Final Fantasy VI "Keep Out the Veldt" 4:42
By zykO
Arranging the music of one song...
"Wild West"
Primary Game: Final Fantasy VI (Square , 1994, SNES), music by Nobuo UematsuPosted 2008-03-23, evaluated by the judges panel
WARNING: This ReMix contains explicit lyrics that may not be appropriate for children... or people that don't like explicit lyrics! Additional warning: if you write to us doing nothing but complaining about the profanity in this ReMix, we will probably respond with more profanity!
It does occur to me that this might be a bad piece to specifically post on Easter Sunday, but we've fallen a bit behind, I've got some time to post something before Easter dinner, and honestly, although I'm not Christian myself, from what I understand about Jesus, he seems like he'd be an amazing, accepting person that really wouldn't have a huge problem with profanity, esp. compared to real problems like hunger, poverty, violence, war etc. that some people don't seem to get as riled up about. Your perspectives and views may of course vary. We might look into some mechanism for more clearly identifying mixes with profanity/explicit lyrics, but thus far it hasn't really been too much of a problem; there was a piece that Mr. Salzman submitted a while ago (coincidentally also a rap mix from FF6) that would have raised some eyebrows, but it was rejected for being repetitive and having rather empty and rather juvenile lyrics. I think the panel may have been criticized at the time for rejecting said piece simply because it contained profanity, but in that instance, it was gratuitous and actually resulted in something of a travesty, more appropriate (in a GOOD way) for OverLooked ReMiX. This Wild West ReMix from zyko - especially the second version he provided based on panel feedback - is a different story.
I ReMixed this theme myself with quite a different approach, but even at the time, I actually thought that it could make a killer rap/hip-hop piece. I had something more fiddy in mind, but zyko's done an excellent job here, with some stylistic similarity to his previous Asterix collab in terms of combining rapping with singing in sort of falsetto/vibrato voice. The title alone deserves some props - "Keep Out the Veldt" is contextual, ominous, and a little goofy while also giving off the sort of bad boy vibe appropriate to the mix and in keeping with the sing-song "Bad-man" mantra in the lyrics. Initially the first version Waleed sent in had some timing/production issues that made Andy and Jimmy reluctant to green-light the piece, but he followed-up with a revision that fixed most of that, prompting vote changes for both judges. Jimmy writes:
"New version is tight. Uber. Not only is the balance addressed along with the brass-timing improved, the vocals cutting through even more clearly. And the ending is going to please a lot more people, seeing as it's *resolved*. Nice work, bro."
zyko usually doesn't do resubs, but in this case it was definitely a good move. He writes:
"i just barely got my computer back after nearly a month out of commission and i've been intending on fixing the track up and resubmitting (contrary to my common practice of doin no such thing). honestly, this is the first time i've made my own traditional hip hop beat so a lot of things were new territory for me"
Very cool. Obviously, this mix isn't going to be everyone's cup of tea - some folks out there don't like vocals of any kind in their ReMixes, and I'm guessing even fewer dig rapping, but personally I'm pretty open to most any genre when it's done with talent, craft, and musicality, and zyko's got a pretty damn good track record on those counts. Actually, I've got an open challenge to bustatunez to provide the site with its first gospel mix, as that's a genre I usually can't get into at all, but my point is that I think exploring more genres can only be a good thing. As far as profanity goes, I've always felt that concepts are far more offensive than individual words; you can offend me to my core with bigotry, hatred, intolerance, and fascism, and not use a single curse word, and you can likewise express happiness, creativity, enthusiasm, and positivity and have a potty mouth while doing it. The issue is admittedly more nuanced than that, but that's my personal philosophy and two cents, for what it's worth. I hesitate to make such a big deal about this issue, but this mix does set a sort of precedent, so addressing it seems pertinent and (hopefully) preemptive. Aside from the potential controversy due to the lyrics, and regardless of genre, this is a creative and well-constructed and produced arrangement, and that's what counts.

