Arkanoid "Navel Lint Dub" 3:14

By mutagene

Arranging the music of one song...


Primary Game: Arkanoid (Imagine Software , 1986, C64), music by Martin Galway

Posted 2000-12-31, evaluated by djpretzel

Ahhhh - mutagene returns to educate us ignoramuses about what DUB *REALLY* is :) Very trippy, Deeeeeeeep Bass - so deep it might just go all the way down and come out somewhere in China, depending on where you live. Brilliant filter tweaks on the reggae-offbeat hits, and a general overal atmosphere of "Hey mon, com on and smoke som Ganja and play some Aaaaahkanoid and everyting will be jus fine" if you know what I mean. The irony of this ReMix is that Arkanoid can be a pretty fast-paced game, and this music is very relaxed and groovy. The hard thing about dub and ambient in general is that one bad sound, one cheesy element, can throw the whole track off, and that's where mutagene shines, because he always seems to know what works and what don't, and no mediocre sounds make their way into his mixes. Grab it and chill for the New Year with a Jack Daniels Country Cocktail or somethin' :)



Latest 15 comments/reviews; view the complete thread or post your own.
on 2024-05-28 12:09:40

The chill is still going strong on my playlist. Classic game, classic remix 😎

on 2010-10-13 15:48:23
:D lovely bit of work. I can't actually listen to this and work on my computer at the same time. The bass is so floor maulingly deep that I can't concentrate on the task at hand. :D
on 2009-09-20 00:39:03

Kick ass. I love it.

A+ must listen sound track, simple to listen, smooth beats.

on 2009-07-22 02:48:31

Real mind-sinking music here. It's definately a powerhouse in terms of its specific genre. Conceptually, its textbook dub music. It makes no excuses for it, and noone is really looking for them anyway. It does one thing and one thing well.

To say it is typical of the genre doesn't mean it has no sense of identity, though. The seemingly ageless production values and added pieces of expansion make this a very early benchmark for the genre, even today.

I wouldn't say you necessarily had to be a fan of dub music to enjoy this - but if you hate the genre, this mix will hate you too.

on 2008-05-08 07:28:52

Very laid back and chilly. djpretzel's description about smoking some ganja and playing arkanoid is spot on too. Track manages to keep things interesting for the whole length and instruments are of surprisingly good quality.

on 2007-05-02 17:17:39

chiiiiiill. Holy crap this is laid back. I'm in a pretty serious sleep-deprivation mode right now, so this track while at work is *dangerously chill*. Putting it on repeat only amplifies the chillosity, and

Not quite what I normally look for, as it isn't BIG BIGGER BIGGEST in terms of grandiose and epic melodic lines, but it is very well produced and super deep. A lot of thought went into this, and I have to say that though it's not my first choice for something to listen to, I certainly wouldnt turn my nose up at it. Super extra mega bonus points for how old the mix is. Very very few mixes would hold up this long afterwards.

on 2007-02-08 16:56:22

Yeah, the intro definitely caught my ear back in the day. Out of all the Arkanoid mixes I heard back in '02 when I listened to all the OCRs, this was the most interesting one. This is some seriously good dub, and I always respect the mixes that work the most creatively and interpretively with the source material. Well arranged, well produced, this would easily pass today's standards. Always a favorite.

on 2006-12-19 12:38:25

The introduction of this remix is like WTF. Download this if you like this genre.

RimFrost the Tourianist
on 2005-10-22 22:53:23

Quite trippy and spacey. Good bassline.

It's kind of a mix between generic reggae music and the dark dimension music of Metroid Prime 2.

And it does it's job well of relaxing the soul 8)

on 2005-10-20 21:40:58

Yes! Some variation on the source material. This starts off identically to Chris Abbott's '1999 (2000 Mix)', but veers off in a completely opposite direction. Obviously, this is what Mutagene does best- creating an aural soundscape to relax to and lose yourself in. Cool beat and solos. This one's a keeper, for the people who only want the cream of the crop.

on 2005-10-03 16:25:56

I havent heard lots of dub among the remixes, but this definitely is dub, and hi quality. Sounds a little like Kruder Dorfmeister, am I wrong? Maybe the drums got a little too much treble, but my gear at the moment isn't very reliable.

on 2003-12-16 16:56:04

Quite nice and quite deep bass in this one, with a laid-back and ambient feel overall. My primary and solitary complaint is that the drums overpower the bass in most places, but that could just be my computer.

Only reason it won't end up on my regular playlist is due to the limit I'll have on time.

Kamikaze Noodle
on 2002-12-31 05:30:32

Makes ya wanna just lounge. I love how things are reverbed like mad to give it that "you're stoned like a rock" feel. I like it. I'm intelligent. Are you intelligent?

on 2002-06-26 18:09:32

Starts out the same way as a the Arkanoid 2000 Remix...very nice beginning IMO. I like how laid back it is....very nice! Great remix overall! :)

on 2002-06-19 18:00:36

Very laid back and just cool, escpecially with headphones. Unless you hate Dub with a passion you should defiinetley listen to this song atleast once. Alot of ambience and background affects constatnly going on with a simple, but good drumtrack. Yummy. I give it a 9/10, recommended.

Sources Arranged (1 Song)

Primary Game:
Arkanoid (Imagine Software , 1986, C64)
Music by Martin Galway

Tags (9)

Brass,Electric Guitar,Synth
Arrangement > Minimalist
Time > Tempo: Slow

File Information

3,189,595 bytes


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