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A file format for ripped GameBoy sound
By Scott Worley <>

GBS files are similar to PSID and NSF files. Code and data that is relevant to
sound production is ripped from a GameBoy ROM and combined with a descriptive
header to produce a compact sound module file. A player program that emulates
some of the hardware of a GameBoy is required to listen to these files.

If you aren't already familiar with the GameBoy's technical particulars, and
are interested in making GBS files or a player for them, you should read the
excellent FAQ (GBSPEC.TXT) that was put together by several people. You will
have to do a web search for the document, and there are several versions with
info that has been added or updated by people other than the original authors.


1.00 11/07/00 Initial release
1.01 01/28/01 Added section for RAM banks, misc. clarifications
1.02 07/15/01 Added GBC 2x CPU clock rate support, enhanced RAM bank section


Offset Size Description
====== ==== ==========================
  00     3  Identifier string ("GBS")
  03     1  Version (1)
  04     1  Number of songs (1-255)
  05     1  First song (usually 1)
  06     2  Load address ($400-$7fff)
  08     2  Init address ($400-$7fff)
  0a     2  Play address ($400-$7fff)
  0c     2  Stack pointer
  0e     1  Timer modulo  (see TIMING)
  0f     1  Timer control (see TIMING)
  10    32  Title string
  30    32  Author string
  50    32  Copyright string
  70   nnnn Code and Data (see RST VECTORS)

All 2-byte (word) values are little-endian (least-significant byte first). This
is also referred to as Intel format.

The Load/Init/Play addresses have a lower bound of $400 in order to support the
hardware-based player. A well-made GBS file will hardly even approach the lower
addresses, anyway.

The GameBoy defaults the stack pointer to $fffe at startup, using the $7f byte
region $ff80-$fffe. However, many ROMs don't use this default, and the pointer
must be set so that stack operation does not interfere with memory used by the
init or play routines. Ideally, this should be where the original ROM puts it.

The stack pointer and timer fields are in the header as a convenience, because
they allow the registers to be set without putting code to do it in the module
init. However, the header settings are only initial settings; the registers are
set to the header values on init, but init or play code can subsequently change
the registers. Sound routines sometimes modify the timer modulo for different

The Title/Author/Copyright fields are null-filled on the right, however they do
not require a terminating zero byte if all 32 bytes are used. If any of these
fields is unknown, they should be set to a single question mark character.
NOTE: The author field gives credit to the composer, not to the ripper!


The GameBoy CPU has 8 1-byte instructions that call fixed addresses:

RST 00 = CALL $0000  RST 20 = CALL $0020
RST 08 = CALL $0008  RST 28 = CALL $0028
RST 10 = CALL $0010  RST 30 = CALL $0030
RST 18 = CALL $0018  RST 38 = CALL $0038

Basically, these instructions accomplish calls to standard subroutines using a
1-byte instruction instead of the larger 3-byte CALL instruction. A GBS player
vectors RSTs to an address relative to the load address of the module. A patch
area must therefore be prepended to the module for handling any RSTs that are
used. So if the sound code uses no RSTs, you don't need to make a patch area.
Example: Load address = $3f00, RST 28 = CALL $3f28


A GameBoy ROM is composed of 16K "pages", the first page being page number 0.
This first page contains the header information, interrupt handlers, and the
main routines of the program. The first half of the GameBoy's 64K address space
is for ROM, the second half for RAM. The ROM area is divided into 2 16K banks:
Bank 0 ($0000-$3fff) which always contains ROM Page 0, and Bank 1 ($4000-$7fff)
which contains a selected ROM page. A page is selected into Bank 1 by writing
the page number as a byte value somewhere in the address range $2000-$3fff. A
small ROM (32K) has Page 1 permanently loaded into Bank 1, no switching needed.
Some cartridge memory controllers allow the selection of Page 0; which doesn't
seem very useful, but it's possible.

A GBS file is similar to the structure of a ROM, except it is loaded starting
at a particular address (the load address); therefore any pages within it are
aligned relative to the load address, and not absolute offsets in the file.
Note that the last page of the GBS file need not be a full 16K, allowing for a
smaller file if circumstances permit, but the player program should treat the
missing portion as null-filled when loading the last page.

Example: a GBS file loads at $3f80 because the upper $80 bytes of Page 0 are
being used to do song sequencing, and to contain some init and bank-switch code
relocated from elsewhere in Page 0. Page 1 begins at memory address $4000 which
is offset $80 in the GBS data; Page 2 is at offset $4080, page 3 at $8080, and
so on. Because the pages that are assembled into the GBS file were originally
scattered all over the ROM, the page numbers used in the bank-switch code have
been changed to the correct page numbers in the GBS file.