on 2010-07-26 18:57:37
I didn't think I liked this song until I gave it another listen. It's really good. I like the beat, I like the use of the original song (I've long thought the Veldt would be a nice theme for a rap remix anyway), and the rapping is actually pretty good.
Anyway, I like it. Very nice.

on 2010-01-03 05:54:09
Coming from a guy who sings classic rock and knows very few rap/RB songs , this says alot. I find this mix fabulous. The arrangement. The tempo. The "GTFOut my veldt!" attitude. All of it leaves me smirking the entire time. The profanity , while some think it over the top , goes well with the song its self. Im no ones foul mouth , at the same time , im no ones bar of Dove. Good job Zyko. Looking forward to more R%B mixes from ya.
Its needed , or else nothing gets a second looking at. I think ya coulda subbed out the home-made growling for something in game or synth'd. Nothing that woulda made/broke the song. Just an idea to have added to it in some aspect.
Thanks and again , heluva good job Zyko.

on 2009-03-08 20:59:24
I really enjoyed this mix... from the beginning "aww shit" I
wasn't quite sure what to expect, but I could tell it was going
to be special.
I'm not a big fan of rap either, but I thought that this was well executed, and the source tune does fit perfectly with the hip-hop/rap genre and lyrics. I particularly enjoyed the layered vocals, as they added a really nice amount of depth to what could have been a rather empty mix with only a single vocal track. Good job!

on 2008-11-30 23:14:42
I'll start off by saying that I used to like rap back in the day. I don't anymore, but I have to say that I listened to this track at least 15 times on a trip back to NY. The beat is great, the flow is smooth, and the lyrics are solid.I also like the fact that its so different that alot of the other remixes on the site, and not just for the sake of being different, either. I like it alot. My only complaint is that you need to speak up a bit. Some lyrics mid way through get lost in the music. Thats it. Love the track, and thanks for not making mindless rap. We have enough of that on the radio nowadays.

on 2008-08-21 23:18:14
I thought I'd surely already commented on this. Evidently I'm
experiencing reverse-amnesia.
Rather uncharacteristically for me, one who rarely finds rap songs palatable, I did enjoy this ditty. It's light fun, and doesn't seem to take itself too seriously, certainly so when compared to heavy gangsta. I enjoy the creativity and novel nature of zyko's mix.

on 2008-08-16 17:08:03
Very few are vocal remixes that make it sound like the source material was written for the new vocals. This is one of them. Good work.
you know, i felt the same way at first. i was surprised that the veldt was never done vocally because i think the source almost BEGS for it.
I download these mp3s at my work cause my boss doesnt mind. And if there is a song I dont like I just leave it on my hard drive. I got plenty of space. But this song got deleted. Combining geeky RPG,s from the old school past with rap music is about as retarded as it gets.
"Imma bust a cap in you armor with my 20 sided die G!!!"
honestly, i'm put off by your lack of perspective.
i'm particularly good with criticism, especially about my rap since i was thoroughly galvanized by the whole "Niggaz 4 life" fiasco but geeky rpgs? "imma bust a cap in you armor with my 20 sided die, G?"
that's almost too dumb to warrant a response and i avoided it initially but oh well
i don't think i once said anything about busting any caps in any armor. not once. in fact, i don't think i actually referred to anything, lyrically, that had anything specifically to do with the game (except for the part of the hook: "Keep out the veldt" which is also the namesake of the track). aside from that, there is no mention of any "geeky rpg things." it appears that you're grossly mistaken.
aside from the reality that there was hardly anything geeky about final fantasy III (or VI) seeing as how i absolutely loathe japanese-heavy rpgs and still loved that game for the gaming marvel that it is, there is no reason for you to be so critical of the game... first of all, on a game music site (if you're too cool for final fantasy III, you're really in the wrong place, bud) and secondly, when nothing at ALL is retarded about interpreting something in a novel way... especially on a videogame remix site.
really, why are you here if you're put off by the very essence of what this site is all about? even if you don't like the song... saying that "Combining geeky RPG,s from the old school past with rap music is about as retarded as it gets" is counterintuitive and, to use your eloquent vocabulary, kinda retarded.
that said, the veldt's theme lends itself perfectly to the treatment i gave it regardless of what your pea-brained perspective tells you. i may certainly have done it no justice, i admit that possibility... i'm no pro emcee, but the veldt fits naturally into a hip hop groove and the notion of this wild place where there is total despotism and utter primal madness fits very well with what i call home... the humble yet eclectic and socio-economically diverse landscape of Long Beach, CA. sometimes it can get a bit wild out here if you know what i mean
i'm singing about my home the same way that gau would have likely referred to his
nothing about capping people, buddy. there's certainly a territorial sense to it (entirely intentional) and i'd imagine that everybody, to a degree, is at least a little bit "space" conscious and while some have smaller territories than others, being weary of uninvited visitors is something i'd imagine most people, even knuckleheads like you, can relate with... without resorting to cheap ebonic-mocking stereotype comments
sorry you didn't like the track but thanks for listening anyways!
have a very nice day

