Wiki: Candy Corn II: The Sequeling

Candy Corn II: The Sequeling front cover


Picture if you can... a world with unnecessary dramatic... pauses... where... every word is given an unnecessary cadence of weight... a world in which handsome baritone men... provide narratives for events that are as reasonable as they are unreasonable, as short as they are long, and as drawn out and droning as the narrator feels necessary to convey a sense of... tension and... unease. I am, of course, speaking of..... The Remix Zone.

So, for those of you who have never heard of The Twilight Zone (or maybe those traitors over at The Outer Limits), it is probably the best-written TV show and transcends Halloween as a date and passes into a round-the-year delight (specifically around New Year's on the Syfy channel). But that was THE inspiration for this album as the tracks were more of "Question what you know of reality" as opposed to "BOO!" of Candy Corn I. And, let's be real here, what's a horror movie without a sequel?

The sequel is a necessary extension of the horror genre, and the moment I was done with Candy Corn I... Candy Corn II: The Sequeling! (Is that a word? I like to think I made it up, but if it predates me, lemme know.) So now, I'm already thinking of the overblown trifecta that will be Candy Corn III: YoshiBlade Goes to Hell... Then Realizes It's a Vacation from His Normal Life and Refuses to Go Back.

So, in all seriousness, I hope everyone likes what I cooked up and thank djp, Larry, Gario, Stephen & Bryan Kelly, Abigail Hope Endsley, and VinnyMac for giving me the time, the tools, and the talent to get Candy Corn II out! And thank you (yes, YOU) reading this for taking the time to listen!
YoshiBlade, Director

Creator/Director: YoshiBlade
Album Artwork: David W. Lloyd (djpretzel)
Associate Producer: Greg Nourse (Gario)
Executive Producers: David W. Lloyd (djpretzel) & Larry Oji (Liontamer)

Candy Corn II features 11 tracks from YoshiBlade, arranging music from several video games for Halloween, as well as special guest skits. It was made by fans, for fans, and is not affiliated with or endorsed by any game publisher or developer; all images, characters, and original compositions are copyright their respective owners.

This album was produced to help promote video game music, video games, all the original composers' compositions, and the talented artists that contributed to this project.

Download the Album

You can download the entire album using BitTorrent or download just the ZIP.

Download Torrent of Entire Album!
(HQ MP3 & FLAC, 11 Tracks, 39:03, 330MB)

Download ZIP of Entire Album!
(HQ MP3, 61.9MB) - Right-click & save any mirror link: MIRROR 1 ~ MIRROR 2 ~ MIRROR 3

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1. YoshiBlade - "In the Beginning"

Source: Final Fantasy VII - "The Prelude"
Original Composer: Nobuo Uematsu

2. YoshiBlade, Stephen Kelly - "Adjust Your Tracking"

3. YoshiBlade - "Be Kind, Rewind"

Source: Donkey Kong Country 2 - "Stickerbush Symphony (Bramble Blast)"
Original Composer: Dave Wise

4. YoshiBlade, Stephen Kelly, Bryan Kelly - "The Far Away Fate of Samus Aran"

5. YoshiBlade - "Four on the Floor Is Lava"

Source: Super Metroid - "Norfair - Ancient Ruins Area"
Original Composer: Kenji Yamamoto

6. YoshiBlade - "Cave Mushrooms"

Source: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - "Mystic Cave Zone"
Original Composer: Masato Nakamura

7. YoshiBlade, Stephen Kelly - "Chaos Theory"

8. YoshiBlade - "CaUStIC VaPrS"

Source: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - "Chemical Plant Zone"
Original Composer: Masato Nakamura

9. YoshiBlade, Stephen Kelly - "Unknown Frequency"

10. YoshiBlade - "S Is for: Solid Snake, Scrambled Signal, and Silenced SIG Sauer"

Source: Metal Gear - "Jungle"
Original Composer: Kazuki Muraoka

11. YoshiBlade - "Hylian Forecast"

Source: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - "Windmill Hut"; Cameo: "Ocarina 'Sun's Song'"
Original Composer: Koji Kondo

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  • This page was last edited on 31 October 2018, at 04:17.