System: SNESスーパーファミコン

Console, first available in 1990, by Nintendo

Featured Games (view all)
Game: Chrono TriggerGame: Final Fantasy VIGame: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the PastGame: Final Fantasy IVGame: Super MetroidGame: Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong QuestGame: Secret of ManaGame: Donkey Kong CountryGame: Final Fantasy VGame: Super Mario World
Featured Composers (view all)
Koji KondoNobuo UematsuYoko ShimomuraDavid WiseYuzo KoshiroMotoi SakurabaHirokazu TanakaMichiru YamaneYasunori MitsudaJun IshikawaHirokazu AndoKazumi TotakaIsao AbeKazuhiko UeharaNaoshi MizutaTim FollinYuko TakeharaAkira YamaokaMinako Hamano
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The Impact of IwataMode Seven: A Jazz Tribute to the SNESBadAss: Paragons & RenegadesPaths Less Travelled: TerranigmaX over Zero: Mega Man MetalSongs of the Sirens: Link's Awakening ReMixedChronopolis: Music Inspired by Chrono CrossHometown Heroes: Town Themes ArrangedCandy Corn III: Direct to VideoSeiken Densetsu 3: Songs of Light and Darkness
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We have 123 game(s) on record for this system (view all). The most ReMixed games are:

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