Posted 2024-08-22, evaluated by the judges panel

This year's been one big welcome back to WillRock, who dipped into his back catalog and dropped multiple musical bombs on us. NOW comes his most galaxy brained concept yet, as WillRock teams with Valentino Francavilla and his cousin Susanna Gray-Jones for -- say it with us -- Shovel Knight power metal!!!!! \m/ \m/ \m/ Will mentioned that, while this concept had been simmering in his mind for years, he finally took the opportunity to scratch that itch and stretch his creativity:

""What if Helloween covered Shovel Knight?"

Honestly, I'm not sure where the idea for this came from, because this idea first came to me maybe 5 years ago.

This is the first time I've done a video game arrangement with a main vocal part taking the lead melody, complete with original lyrics. There are no synths this time around, and I went full-on quad-time drums power metal with this one, which I've dabbled with in previous remixes but never gone all out like this.

Plus, Valentino Francavilla, a vocalist so good he could give Bruce Dickinson a run for his money, absolutely DEMOLISHES this vocal part. [Valentino] steals the show completely, and I don't even care because he's THAT good. I'm amazed he agreed to it. I also got my cousin, Susanna Gray-Jones, to provide backing vocals that were layered into a choir, and you can hear her most clearly just after the last chorus.

I know a lot of people often say this of their most recent work while they're hyped up about something new and exciting they've finished, but I'm going to go out there and say this just might be the best remix I've ever done, and it just wasn't possible without the help of both Valentino and Susanna.

I should probably do more collabs..."

Yep... DO MORE COLLABS, Will! Y'all also do yourselves a favor and head to Francavilla's YouTube for more great rock material with plenty of expressive vocals! Judge prophetik music invoked DragonForce when he heard this, so the major comparisons should get you ready to hear something eye-opening. Whether it was the drum programming, live guitars, or lyrics, WillRock will rock for sure, so it's no surprise panelist Chimpazilla lost herself in the clouds:

"Amazing arrangement as expected, and the performances are off-the-charts good. All guitar work completely slaps, drumming is insane, and Valentino's vocals fit perfectly and wow is he talented. Rock-anthem-arrangement-album material indeed, sounds so professional. [...] This really is a wall of sound coming at'cha fast. But that said, there's no chance of this not getting posted, it is truly epic."

Everything sounds high octane, yet at 3:48, the guitar work took the intensity to another level; loved the layers/effects, and the bass was an intricate and amazing compliment there. When WillRock said this may be his best arrangement ever, judge Emunator's reaction also seemed to seal it:

"F'ing insane dude. This feels like the kind of track you've been working towards for literal decades now, and you've found a vocalist who can really eat up this style of music. This is also some of the most high-energy technical shredding I've heard from you. Drum programming is nuts. Honestly, everything is cranked up to 11 here. This feels monumental, a milestone in your musical journey and one you should be very, VERY proud of."

Wow! Given that virt's got a thing for strong vocal tracks (e.g. "Wings of Gold", "The Impresario"), I know Jake will like this! Is this WillRock's audition to do a Shovel Knight rock anthem arrangement album? Because this is an amazing proof of concept. Triumphant!



Latest 2 comments/reviews; view the complete thread or post your own.
on 2024-08-25 22:00:25

That was godly, simply put! If I wasn't aware of the source and was told this came from a classic power metal band or even the Strive/Xrd ost, I'd have believed it with those awesome vocals and guitar licks. Everyone just did so incredible on this ReMix and it really might be one of my favorite Willrock tracks as of now. Recommended for any metal lovers who also want vocals soaring higher than the clouds, damn!

on 2024-08-22 07:23:25
What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.

Sources Arranged (2 Songs, 2 Games)

Primary Game:
Shovel Knight (Yacht Club Games , 2014, WIIU)
Music by Jake Kaufman,Manami Matsumae
"High Above the Land (The Flying Machine)"
Additional Game:
Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment (Yacht Club Games , 2017, SWTCH)
Music by Jake Kaufman
"A Cargo of Fineries (Flying Machine)"

Tags (10)

Electric Guitar,Singing,Vocals: Female,Vocals: Male
Lyrics > Language: English
Lyrics > Lyrics: Original
Origin > Collaboration
Time > 4/4 Time Signature

File Information

10,302,034 bytes

Observe the skies for the air assault
The captain knight, he prepares for the flight
Into the skies, to the heavens we go
A battlefield cry, we prepare to die
Swift as a bird, a magnificent cur
Watch your back for his rapier attack
Engines roar as it takes to the skies
We've got to prepare for war

And we will lose ourselves in the clouds
Just like an eagle
We will fight and we will fly
For valour and hope, we rise
We will fly high above the land
Shoot into the stars
We will fight and we may die for all of mankind

Jumping on platforms that fall from the sky
Using propellers to court his ascent
The gallant knight will traverse the terrain
Through burdensome winds
The sunset blares as the wind knight looks on
He meets his foe, for they soon come to blows
Ducking through every attack that he throws
The propeller knight, he falls

And we will lose ourselves in the clouds
Just like an eagle
We will fight and we will fly
For everyone, we try
We will fly high above the land
Shoot into the stars
We will fight and we may die for you


Engines roar
As it takes to the skies
We've got to prepare for war

And we will lose ourselves in the clouds
Just like an eagle
We will fight and we will fly
For everyone, we try
We will fly high above the land
Shoot into the stars
We will fight and we may die for all of mankind

All of mankind



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