Posted 2001-04-28, evaluated by djpretzel

And our second Link's Awakening ReMix comes from Scott Peeples . . . again! Not that anyone's complaining, as his initial 'Tailcave Beatdown' track was killa to the extreme, and this one's definitely in the same league. This funkdafied mix features slap-bass (ala Flea from Red Hot Chili Peppers), flute, rhodes, and some seriously slinky 'wakka-chicka' shaft wah-guitar (picking AND chords), and brother, you can't ask for much more than that. This is what Link would turn on in his pad if he wanted to get a little sugar from Zelda, and it would WORK :) This also goes some new places for Peeples, featuring a short little bass solo, and a longer, impressive flute solo bit that, while it could have been louder, is very groove. You MUST grab dis here funk style ReMix - it's mega-keen and I can't see anyone being disappointed. Excellent and refreshing work from the Peepster (ok, I apologize for that one).



Latest 15 comments/reviews; view the complete thread or post your own.
on 2024-07-02 16:02:52

Scott P does it again. I really enjoyed his other Link's Awakening remix, very different, but lovely work here as well that still holds up on my playlist. 😎 Big yes to the funk

on 2013-06-13 13:58:10

Just by listening at this remix... I would fit this into one of the Mother games, if anyone gets what I'm sayin'.

Anyhoo, not that great. None of the remixes of this track really had what I looked for. But that's just my taste

on 2009-12-04 02:45:23

As has been said, this song is pretty repetitive. Production is rough as well here. It doesn't really have something that really grabs you, and just rambles on.

Never really been a fan of this for all of these factors...I wonder if any of it has to do with just having drank some hard cider though?

on 2009-09-10 22:28:54

DJP's comment about Link getting sugar from Zelda made me facepalm.

Anyways...Not familiar with the source, so going by what I hear I'm liking the funky groove. The droms are very classic for the style, and while by todays standards are subpar, I can see these sounding pretty good for when they came out. The slap bass solo really stands out, although I would have liked it to come out more, it's a little too far back in the soundscape to really shine.

Overall the dynamics remain mostly subdued throughout. More variation would have added some life to this and kept it going strong. Aside from those points, a groovy little piece.

on 2007-01-31 07:54:51

Yeah, I'd have to say it was ALMOST a straight rip-off (some of the notes are off in the countermelody though...), but I LOVE the part when the slap comes in. Gets really creative thereafter.

on 2006-12-27 12:28:43

Funky for sure, but a little repetitive, at least until the slap bass comes in. I'd have preferred a little better sample here, but it's a cool line, so the somewhat annyoing sample is forgivable. Some of the melody lines such as the flute seemed a bit forgettable, and I'm not sure if changing the instrument would help, or if it just needed to be rewritten.

Not my favorite zelda mix, but the bass line saves it from being mundane.

on 2004-12-20 17:04:13

is it just me or does DJP make some rediculous pun for every mix Scott Peeples sends in?

There was some cool slap bass but it was hidden in the background. Some very awesome chill/funk music here. Its different from most of Scott's mixes which tend to be more energetic. the Wa-wa-wakka-chicka! Wa-wa-wakka-chicka! is used so well. I love it.

on 2004-08-30 19:11:53

Some of the dissonant tone placement choices in the first part of the track sound a bit ear-bending, but the second part of the track has a lot of soul. I also think the description of the track is a bit misleading because I thought I would hear some real slap bass, but the bass is well sequenced, as is the whole song. The flute solo near the end is pretty cool, and well programmed. Pretty cool, love the wah guitar too.

Icct Hedrix
on 2003-10-12 15:43:59

Groovy is all i have to say. Reminds me of the seventies as it should. Once agian Scott somehow makes a nigh perfect remix. There has to be some reason it isnt perfect other than the "nothings perfect" argument.

Im sure it will come to me

on 2002-07-21 15:38:09

Great remix. Truly funk-ay! I do prefer Scott's Tailcave remix a tiny bit better, but this one is still great.

on 2002-06-21 17:42:27

Wa-wa-wakka-chicka! Wa-wa-wakka-chicka!

Oooh yeah, feel 'da groove. I dig this track, it's got me bouncing in my chair. I love that guitar coming in after two minutes (ba-da-doo-dum-ba-da-da-doon! Look, I'm imitating the track after just one listen), it really just hits a feel-good bit in my ear. Grooving.

on 2002-06-21 17:33:26

Nice approach taken on this song, I thought it was well done. Seems to have a lot of that "mysterious flavor" added to it, which helps complete the remix. I love it, well done! ;)

on 2002-06-20 09:52:53

:D This is one of my favorites from Scott Peeples! I love it, I love it, I love it! :D I had a whole bunch of friends listening to it the other day and they were surprised that this was even a Zelda remix. They thought it was a mainstream hit! I'd say it's very, very creative even though it could use a few more instrument parts. Very good 16th-beat tambourinish hi-hats! The e-piano chords, and the flute melody are awesome (gives an old school rapper "Bust a Move" kind of groove). But without the "wicka" guitar thang, this remix wouldn't have made it. The feel kind of reminds me of that really funky tune (not sure what it's called.) It goes like this:

"Who's that man?


Anyway, this mix is a definite download and doesn't waste any hard drive space!

on 2002-06-19 21:47:15

Hmm, I personnaly Think this one is to my liking....

on 2002-05-16 00:24:10

Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening 'Mysterious Groove'

I believe this mix is what would be classified as funky. Did you know that funky actually means bad smell? Well this mix is anything but a bad smell really. Although I'm not overly fond of it, it is well done and sounds pretty good. Well used samples. The "Wacka-chicka" sound (as us hip music types like to call it) gives it that funky feeling. Check it out, it's pretty cool. And if you don't like it, that's what the Recycle Bin is for. ;)

Sources Arranged (1 Song)

Primary Game:
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (Nintendo , 1993, GB)
Music by Kozue Ishikawa,Minako Hamano
"Mysterious Forest"

Tags (7)

Time > Tempo: Moderate

File Information

3,745,783 bytes


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