on 2008-08-16 16:43:21
That which I could have was ruined by rap...Rap tends to just plain tick me off. Rap artist who sing the rap tend to tick me off. Once in a while... I may hear something that I have no problem with but that is few and far between.
This wasn't one of those few. I am sorry.
that's too bad - you're inadvertently missing out on a lot of really good music, then. you're probably also limited to what is made readily available to you which, of course, isn't your fault but i suggest you do a little digging of your own before you cast off an entire genre.
but then again, i may be spittin into the wind

on 2008-08-16 12:33:58
Very few are vocal remixes that make it sound like the source material was written for the new vocals. This is one of them. Good work.

on 2008-08-15 12:45:11
I'm sorry for you.![]()
Qft. I just wish people were more open minded about shit, I really liked this song there was thought put into this song and everything flows smoothly, mad props man.

on 2008-05-31 16:24:54
That which I could have was ruined by rap...Rap tends to just plain tick me off. Rap artist who sing the rap tend to tick me off. Once in a while... I may hear something that I have no problem with but that is few and far between.
This wasn't one of those few. I am sorry.
I'm sorry for you.

on 2008-05-31 13:54:22
That which I could have was ruined by rap...
Rap tends to just plain tick me off. Rap artist who sing the rap tend to tick me off. Once in a while... I may hear something that I have no problem with but that is few and far between.
This wasn't one of those few. I am sorry.

on 2008-04-10 13:24:50
I download these mp3s at my work cause my boss doesnt mind. And if there is a song I dont like I just leave it on my hard drive. I got plenty of space. But this song got deleted. Combining geeky RPG,s from the old school past with rap music is about as retarded as it gets.
"Imma bust a cap in you armor with my 20 sided die G!!!"

on 2008-03-31 18:04:20
boom diggity
i've been away for a few weeks, re-adjusting my bearings but i'd like to thank everybody who took the time to listen and share their thoughts. i appreciate all feedback, it serves a critical part of my creative process... without, i have no brakes (quality control) on the machine
a few thoughts:
ah, the profanity =) after years of stirring shit, it becomes so routine, i don't know if i'm being controversial anymore or plain abrasive. I've grown accustomed to the expectation that something i say will surely light a fire somewhere but i strongly believe my uncompromised determination gives it the value and the meaning that some believe doesn't exist in my lyrics. after all, the most valuable characteristic of the freedom of expression is that we shed the training wheels and break down the barriers by doing PRECISELY the things that might offend some. to deny that art has excelled throughout history at tearing down limitations by being bold is to deny a lot of great art
that said, the profanity is not by design (in other words, i'm not tryin to "be hard" as it may). sometimes, it isn't the literal significance of words that give what is being said its ultimate meaning. in this case, the simplicity of being "a bad man from a bad land" does no justice to the depth of the point... by way of the lyrics, i'm speaking on behalf of gau (the videogame relevance is cute at best but that is what videogame remixing is all about, no?) but mostly on behalf of myself. i'm the bad man and you better believe it haha. the veldt essentially becomes the virtual counterpart of long beach and the same territorial fervor that gau shows most newcomers to the veldt is... well, familiar to me, to say the least.
still, some will sense the sincerity in my voice and others will simply remain detached; the more you are familiar with the person behind the voice, the more likely you'll understand what the voice is saying.
anyways, the instrumental aspect, ha! i'm not so lucky. to the cat who mentioned fruityloopy beats... kudos to you, that is a standard fruityloops kit =) i'm not particularly experienced in the genre from an instrumental perspective, i've always been just the voice. still, feelin' my way around the jungle of music is why this was ever fun to begin with. if all i was ever concerned with was impressing folks, i wouldn't be zyko...
really, thanks for the comments!
see you on my next audio experiment...

