Dr. Mario "A Doctor You Can Trust" 2:16
By Dynamite Pleasure Chair
Arranging the music of one song...
Primary Game: Dr. Mario (Nintendo , 1990, NES), music by Hirokazu TanakaPosted 2015-07-17, evaluated by djpretzel
Who... Strangelove... No... Leo Spaceman... Doom... in a long line of famous & infamous doctors, most with shady credentials and questionable relationships with the Hippocratic Oath, Nintendo gave us their very own entry, the one-and-only Dr. Mario. Here to celebrate the inappropriately pill-manipulating plumber-cum-physician (it's Latin; get your mind out of the gutter...) are newcomers Dynamite Pleasure Chair - and yes, their music lives up to their name... in so many ways. Like the matrix itself, no one can be TOLD what this ReMix is... you have to experience it for yourself. Suffice it to say that it's time for your appointment, it won't hurt one bit, and the doctor will see you now. DPC are comprised as follows:
- JP Jason Power: vocals
- Dan Cranston: bass guitar
- Nick Brutal: lead and rhythm guitar
- Brett Petersen: drums
Such names; much wow. They have concocted, for your explosive pleasure (seated or otherwise), a zany, Frank Zappa-esque vocal rock descent into madness. JP's vocal style reminds me of Danny Elfman's Oingo Boingo years at some points, and Homestar Runner at others... if you're familiar with both references, that's probably saying enough, right there. He writes:
"This song is track 12 on our album, Sudden Impact, though it's just called "Dr. Mario" on the album. It's a rock remix of "Fever" with original lyrics, but musically it's largely faithful to the original track. We recorded it with Tim Lynch at The Recording Company, a studio in upstate NY."
Larry "Liontamer" Oji had this to say:
"Fuckin' awesome.
Fuckin'. Awesome.
Awesome. :-)"
Not one but TWO f-bombs; your mileage may of course vary, but I'm mentally prepared to file this one alongside Shael's "Groin" for whipping out whenever I need a laugh (note to self: consider rephrasing)... While at TIMES it teeters on outright travesty, there's a musicality & atmosphere that still function as something a little bit more. Plus it's lolz. And, as any good doctor would ensure, this particular prescription includes a generous dosage of cowbell, lest fever overtake you. Genius? Madness? Medical malpractice? Why can't it be ALL THREE?!? Enjoy your friday, get used to this appointment, and put your trust in Dynamite Pleasure Chair for 2'15" of therapy!

on 2015-12-30 01:05:18
The source theme does fit rather well with the instrumentation in this mix, especially the cowbell into guitar solo, but really what makes it for me are those vocals - they're SO BAD, but so good...
Song was definitely a good chuckle, I'm turning my head and laughing.

on 2015-12-06 14:14:56
Funny remix --the arrangement itself is interesting (yet repetitive). Considering its length and style, I guess it's a total parody track. Not my cup of tea, but there are a few good things (mainly the performance). Not too much to say here.

on 2015-11-07 17:18:36
This song immediately reminds me of El Duce of the Mentors. While El Duce's style is wildy far from this mix, the vocals have a similar stutter skip effect where every word is shot like popcorn from the mouth. Love the weird spin, this style reminds me of Fred Schneider from the B-52's (Funkylittle shack! funk-y lit-tle shack! juke-box mon-ey, etc...)

