PlayStation 4

System: PlayStation 4プレイステーション4

Console, first available in 2013, by Sony

Featured Games (view all)
Game: BloodborneGame: Dark Souls IIIGame: Final Fantasy VII RemakeGame: 2064: Read Only MemoriesGame: Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret HideoutGame: Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About TimeGame: Crash Bandicoot N. Sane TrilogyGame: DestinyGame: Final Fantasy XVGame: God of War
Featured Composers (view all)
Yoko ShimomuraMotoi SakurabaTsuyoshi SekitoKeiichi OkabeYoshino AokiTetsuya ShibataCris VelascoDaisuke IshiwatariMasashi HamauzuMarty O'DonnellMichael SalvatoriMitsuto Suzuki
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