on 2008-03-29 11:23:10
im not a hiphop fan, but i definitly enjoyed listening to this mix
the only thing that bothered me was the beat.. i just felt that it lacked some presence. judging from past experience - making awesome/perfect hiphop beats is definitly difficult, so don't be hard on yourself
great job and i'm sure you'll manage to give us a more phatass beat next time!
Sources Arranged (1 Song)
- Primary Game:
Final Fantasy VI (Square
, 1994,
Music by Nobuo Uematsu
- Songs:
- "Wild West"
Tags (5)
- Genre:
- Hip Hop
- Mood:
- Instrumentation:
- Strings,Vocals: Male,Vocals: Rapping
- Additional:
- Lyrics > Lyrics: Original
File Information
- Name:
- Final_Fantasy_6_Keep_Out_the_Veldt_OC_ReMix.mp3
- Size:
- 5,736,349 bytes
- MD5:
- 6e8805c953225930d82000d159162280
- Bitrate:
- 160Kbps
- Duration:
- 4:42
well, all you punk niggas wanna talk shit but now you're silenced
burdened wit blindness, y'all captivated wit violence
just to survive this, the spineless must be mindless
i'll return to nip mic cords: you birds are flightless
i'm motherfuckin' righteous
best believe it or be silent - i'm driven to leave niggas frightened
you heavy-hearted wanna be thugs
lined up and smited - this is your motherfuckin' enlightenment
now bear witness to the rhythm of the thoughts in my brain
some of you bitches still be flinchin' when y'all callin my name
y'all kinda pathetic claimin' to flame the game
when the only thing you flame is the lame in your name
i'm still the same. heh, maybe a bit more insane
and i'm a rain havoc over your entire domain
stay out my way, nigga, you'll stay out of pain,
figure the pain that you gain will be the game i maintain, nigga
bad man
i'm from a bad land
you don't know my name
i wonder why
everybody comes here - KEEP OUT THE VELDT!
now i wonder why
all y'all trippin' bout the way that i spit it
i don't see the problem, i, i come to flip it
you punk bitches come equipped with quips unabated
only y'all still uneducated and overrated
i've long stated: i'm unpredictably unrelated
to anything you've ever copped or maybe even created
step out the box, look in, get lacerated
by a vision that's too complicated for you to fade it
this is neither remix, nor flow - i'm nobody you know
this be the beast that's been hiding way down below
flesh and the bone, mud and the stone
a prison home to hide the terror that might roam
if the next straw is the last one that is thrown
this beast will roam the village roads for his bone
and if i were you, nigga, i would leave him the fuck alone
'cuz the beast knows neither friend nor foe.
y'all thought i hung it up; i did, but now i'm back
and i'm sick of all these bitches talkin' shit behind my back
so if you got a problem with me then come and spill it
'cuz nigga when my rage busts its cage, i'm gonna kill it
i forgot my roots when y'all start lickin' my boots
i turned all "Z to the K to the O" like i was the motherfuckin' roots
but you better believe that this nigga is from the street
florin road, out the garden blocks, motherfuckin' smokin weed
i wonder why
everybody says to KEEP OUT THE VELDT!
now i wonder why
everybody says to KEEP OUT THE VELDT!
- Size: 5,736,349 bytes
- MD5 Checksum: 6e8805c953225930d82000d159162280
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