on 2015-08-01 14:38:51
Thanks for your reply. I might have not been specific enough, but I wasn't saying I or any other non-judge should be part of the selection process. I was more addressing the cavalier attitude the judge was tossing around in an attempt to rudely pacify an opinion he doesn't share, immediately after asking for peoples' opinions. I sincerely hope his attitude and personality are offset by more rational and objective talent on the panel; something which pains me to say after enjoying the man's site and work for a decade and a half :-\
That was overkill for reading far too much into what I wrote, but thank you for being so empirical. I do admit that my bias of not enjoying the lyrical tracks colors my perception, and that's all I said, that it "seems" like there are more than ever...lately, not literally, and not since the historical beginning. Anyway, thanks for taking the time.
As for the "consider the fans", I did not in any way mean that my nor any other site visitor's opinions be considered in the judging process necessarily, and not to make it any type of public voting/popularity contest. Just that rudely dismissing long-time visitors' opinions after explicitly requesting them in the OP doesn't really instill much confidence in a judge's ability to be fair, impartial, etc. It also doesn't say much that an officiating member of the site would brashly and curtly speak for everyone (staff and all of the site's traffic) to swat down with such a strong hand, a very passive, informal suggestion that in all honestly would cause precisely zero negative side-effects, yet benefit all users in their ability to find the content on the site most relevant to their tastes.
And for the record, I have never said, please OCR, quit posting lyrical remixes. I see the value in posting them for those who do enjoy. I was mostly saying that because some of us do not particularly care for them, it would be great to have some way of denoting them (i.e. metadata, etc) that would be searchable, so we can quickly tell. Obviously a separate site is hyperbole, but the core idea above is a sound suggestion.
It's funny that my impartiality would be called into question for
not being biased like you are against
arrangements with lyrics, but sure, I'll take that bet.
Like djpretzel mentioned, we're underway with a large project to
add descriptors to all of the mixes which (on the negative side)
should help picky people avoid stuff that spooks them, but (on
the much more positive side) help folks find more of what they
like and learn more about the artists in the process. If you had
suggested a metadata approach in your previous comments -- which
you didn't -- I would have said we're already working on this.
I wasn't trying to "rudely pacify" you like you'd be some wilting flower. The original post doesn't say "Post your unassailable opinion." I was only flatly and forcefully rejecting the worst and -- by your own admission -- most hyperbolic of what you suggested, i.e. "I wish OCR would split off vocal remixes to another site or something," "lately it feels like lyrical new releases outnumber the instrumentals," and that vocals mixes are "tainted." Those things were said under the claim of somehow being good to the fans as a whole if we moved the vocal tracks, but would just stifle artistic creativity due to not getting equal exposure. I'll defend that for Dynamite Pleasure Chair or any other artist doing creative things with their music.
My opinion, this track is not "tainted" and neither are any of the other vocal mixes just for having vocals.

on 2015-08-01 12:44:54
And for the record, I have never said, please OCR, quit posting lyrical remixes. I see the value in posting them for those who do enjoy. I was mostly saying that because some of us do not particularly care for them, it would be great to have some way of denoting them (i.e. metadata, etc) that would be searchable, so we can quickly tell. Obviously a separate site is hyperbole, but the core idea above is a sound suggestion.
Seems reasonable, and we ARE working on tags/terms that would enable this... we like to strike a balance between encouraging diversity (both on the part of artists AND listeners) and being accommodating to folks who may have more specific tastes.
The human voice will always be my favorite instrument, personally, and I love the extra layers of creativity that original vocals/lyrics can provide.

on 2015-08-01 12:24:58
Well, the judges placed upon themselves the obligation to be fair and be the least subjective as they can. Sometimes they have to reject something they love for poor production, pass something they don't care for out of respect for a great arrangement, and so on. That comes with the expectation that sometimes a ReMix will pass where the panel is split, or sometimes people will get mixed reactions, etc. One might expect that from rap, hip hop, dubstep, metal, and joke tracks, from what I've seen. Oh well.
If fans are directly considered, then it would be closer to a popularity vote than a fair vote, by my interpretation.
Larry also gave that remark with a grin, so... grin... too?
Thanks for your reply. I might have not been specific enough, but I wasn't saying I or any other non-judge should be part of the selection process. I was more addressing the cavalier attitude the judge was tossing around in an attempt to rudely pacify an opinion he doesn't share, immediately after asking for peoples' opinions. I sincerely hope his attitude and personality are offset by more rational and objective talent on the panel; something which pains me to say after enjoying the man's site and work for a decade and a half :-\
We literally do not "consider the fans" at any stage of the judging process, because this isn't a popularity contest, this is a creativity contest.
This site also is cool with diversity. We're not actively catering to anyone's personal taste.
To actually hold DPC's track (or any vocal track) back or put it in a corner because "most people prefer instrumentals"/"think of meeeee, I may not like it" is really closed-minded. Of course, you can dislike whatever you want, but we don't care anyway vis-a-vis track selection or presentation.
Separate but equal? Segregation of minorities? Really? Tracks aren't people, but to me your proposal is also silly. Let's not go there.
Also, so far, we've only got 266 tracks with any type of lyrics out of 3,056 ReMixes, so 91% of the site is instrumental. But are the vocals TAKING OVER?
0001-1000: 28/885: 3.16%
1001-2000: 83/992: 8.37%
2001-3000: 128/999: 12.81%
3001-3180: 27/180: 15%
Hey cool, the trend IS growing. 3 out of every 20 ReMixes lately have had lyrics. 17 out of every 20 tracks being instrumental means instrumentals aren't even close to outnumbered, and that you're needlessly fixating on lyrics. Maybe by the time we reach OCR04000, lyrics will (dangerously) bump up to 16% or 17%.
Try not to get too hung up on it. VGM is mostly instrumental, OCR will tip towards instrumental for as long as we're doing this, that's just the numbers.
Anyway, TL;DR, you can certainly dislike anything you want, but to tell us to consider some sort of change in how any style or genre of mixes are presented... it ain't happening.
That was overkill for reading far too much into what I wrote, but thank you for being so empirical. I do admit that my bias of not enjoying the lyrical tracks colors my perception, and that's all I said, that it "seems" like there are more than ever...lately, not literally, and not since the historical beginning. Anyway, thanks for taking the time.
As for the "consider the fans", I did not in any way mean that my nor any other site visitor's opinions be considered in the judging process necessarily, and not to make it any type of public voting/popularity contest. Just that rudely dismissing long-time visitors' opinions after explicitly requesting them in the OP doesn't really instill much confidence in a judge's ability to be fair, impartial, etc. It also doesn't say much that an officiating member of the site would brashly and curtly speak for everyone (staff and all of the site's traffic) to swat down with such a strong hand, a very passive, informal suggestion that in all honestly would cause precisely zero negative side-effects, yet benefit all users in their ability to find the content on the site most relevant to their tastes.
And for the record, I have never said, please OCR, quit posting lyrical remixes. I see the value in posting them for those who do enjoy. I was mostly saying that because some of us do not particularly care for them, it would be great to have some way of denoting them (i.e. metadata, etc) that would be searchable, so we can quickly tell. Obviously a separate site is hyperbole, but the core idea above is a sound suggestion.

