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Dungeonmans Remanstered front cover


Ever since I became a composer, I've wanted to write a soundtrack to a game like Dungeonmans; something that harkens back to my days of playing classic 16- and 32-bit RPGs. The developer, Jim Shepard, shares my love of these games and their soundtracks, not to mention that, while he's not a composer himself, he's very passionate about game music. Working on this project was thus a fantastic creative experience and the final result is, in my opinion, my finest score to date.

With that in mind, anytime someone takes the time to create an arrangement or interpretation of your original work, it's a wonderful feeling. So, to hear so many talented folks take on Dungeonmans is truly special. I was absolutely thrilled at the quantity and quality of remixes from both the friends that I personally invited, as well as the musicians who submitted to the contest. From hard rock and funk to EDM and chiptunes, I absolutely love every minute of it.
Andrew Aversa, Composer/Director

Composer/Director: Andrew Aversa (zircon)
Artwork: Jeramy Cooke & Andrew Aversa (zircon)
Executive Producers: David W. Lloyd (djpretzel) & Larry Oji (Liontamer)

Dungeonmans Remanstered features 14 tracks from 13 artists arranging music from Adventurepro Games' Dungeonmans. It was made by fans, for fans; all images, characters, and original compositions are copyright their respective owners.

This album was produced to help promote video game music, the amazing original compositions of Andrew "zircon" Aversa, and the talented artists that created this project.

About Dungeonmans

Dungeonmans is an epic roguelike adventure inspired by classic RPGs and dungeon crawlers, now available on Steam. Create a unique champion and enjoy dozens of hours of tactical combat, deep character customization, and exploration of a world that is randomly-generated each time you play.

As a fresh graduate of the Dungeonmans Academy, your custom avatar will venture forth into the world, delving into dungeons, crypts, graveyards, swamps, temples, towers, and beyond. Destroy hordes of monsters, collect loot, and build your character with a selection of over 60 skills and hundreds of items. A flexible classless skill system gives you total freedom and countless ways to play. And while each hero has but one life, you will discover and collect relics, items, and knowledge that can be passed on to future characters through the Academy system.

Get Dungeonmans on Steam!

Download the Album

You can download the entire album using BitTorrent or download just the ZIP.

Download Torrent of Entire Album!
(HQ MP3 & FLAC, 14 Tracks, 45:50, 391MB)

Download ZIP of Entire Album!
(HQ MP3, 83MB) - Right-click & save any mirror link: MIRROR 1 ~ MIRROR 2 ~ MIRROR 3

You can also purchase the Dungeonmans original soundtrack on OverClocked Records!

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1. Joshua Morse - "Cave Jam"

Source: "Cimmerian Cavern"

2. WillRock - "School of Metal"

Source: "Cave Cautus Custoditi"

3. Inverse Phase - "Zboss"

Source: "Proof of Stremf"

4. Daniel Caton - "When Monsters Come Knocking"

Source: "Proof of Stremf"

5. Ivan Hakštok - "Listen to the Wind"

Source: "Ataraxia"

6. Dj CUTMAN - "Icy Crypt"

Sources: "Hyperborean Corridor," "Unremembered Miscreation"

7. Daniel James Gagnon - "Big Bossmans Remixmans"

Source: "Might of the Warlords"

8. McVaffe - "Jade Cavern"

Source: "Imperishable Solitude"

9. Sbeast - "Brigand Brawl"

Source: "Growl Atop the Triger"

10. Halley's Call - "Acid Tower"

Source: "The Fortress Indomitable"

11. timaeus222 - "Tibetan Tussle"

Sources: "Imperishable Solitude," "Unremembered Miscreation," "Proof of Stremf," "Flash of Tinsteel"

12. Inverse Phase - "Townmans"

Source: "Ataraxia"

13. XPRTNovice - "Eye of the Beeholder"

Source: "The Fortress Indomitable"

14. Sir Jordanius - "Big Donut-Slammin' Moe"

Sources: "Cimmerian Cavern," "Heliotropic Leviathan"

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