placement when DoD has loads of strong entries each month; the important part is not missing out on all the good things in life by not submitting there in the first place! We're glad they did, because this sounds pretty chill. The way pixelseph & donut's adorably schmoopy & tortured voice acting was produced does a solid job of sounding like they're voice clips taken from another medium, like you'd hear in some synthwave piece. Judge Hemophiliac was glad these folks joined together, putting over how strongly the tribute style and performances were executed:

"This has such a warm tone to the track, that it feels homely. Maybe that's what Balamb Garden felt like to the SeeDs? The reverb on the guitar is so very reminiscent of Pink Floyd, and that's exactly what you were going for, so kudos!

The musicianship across the board is excellent in all performances. Siolfor is solid as a rock in the bottom, and the drums are steady and constant. The lead and synth both fit together very well. [...]

It's so great how you all bring it together for the big recap (4:35-5:30), introducing what might be big synth pads or strings to help lift everything up aside from everyone playing stronger and more forte. I think it's tough to pull off big energy for that long without it becoming tiring. You are successful in doing that here, and it feels so fitting to hold a big forte that long. Great job everyone involved!"

Strong lead performance once the "Balamb" melody arrived at 2:05, digging the tone like Hemophiliac and the other Js also noted; the acoustic guitars and DeLuxDolemite's percussion clicked so nicely here and throughout. Really liked the supporting guitar line as well at 2:38, drifting in between original writing and referencing the source. Also, Hemo caught it, and I did too, I see what you did there at 4:16 & 4:28, you heathens! The change-up at 5:20 with the textures and going for that old timey effect was also cool. VERY nice work, y'all, just an amazing concept!



Latest 4 comments/reviews; view the complete thread or post your own.
Red Shadow
on 2024-09-08 23:14:01

well, this track made me feel like tearing up and then immediately resist that compulsion, which is exactly the effect i expect from most pink floyd songs, so i'd say they nailed it

Guy In Rubber Suit
on 2024-09-08 22:43:39

I'm really happy with how this turned out! Every collaborator was amazing and excited to work on this -- which was something I was worried about in the beginning. I wasn't sure if I would have gotten any collaborators let alone some great musicians to work with. And I'm glad that this track is my OCR debut!

on 2024-09-08 19:36:22

This was a lovely piece to put together in under a month (arranging took a couple of days, recording another couple of days, and then Connor mixed it all in maybe 10 days or so?)

Each and every collaborator was awesome to work with, and I’d collab with them again in a heartbeat!!

on 2024-09-08 18:16:01
What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.

Sources Arranged (1 Song)

Primary Game:
Final Fantasy VIII (Square , 1999, PS1)
Music by Nobuo Uematsu
"Balamb GARDEN"

Tags (14)

Acoustic Guitar,Electric Guitar,Synth,Vocals: Voice Acting
Arrangement > Extended Soloing
Lyrics > Language: English
Lyrics > Lyrics: Existing
Origin > Collaboration
Origin > Competition > Dwelling of Duels
Production > Live Instruments
Time > 4/4 Time Signature

File Information

11,061,505 bytes

I'll be waiting for you. If you come here, you'll find me, I promise.

I'll be here too. It's a promise. Thanks, Squall. Next time, we'll meet for sure.

Sure, but she left. Just... disappeared. I'm... afraid. Afraid of having that comfort taken away.

You were afraid of losing us? Is that why you kept your distance?

I was always alone.

Squall, you missed out on all the good things in life.


I don't want the future. I want the present to stand still. I want to stay here with you.

I don't know what to do. For the first time, I don't know which way to go.

I've fallen for you. Rinoa, am I just supposed to let you go?

Next time, we'll meet for sure.


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