Arranging the music of one song...

"Death by Glamour"

Primary Game: Undertale (tobyfox , 2015, WIN), music by Toby Fox

Posted 2018-05-24, evaluated by the judges panel

Today we've got a disco-glam-rock (!) Undertale ReMix from LongBoxofChocolate's (Trevor Burch, Daniel Perry, Aaron Schmitt, Nick Bello) enduring & uncompromising tribute, The Lesser Dogs - you should buy it, because it's amazing ;) Trevor writes:

"Described internally as nothing short of "hot, bright, and aggressively fabulous," this is a disco glam rock (is that a thing?) cover of Undertale's "Death by Glamour." Our saxophonist and resident cool-dude Hank led the charge, saying: "The original track is so funny to me because Mettaton is just so ridiculous and all over the place. I really wanted to grab that wild spirit." With that goal in mind, I think we were successful in really pushing the limit of just how many fat tracks we could cram into a single tune. Other notable highlights for me include the opportunity to incorporate dance synths into a rock band setting, Hank's interpretation of the half-time breakdowns and killer sax runs across the entire board.

Some may think it's over the top; we think it's just right. I think this was some of the most fun we've had recording! This arrangement is particularly wild and definitely ran the risk of getting way out of control, but I think we managed to hold it together. So regardless of what the panel decides, "Glitterbomb" will remain one of my favorite overall tracks in the band's portfolio.

Stay saxy my friends! Cheers!"

This one pulls no punches; while it gets off to a shaky start, by the time this night is over you'll be drenched in sweaty, sultry saxophone. Hank "The Spank Tank" Jankerson (Aaron Schmitt) confesses:

"I was playing loud, but there are more moving parts in this than a BMW door handle. The saxes don't have much melodic importance until the halftime drop. We mixed them back some to get some "proper" balance of melody vs. accompaniment vs. rhythm. I wanted the raw solo to sound MEAN, and to me, Phat Verb isn't the way to get mean. It'll lend some perceived volume, for sure, but I thought it needed teeth."

Formidable incisors; just stay away from the spit valve. This is disco that kinda climbs out of its cocoon and growls and starts trashing the place, but not before laying down a funky groove with some nice wakka-chikka rhythm guitar & funky, flamboyant keys. Oh, and a fabulous vibrato funk synth, and then a flute solo, BECAUSE. It's a glitterbomb, mmkay? Liontamer writes:

"Nice flute performance at 1:37, and awesome to hear a live one instead of a sampled one, followed by a short but sweet transition to the sax taking the lead at 1:50. Just loads of strong variations in the instrumentation throughout. 2:45 slowed things down and back when I first heard this, I was interested to see where it would go; nice rebuild to the source melody fading up."

From a production standpoint, judges struggled with this since it's a bit "unhinged" - I think of it as a disco/funk track that embraces punk sensibilities, where it's a little spazzy/unrestrained & you just kinda go with it. More about the energy than the EQ :) That's not carte blanche for every last mix to eschew mixing/mastering of a more refined nature, but when it's (primarily) intentional and paired with arranging & musicianship that can back it up, I'm down. Come for the polyester, stay for the saxplosion - LBoC tackles Undertale like no one else, and it's always a good time!



Latest 2 comments/reviews; view the complete thread or post your own.
on 2018-05-24 23:21:16

I, for one, think that the overall "all over the place" feel for this remix matches the in game character PRECISELY, that philosophy that the artists came in with really shows. I think it's well suited, and funky as hell. Don't let the man with angry saxophone catch up, or you're dead. :-P

there's just something about live instruments, and the saxophone, flute, and guitar all shine (or, or sparkle??). Is the bass guitar from the beginning sampled, because it sounds like the real thing to me…? My only wish, after hearing that guitar right at the start, with a super interesting start, had a bit more play in the track. I was a little bummed that I didn't hear a bass solo or something else done with the bass, but this is a MINOR nitpick.

Longboxofchocolate (and Philippe) has done it again, and again, with another top-quality track. Stick it in your ear for a while because it's GREAT, doesn't really matter if you think disco is dead. :)

on 2018-05-23 11:08:50

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Sources Arranged (1 Song)

Primary Game:
Undertale (tobyfox , 2015, WIN)
Music by Toby Fox
"Death by Glamour"

Tags (10)

Electric Guitar,Flute,Saxophone,Synth
Time > Tempo: Fast

File Information

6,666,871 bytes


The artist(s) have made this ReMix available on Spotify.


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