on 2015-07-25 08:27:51
Very funny. This mix reminds me of what happens when
Robot Chicken and Ren Stimpy have a musical love child. I've
heard many failed attempts at comedy in punk/rock but thankfully
this isn't one of those. Highly recommended but not medicine that
should be constantly overdosed if you're musically sick.

on 2015-07-24 01:44:03
I really - REALLY - REALLY like this mix! Vocal mixes done well are a treasure and delight. I put this up there with Star Ocean Summertime by Hale-Bopp, Her Smile In Every Summer by The Hot Freaks, anything by Jillian Aversa - just, wow. Grade-A material here!

on 2015-07-21 23:38:45
Not my style - but just because it's not my style doesn't mean it doesn't belong here. Props to those who decided on adding lyrics to a song I thought you couldn't add lyrics to if you tried. I'm glad this site gives people the opportunity to try something on the outer rim, even if it's not always something I like.

on 2015-07-21 13:26:51
If you are a judge, hopefully your wisdom includes considering the fans..all of them.
We literally do not "consider the
fans" at any stage of the judging process, because this isn't
a popularity contest, this is a creativity contest. This site also is cool with diversity. We're not
actively catering to anyone's personal taste.
To actually hold DPC's track (or any vocal track) back or put it in a corner because "most people prefer instrumentals"/"think of meeeee, I may not like it" is really closed-minded. Of course, you can dislike whatever you want, but we don't care anyway vis-a-vis track selection or presentation.
Sometimes I wish OCR would split off vocal remixes to another site or something. I just can't get into classic game songs with lyrics added into them, and am always disappointed when I see a new remix but discover it's "tainted".
"sometimes" it would be nice to have all of those somehow separated, especially since they seem to be more common than ever.
Separate but equal? Segregation of minorities? Really? Tracks
aren't people, but to me your proposal is also silly. Let's not
go there.
Also, so far, we've only got 266 tracks with any type of lyrics out of 3,056 ReMixes, so 91% of the site is instrumental. But are the vocals TAKING OVER?
0001-1000: 28/885: 3.16%
1001-2000: 83/992: 8.37%
2001-3000: 128/999: 12.81%
3001-3180: 27/180: 15%
Hey cool, the trend IS growing. 3 out of every 20 ReMixes lately
have had lyrics. 17 out of every 20 tracks being instrumental
means instrumentals aren't even close to outnumbered, and that
you're needlessly fixating on lyrics. Maybe by the time we reach
OCR04000, lyrics will (dangerously) bump up to 16% or 17%.
Try not to get too hung up on it. VGM is mostly
instrumental, OCR will tip towards instrumental for as long as
we're doing this, that's just the numbers.
Anyway, TL;DR, you can certainly dislike anything you want, but to tell us to consider some sort of change in how any style or genre of mixes are presented... it ain't happening.

