Article by: Polo
Pictured from: Soul Calibur II
Created by: Namco
First appearance: 1995
As Europe entered an age of conquest in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, goods that weren't traded were often plundered. One Italian merchant hoarded all his treasures and, piratelike, buried them deep on a Mediterranean island, setting up traps to make short work of any thieves. He knew it wouldn't be enough, not long after he died, so if the traps failed, then vandals would have to answer to the merchant's loyal vassal: Voldo.
Armed with armor-piercing katars, Voldo's overriding priority is to guard the Money Pit — his master's treasure horde and grave. Years of subterranean refuge have blinded the warrior and chipped away at his sanity, but his killing skills remain sharp and unpredictable. Voldo rushes, pounces, and stabs intruders, facing forward or backward, or even if he lies back on his hands and feet, torso stretched like a table — a popular stance among fans.
One day, Voldo hears his late master's voice — real or imagined, he cannot say — telling him to retrieve a sword known as Soul Edge. In his lifetime, the merchant dispatched mercenaries, pirates, and other travelers to find the sword that grants its owner any earthly desire, to no avail. But the latest grave robber to escape the Money Pit intact carried the scent of Soul Edge on her. Now Voldo surfaces into the world of light, tracking the fabled blade, set on bringing it to rest in the Money Pit even if it's in shards.
Selected game appearances
- Soul Edge (1995)
- Soul Blade (1996)
- Soul Calibur (1999)
PlayStation 2
- Soul Calibur II (2003)
- Soul Calibur III (2005)