Final Fantasy VIII "One Man and His Metal Gun!" 3:31

By PirateCrab

Arranging the music of one song...

"The Man with the Machine Gun"

Primary Game: Final Fantasy VIII (Square , 1999, PS1), music by Nobuo Uematsu

Posted 2020-01-23, evaluated by Gario

PirateCrab (Daniel Woodyer) returns with a brisk, brash, & brutal metal take on "The Man with the Machine Gun" from FF8:

"Ah, FF8, one of my faves. I know a lot of people found 8 to be the least enjoyable of the PSX era, but I really enjoyed the idea of the draw system. Also, the music is AWESOME!

This one is "The Man with the Machine Gun." Super catchy, super fun! I've worked on some FFVIII remixes in the past, but the OST is so gloriously big that there's so much more to do. The melodies in this one are extremely catchy and I felt it would be great to give the trance side of the music a nice metal touch. ROCK.

Amp for the rhythm tones is a Kemper running a profiled 5150. Tried and tested solid metal tone. \m/"

ROCK indeed; this has energy to spare, and hits HARD. Still takes the time to slow it down for some contrast, before further (musical/enjoyable!) pummeling. Gario writes:

"So yeah. Final Fantasy 8 Laguna theme, with some excellent performances and production values, and it really transforms the source from a bouncy electro jam to a solid heavy metal track, to boot. Lots of changes are made to make it really shine in the genre (great licks, some solid solos, excellent rhythm guitar to support the main theme, etc.), which makes this transcend from another Laguna mix to a great heavy metal track in its own right. Honest, just listening to this probably made Squall's balls drop from just how heavy it is.

Seriously, great job on this - I'll be listening to it for a while, I suspect."

Greg said what needed to be said, and even a bit beyond what with the balls, but just to echo: this is a badass, extremely tight arrangement - yeah it's aggressive, sizzling, and packs a wallop, but it's also pretty damn impeccable & combines the best aspects of both axe & scalpel - power & precision - in its formidable mojo. Excellent stuff from Daniel; check the official music video for some performance showcasing!



Latest 4 comments/reviews; view the complete thread or post your own.
on 2024-04-17 13:46:36

This was incredibly dense. I felt the absolute weight of those chugs throughout this remix. Good stuff!

on 2020-09-15 21:24:09

This mix has HEAT. Is it weird to say the distortion is super clean? Excellent transformation of the source.

on 2020-01-24 16:16:04

Geez, ANOTHER bangin rock cover of another all-time great piece of VGM?! Although it's definitely been covered in rock style before, I'd say this is probably different enough to appease even the peeps who live, eat and breathe VGM covers.

on 2020-01-20 17:02:12

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Sources Arranged (1 Song)

Primary Game:
Final Fantasy VIII (Square , 1999, PS1)
Music by Nobuo Uematsu
"The Man with the Machine Gun"

Tags (6)

Electric Guitar
Effects > Distortion
Production > Live Instruments

File Information

6,347,656 bytes


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