The Legend of Zelda "Zelda by Lamplight" 4:01

By shodan

Arranging the music of 4 songs from 2 games ( view all )...

"Dark World Dungeon", "Ganon's Message", "Sanctuary Dungeon", "Underground"

Primary Game: The Legend of Zelda (Nintendo , 1986, NES), music by Koji Kondo

Posted 2025-03-17, evaluated by the judges panel

Nothing Celtic in the hopper for St. Patrick's Day today, but we do have some mischief from a newcomer man of mystery, as shodan debuts with an expressionist, Webern-inspired chamber medley of Kondo Zelda series themes! According to shodan, we were shielded from a fully atonal experience:

"A chamber arrangement of several dungeon themes from the early Zelda titles. This era of dungeon music was very chromatic, so I saw it as an interesting exercise in getting the themes to play well with each other. Started out as something closer to a serialist experiment, which wound up being unlistenable. In the end, not atonal, but flexibly tonal. There are some original ideas in here, but the major motifs that glue them together are clearly lifted from these three pieces. Begins with a slightly dramatic interpretation of the "Dark World Dungeon" theme, and the chromatic tremolo motif occurs frequently. Then moves onto a much lighter take on the NES "Dungeon" theme. Closes with a brief reprise of some of the first ideas, incorporating "Light" and "Dark World Dungeon" themes."

This opens up with a joke intro "playing" the quasi-strings poorly, followed by shodan saying "This is Webern. Play it properly." Apparently, without being able to easily decipher what was said, this was enough to throw the panel, even our newbies, into a minor tizzy with some suggesting we ask to get the intro trimmed off before posting. Anyway, just because we've got some uptight folks doesn't mean we can't allow oddball stuff in a track. As long as the arrangement has a clear focus and is well-developed, silly moments (and silly tracks entirely) are welcome, ya judgmental goofs. :-P Hemophiliac dug the direction of everything else, brilliantly articulating the nuances of shodan's smart arranging -- and make no mistake, this is indeed smart stuffs:

"This is really cool, interpretive arrangement, in a chamber/small group approach. [...] To me this sounds like physically modelled strings, a lot like was used here. Either way samples or physically modelled, the sequencing was handled well. I particularly liked the attention to detail with how the articulations were changed, as well as the phrasing played out.

As a listener you have to be cognizant of how the melody gets passed off between parts, while things may feel like a supportive part, they may actually be the melody. Such as the cello at 1:21 playing the dark world dungeon theme, and 2:04 the Zelda dungeon theme on the viola (panned on left side). Source melody is deemphasized in it's dynamic but they are still there. Rhythm augmentation was a sneaky way of putting that Zelda dungeon behind everything else while the other parts lightly fill space and arpeggio around in a detached manner.

There is source in here that was not mentioned by the artist, "Ganon's Message" from Link to the Past from 0:36-0:52. All of the other 3 themes are identifiable and dominant throughout, even with much interpretation and various arrangement techniques implored to modify them.

Happy to see this through, kudos on a unique interpretation of multiple themes weaved together in a tapestry in a dark dungeon."

Beginning by focusing on the "Sanctuary Dungeon" and "Dark World Dungeon" themes, we almost classified this under A Link to the Past, and shodan had us the first half, I'm not gonna lie, but from 2:02-onward, the majority of the piece decidedly swings to Zelda 1's "Dungeon" theme. I love and appreciate how shodan shifted the themes around to being performed by the different "players", which can make the arranging more difficult to follow, though I'd argue not by much once you know what you're looking for. Kudos to shodan for not taking himself too seriously while seriously & cleverly interpreting a handful of classic Zelda 1 & 3 dungeons. Quite an expressive, impressive impression! :-)



Latest 3 comments/reviews; view the complete thread or post your own.
on 2025-03-19 02:12:44

I quite enjoyed this, and while I can understand where others may not have cared for the intro, I liked the joke. This is a very solid arrangement and the strings sound very good. Love the way the dungeons were used here. Really nice debut mix.

on 2025-03-18 18:07:17

This is a marriage between a completely failed attempt at some kind of purely atonal take on the dark world dungeon theme, and a few other (original) themes I had laying around that I couldn't think of anything to do with. The top end of the part at :53 is mostly original, and just happened to work very nicely with the dark would theme in the cello. The parts I'm most happy with, though, are the takes on the original dungeon theme at around 2:03 and 2:44. The original is dark and dissonant, but I think it makes for a very beautiful theme (granted, it took completely altering the underlying harmony).

The reference to "Ganon's Message" wasn't even intentional, but I've probably listened to the soundtrack often enough that it made its way into the piece unconsciously. I was actually confused for a minute when @Liontamer pointed it out before listening again and realizing what I did. The opening at .35 was intended as something more like a canon on the creepy tremolo riff in the dark world dungeon theme, but I realize now that this motif itself is actually only an alteration of a similar motif in Ganon's Message. Koji Kondo does this quite a bit -- the soundtracks are full of references to or alterations of ideas from other themes, or other soundtracks (I firmly believe that the ascending arpeggios in the ALttP light world dungeon theme are a direct reference to the ascending arpeggios in the original Zelda dungeon theme). This actually makes synthesizing all of the different themes much easier.

I definitely get the general opinion of the intro. It's a bit out of place, but when I had started writing, I was treating the piece more as some kind of serialist exercise. I got some good material out of it, but nothing that I could manage to turn into an entire composition. I kept a few bars in the intro as a bit of a joke, but I think most people are right that it doesn't really add much. I actually agree with the panel that if I were to submit it over again, I would probably just leave it out.

As for the strings: Some physical modelling, some samples. A few places actually have some different sound sources layered on top of each other. The trick to making solo strings samples/models work is that you have to micromanage absolutely everything. Most of the work is in fine tuning the dynamics and making sure things like attack and vibrato sound good. I'm not actually a string player, so I think I did a pretty good job, but some things didn't work so well now that I listen to everything again (e.g. the attack of the violin at 1:10 sticks out to me now as especially grating).

on 2025-03-17 22:21:56
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Sources Arranged (4 Songs, 2 Games)

Primary Game:
The Legend of Zelda (Nintendo , 1986, NES)
Music by Koji Kondo
Additional Game:
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Nintendo , 1991, SNES)
Music by Koji Kondo
"Dark World Dungeon"
"Ganon's Message"
"Sanctuary Dungeon"

Tags (11)

Arrangement > Medley
Arrangement > Quartet
Lyrics > Language: English
Lyrics > Lyrics: Original

File Information

6,299,791 bytes


This is Webern. Play it properly.



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