Some memory controllers support 8K of bank-switchable RAM at $a000-$bfff, and
others support 4K at $d000-$dfff. However, sound routines don't need a lot of
memory, so any RAM bank switching going on in the original ROM that is related
to the sound routine is only to switch to the ONE page that the routine uses.

Player authors: you should disregard writes to $4000-$5fff and $ff70, and just
implement main RAM from $a000 to $dfff.

Rippers: you should remove any code that writes to $4000-$5fff or $ff70. This
will not only eliminate a useless operation, it will allow the hardware-based
ROM player to work with your rip.


The v-blank interrupt rate (~59.7 Hz) is very frequently used to drive sound
producing code, and this is simply encoded into the header of the GBS file by
setting both TAC and TMA fields to 0. However, sometimes the timer interrupt
is used to create different playback rates (generally close to 60 Hz, though).
The 1-byte registers related to timer interrupt operation are these:

Register Name Description
======== ==== =============
  FF05   TIMA Timer Counter
  FF06   TMA  Timer Modulo
  FF07   TAC  Timer Control

  TAC Field Bits:

            Bit 1 & 0, counter rate
                00: 4096 Hz
                01: 262144 Hz
                10: 65536 Hz
                11: 16384 Hz

            Bit 2, interrupt type
                0: Use v-blank
                1: Use timer

            Bit 6 - 3, reserved for expansion
                Set them to 0

            Bit 7, CPU clock rate
                0: Use normal rate
                1: Use 2x (fast) rate

The timer is enabled if bit 2 of TAC is 1. The TIMA register is incremented at
the rate set by bits 0 & 1 of TAC. When TIMA overflows, it is reloaded with the
TMA, and the interrupt occurs. The rate of the interrupt is calculated thus:

  interrupt rate = counter rate / (256 - TMA)

In a real GameBoy, the interrupt handler at address $50 is called when the
interrupt occurs; but a GBS player doesn't need to treat the timer as an
interrupt in the strict sense, it only needs to call the Play address at the
rate of the timer interrupt derived from the TAC and TMA settings.

IMPORTANT: The GameBoy Color has two CPU clock rates: 1x and 2x. Modules from
ROMs using the 2x rate will indicate it with the high order bit of the TAC
field. In practice, the CPU clock rate doesn't effect music playback all that
much; however, the best accuracy is obtained by using the correct clock rate.
Also, the timer counter rates are doubled along with the CPU clock rate, so
timer-based GBC 2x CPU sound routines will run too slow if the counter rates
aren't doubled (one could, of course, halve the TMA divisor to compensate;
which is what the ROM player does for non-GBC hardware, out of necessity).


There are 3 steps a player program must go through to play GBS files:

LOAD - The ripped code and data is read into the player program's address space
starting at the load address and proceeding until end-of-file or address $7fff
is reached. After loading, Page 0 is in Bank 0 (which never changes), and Page
1 is in Bank 1 (which can be changed during init or play). Finally, the INIT
is called with the first song defined in the header.

INIT - Called at the end of the LOAD process, or when a new song is selected.
All of the registers are initialized, RAM is cleared, and the init address is
called with the song number set in the accumulator. Note that the song number
in the accumulator is zero-based (the first song is 0). The init code must end
with a RET instruction.

PLAY - Begins after INIT process is complete. The play address is constantly
called at the rate established in the header (see TIMING). The play code must
end with a RET instruction.


Ripping GBS files can be difficult, and even more difficult to do "correctly".
The goal of making a GBS file is to produce a sound module that is as compact
as possible. This sometimes requires finding bits of code that are scattered
around Page 0 and relocating them as high as possible within the page, thereby
minimizing the Page 0 portion of the GBS file. Put your sequencing stuff and
any needed RST jumps immediately in front of the relocated code, and you will
have made a clean rip.

It is good practice to arrange, or sequence, the songs into meaningful order;
because the original order of selections may have no real organization, or even
gaps or redundant items. The music is more interesting than the sound effects,
so you might want to remove the sfx, or at least place them at the end of your
sequence so they can be easily disregarded by a listener. There are many ways
you might organize your sequence; like grouping level music and boss area music
together, perhaps in the order you encounter them in the game. Sequencing the
songs is easily accomplished with a few instructions and a table of translation
values placed in front of the original init routine. Here is a simple example:

        ld      hl,songs        ; point to selection table

        add     a,l             ; add accumulator to L
        ld      l,a

        jr      nc,$+1          ; increment H on overflow; if all table entries
        inc     h               ; have same address MSB, you can eliminate this

        ld      a,(hl)          ; read song number from table into accumulator

        jp      init            ; jump to the init routine

songs:  .db     3,1,5,4,2       ; selection sequence table

The above example assumes that there is only a song selection number needed to
init; however, you might find init routines that need to have selection numbers
written to different memory locations, and those locations should be looked up
in a similar table.

Good luck, and happy ripping!


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