on 2015-07-21 12:14:29
I never said I wanted it; I'm not qualified in musical production. However, as a patron of the site since 1999-2000, and a lifelong music lover, I am qualified and entitled to have an opinion, which is what you solicited in the OP. It just so happens that 98% of the time I just don't like the vocal mixes. That's why I say "sometimes" it would be nice to have all of those somehow separated, especially since they seem to be more common than ever. Unfortunately for me, lately it feels like they outnumber the instrumentals in new releases, which I prefer. If you are a judge, hopefully your wisdom includes considering the fans..all of them. That's it, thanks and carry on.
Well, the judges placed upon themselves the obligation to be fair
and be the least subjective as they can. Sometimes they have to
reject something they love for poor production, pass something
they don't care for out of respect for a great arrangement, and
so on. That comes with the expectation that sometimes a ReMix
will pass where the panel is split, or sometimes people will get
mixed reactions, etc. One might expect that from rap, hip hop,
dubstep, metal, and joke tracks, from what I've seen. Oh well.
If fans are directly considered, then it would be closer to a popularity vote than a fair vote, by my interpretation.
Larry also gave that remark with a grin, so... grin... too?

on 2015-07-21 12:04:53
I'm truly satisfied that you have 0 control over the selection process.
I never said I wanted it; I'm not qualified in musical production. However, as a patron of the site since 1999-2000, and a lifelong music lover, I am qualified and entitled to have an opinion, which is what you solicited in the OP. It just so happens that 98% of the time I just don't get into the homespun written-and-sung lyrics, regardless of quality, which I can at least appreciate creatively. That's why I say "sometimes" it would be nice to have all of those somehow separated, especially since they seem to be more common than ever. Unfortunately for me, lately it feels like lyrical new releases outnumber the instrumentals, which I prefer. If you are a judge, hopefully your wisdom includes considering the fans..all of them. That's it, thanks and carry on.

on 2015-07-19 16:12:42
I'm pretty fond of it, actually. The vocals totally made the song. They turned it from "So bad" to "So bad it's good" in the best way possible.

on 2015-07-18 22:20:08
Brushing it off as a comedy song and saying it's good for a laugh really isn't doing justice to the review process. Was honestly hoping others would share some crits / positives to the mix so I'd know I wasn't crazy with the crits that I posted. Not liking vocal mixes is beating a dead horse, and you can't defend all vocal mixes under the umbrella of "you don't get it" or "vocal hate is so old hat". There's a lot of facets to vocal performance and quality. I mentioned I thought it sounded buried and mumbly a lot of the time.
I actually had a neighbor circa 2002 or so who had a voice / accent that matched this song. Kinda tickles me.
If I really wanted to be pedantic about this, I would say the guitar wasn't particularly rhythmically tight enough. But I found the vocals distractingly bad (so bad it's good) enough that eh, I can accept this as a joke track that's just good enough.
Sources Arranged (1 Song)
- Primary Game:
Dr. Mario (Nintendo
, 1990,
Music by Hirokazu Tanaka
- Songs:
- "Fever"
Tags (10)
- Genre:
- Rock
- Mood:
- Funny,Goofy,Mellow
- Instrumentation:
- Cowbell,Electric Guitar,Singing,Vocals: Male
- Additional:
- Lyrics > Lyrics: Original
Time > Duration: Short
File Information
- Name:
- Dr_Mario_A_Doctor_You_Can_Trust_OC_ReMix.mp3
- Size:
- 3,357,310 bytes
- MD5:
- f729a8167984a7b4f6e1ef734e4202fd
- Bitrate:
- 192Kbps
- Duration:
- 2:16
Dr. Mario:
Here we go!
I am Dr. Mario and I've the cure for you.
Just lay down on the table and we'll see what we can do.
It might hurt a little, but it's something you can bear.
You have been infected by a DYNAMITE PLEASURE CHAIR! So...
Dr. Mario is a doctor you can trust.
Give you lots of medicine,
So you don't combust.
So turn your head and cough. [cough]
Turn your head and cough. [cough]
Drop your pants and turn around
And turn your head and cough. [cough]
Dr. Mario:
You have creepy-crawlies living deep inside your spleen.
Dr. Mario will make all your insides clean.
My brother, Luigi, doesn't have his PhD,
So as far as doctors go, I guess you're stuck with me! So...
Dr. Mario is a doctor you can trust.
Give you lots of medicine,
So you don't combust.
So turn your head and cough. [cough]
Turn your head and cough. [cough]
Drop your pants and turn around
And turn your head and cough. [cough]
Dr. Mario:
Let's go!
Game over
- Size: 3,357,310 bytes
- MD5 Checksum: f729a8167984a7b4f6e1ef734e4202fd
Right-click one of the mirror links above and select "Save Link As" or "Save Target As"!!
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