Album: For Everlasting Peace: 25 Years of Mega Man

A commercial arrange album, published by OverClocked ReMix on 2013-10-29

  • Catalog Number: OCRC-0001
  • Published: 2013-10-29 by OverClocked ReMix
  • Media: 2 Digital


Disc 1

1. Searing Scissors (Mega Man: Cut Man Stage) 3:04
2. The Breach (Mega Man: Dr. Wily Stage 1) 4:13
3. Bombs Away! (Mega Man: Bomb Man Stage) 3:20
4. Slow Your Roll (Mega Man X: Armored Armadillo Stage) 3:39
5. Jungle Kuwanger (Mega Man X: Boomer Kuwanger Stage) 4:22
6. Electric Spark (Mega Man X: Spark Mandrill Stage) 3:59
7. Rubber Horse (Mega Man Zero: Fake) 2:05
8. Fluid Motion (Mega Man Zero: Crash) 3:43
9. The Nightwatch (Mega Man Zero: Neo Arcadia) 4:00
10. Dagger Vision (Second Sight Mix) [Mega Man ZX: Area L - Laboratory] 3:52
11. Ore wa Rockman ZX! (Mega Man ZX: Area C - City) 3:52
12. Model Funk (Mega Man ZX: Area B - Mountain Pass) 3:50

Disc 2

1. Hanmuru Moon (Mega Man Legends: Hanmuru Doll Appears!) 4:37
2. Gate Crasher (Mega Man Legends: Main Gate) 4:04
3. Tres Bonne (Mega Man Legends: We Are the Three Bonne Siblings) 4:30
4. Amps Macabre (Mega Man Battle Network: Electrical Crisis) 4:20
5. No Matter Where You Go, This Will Always Be Home (Mega Man Battle Network: Hometown) 4:49
6. Exchange (Mega Man Battle Network: Boundless Network) 5:07
7. Spacegazer (Mega Man Star Force: Space!?) 4:12
8. Libra Funkadelic (Mega Man Star Force: Studying!) 4:42
9. Falling Star (Mega Man Star Force: Shooting Star) 4:42


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Latest 15 comments/reviews; view the complete thread or post your own.
on 2024-02-01 21:43:25

You can always download DRM-free MP3s from Amazon.

This album is also not an indie-album, there were very specific terms we had to abide by because this album was done in collaboration with Capcom. Bandcamp doesn’t support region restrictions, which was one of their requirements, so we could not put it on Bandcamp, despite it being one of the first things we investigated.

on 2024-02-01 13:38:18
13 hours ago, Routhinator said:

2 years later.. the only option here is really Amazon DRM bs? Please provide another option - preferably bandcamp or similar. I'll pay $20 - it's not the cost that's an issue, it's the source and the fact that I cannot download a flac/mp3 copy for offline.

Wait, you can't download mp3s from Amazon? Well, then that means there are no options then. I hate when music artists, especially indies, make it nigh impossible to access they're music.

on 2024-02-01 00:06:09

2 years later.. the only option here is really Amazon DRM bs? Please provide another option - preferably bandcamp or similar. I'll pay $20 - it's not the cost that's an issue, it's the source and the fact that I cannot download a flac/mp3 copy for offline.

on 2021-07-07 15:35:34

CD Baby is closed, Amazon is charging $12 instead of the $10 listed on the website, and I'm not interested in itunes. Is Amazon really my only option or is there somewhere else I can buy this album? I would love to get the physical copy too, but CD Baby is no more.

on 2014-07-09 17:30:08

just got my copy and started listening to the first disc. good GOD, i can not take theoryofN's track off repeat. it's soooooo good. even got people at work hooked on it!

Phonetic Hero
on 2013-12-01 02:31:23
So in the end I see you guys couldn't resist the temptation after all.

The temptation of doing an album for Capcom after they asked us to? Yeah, that sure was a toughie... :P

Brandon Strader
on 2013-11-30 18:59:23

We are all tempted by the 'EH!!'

....we all know what he meant.... :cry:

on 2013-11-30 16:52:39
So in the end I see you guys couldn't resist the temptation after all.

What temptation, praytell?

on 2013-11-30 16:43:25

So in the end I see you guys couldn't resist the temptation after all.

Brandon Strader
on 2013-11-02 10:59:37
Better to be rubbed off the wrong way than to not be rubbed off at all, amirite

no space.gif

Phonetic Hero
on 2013-11-02 10:52:52
Phonetic's interpretation of Boomer Kewanger rubs me off the wrong way.

Better to be rubbed off the wrong way than to not be rubbed off at all, amirite

on 2013-11-01 11:41:33

iTunes appears to have messed up a lot. It was also originally priced at $19.99.

on 2013-11-01 11:19:38

When I downloaded the album off iTunes on Tuesday night, I realized the final track just credited Joshua Morse, but according to the Soundcloud is looks like it features Danimal Cannon as well. Just FYI, that track might not be tagged correctly in the iTunes store.

Jake shows up as DJ/JD and not DjjD too, by the way.

on 2013-10-31 16:44:26
Jeff wasn't on Sixto's track. That was an error on my part (Jeff worked on another track with Sixto for a different project I'm running, I mixed things up). That track was 100% Sixto.

Ah, okay. I may have also assumed since there was violin, it was Jeff. Oh well, I do remember Sixto had access to a violin back when he did that Tales album track.

on 2013-10-30 16:47:04
I personally felt like a good portion of the tracks had come off as a bit blasé (:|), but there were still some really good ones in there. I ended up reposting those on my soundcloud. I especially liked the Sixto-Jeff collab and halc's track.

Jeff wasn't on Sixto's track. That was an error on my part (Jeff worked on another track with Sixto for a different project I'm running, I mixed things up). That track was 100% Sixto.