ReMix:The Revenge of Shinobi "Corner of Sunset and Keys" 5:13

By José the Bronx Rican

Arranging the music of one song...

"Sunrise Blvd."

Primary Game: The Revenge of Shinobi (Sega , 1989, GEN), music by Yuzo Koshiro

Posted 2005-08-27, evaluated by djpretzel

José the Bronx Rican could be a Queens Rican, Manhattan Rican, Staten Island Rican - even a Chicago Rican, Boston Rican, or the relatively rare Anchorage Rican - and he'd still be my type of Rican, because he's the type of Rican that makes some damn funky + ridiculously smooth grooves. Better yet, he's turned his attentions for his second ReMix onto turf that virtually cried out for them, Yuzo's splenderifoustastical Revenge of Shinobi soundtrack. José writes:

"Inspiration came from the smooth piano chords of the second stage track from Revenge of Shinobi, "Sunset Blvd." This ReMix is another trip back to that funky acid flavor I love so much, in the vein of the masters, Incognito. It's also to see how much I can get away with by programming the notes - since I can't play more than seven notes on a keyboard at any time - and having it sound like a good studio jam (probably explaining why so long for my second submission). The "Keys" in the title refer to the keyboard instruments jockeying for space, especially in the middle section: piano, Rhodes, and organ, plus a little clavinet on the side. Oh, and dig the ending. Created in Cakewalk Home Studio 2 and FL Studio."

I'm glad the ReMixer added that note about programming, because I wouldn't have guessed it - things sound very natural, especially on all the myriad keyboards. Right when the vibe solo enters at 0'37", there's enough humanism to keep the groove fresh and not sounding overly quantized. And check out them funky clavi at 1'10" when organ takes over - Yuzo would be proud. It's one thing to step enter or 'program' parts for techno tracks or orchestral of relatively average complexity, but a jazz/funk arrangement like this I personally would find far easier to play live. It's impressive to me that José had the patience and discipline to enter all of it in such a fashion. Then again, I play all my stuff live, sometimes even something as silly as a kick drum part in a techno track, so I guess once you're used to it, any methodology can become effective and more or less transparent. Drums are the funk, and if you've got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell, the doctor is in, and he brought various assorted latin percussion with him. Bass stays out of the way largely, but isn't boring at all, and pulls away from the base of the chord at times, in addition to doing some slides and vibrato tricks. The mental image you get from the almost schizophrenic number of different keyboard solos is that there's, like, this group of keyboard players, each on their favorite axe - you got your vibes guy, your piano guy, your electric piano guy, your organ guy, and your clavinet guy - and they're duking it out ala Marvel vs. Capcom, trading punches and kicks in the form of riffs and licks. Who's left standing, in the end? Who cares, because it's a fight worth watching. If I had to pick, it'd be down to the Rhodes and organ, who deservedly chew up most of the spotlight. Regardless, this is a great instrumental follow-up to the ReMixer's first, rap mix, displaying additional versatility but fully living up to the promise shown. It might take him a while to make mixes like these, but they're worth waiting for, and that counts for quite a bit. Dynamic, fun, and well-constructed jams from Bronx Rican.



Latest 15 comments/reviews; view the complete thread or post your own.
on 2021-03-23 14:59:02

Oh my god, what an exceptional work! If I didn't know this was written by Jose, my first guess would be Fumie Kumatani, no less! Just listen to her works from Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Unleashed, and you'll see what I mean. This track is so good, it could easily fit into the latter game! Silky smooth Rhodes, glassy piano, funky organ runs, rad percussion licks, bits of vibrphone, solid bassline, and a few dashes of clavinet for good mesure - this jam has it all! And check out the breakdown at 2:18 - so classy, gets me every time! Wonderful remix :)

on 2012-10-13 15:10:21

If I didn't know that this ReMix was by Jose, I would have thought that it would've come from something along the lines of the Morse camp. So funky and tropical sounding, great for chilling and moving with the beat. So much love for the organ that pops in a bit into the mix. I like how this just reminds me so much of a jazzy little island party. Very cool.

on 2008-03-19 16:17:16

Funky and smooth, I love the rhodes bed and the soloing. The hand percussion also added a lot of great textures, and the vibes are like the shimmering frosting on top. The leads switch out great, with an organ coming halfway through to keep things even more mixed.

Jazzy and fun, check this out out, guys.

Geoffrey Taucer
on 2006-05-21 21:28:22
hey yo this needs more love

Hells yeah!

This is quite sexy. Levels could have been evenned out a bit more, but damn this is one sexy arrangement.

on 2006-03-01 01:39:43

hey yo this needs more love

on 2006-03-01 01:34:45

I wasn't feeling this at first. Don't know why. Especially after hearing the original, it's amazing to see how José expanded on the theme. Smooth, chill, and any other description of that nature fits the bill here perfectly. A pity we don't see your stuff too often, but if quality over quantity is what you go for, then I can definitely embrace that.

on 2005-09-03 03:25:16

wow another rican from the bronx doing funky remixes. thats crazy!

anyways, great remix! keep em coming!

RimFrost the Tourianist
on 2005-09-01 00:31:06

No worries. My review sucks worse cause im drinking some beer.

As for the song itself ,do i need say more than :

:nicework: Nice Work !

Arek the Absolute
on 2005-08-31 14:28:37

Oh man, I am so feeling this song. This is great. It gots me wanting to go dance....and I DON'T LIKE DANCING.

Nice job man. Sorry my review sucks. I am eating .

on 2005-08-30 15:04:22

Nicely put together piece. It's a chill beat but it keeps flowing very well. Keep up the good work and hope to see more!

on 2005-08-29 01:01:50

very nice grooove. as a big fan of Incognito, i can definitely hear the Incognito vibe on this track.. i can totally hear a Maysa vocal on top.... well done José

on 2005-08-28 10:06:39

Enjoyable and relaxing to listen to, fits the theme of the original song from the game.

Great tune.

on 2005-08-27 23:18:26

Shinobi´s soundtrack was always a curious thing. This game is a classic. The songs are rich in melody and such. And is quite amazing. Sunrise Theme is very good on this arrangement. The instrumentation was well executed. It don´t boring and it´s not repetitive.

Very soft.

on 2005-08-27 14:24:50

Jose, you know from my 'rants' in unmod how much I dig your style. I loved Unknown from MC and I love this. very chill, smooth, funky. Loving the hand precussion.

Glad to see you back again, man. I hope this isn't a one time deal.

on 2005-08-27 13:27:11

Sources Arranged (1 Song)

Primary Game:
The Revenge of Shinobi (Sega , 1989, GEN)
Music by Yuzo Koshiro
"Sunrise Blvd."

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