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  • Occupation
    Arranger, Orchestrator, Copiest, Composer


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  • Collaboration Status
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Drum Programming
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (Other)
    Piano, Tenor Sax, French Horn, Bass Clarinet

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. I made this about 3 years ago with a friend one Christmas eve. It's an arrangement but I wasn't sure where I might post it alternately...I got the urge to do swing/big band arrangements of Christmas tunes . While many of them originally had been done by big bands, that's just one of my favorite genres and I wanted to do my own take. I'd like to revisit it to spruce it up and get to other tunes. https://soundcloud.com/codychavezmusic/white-christmas-swing
  2. Thank you Chernabogue and Dhsu! There is a group taking a couple of my arrangements this year with recording equipment so hopefully I can get some good new recordings, and this time with trumpets and flutes and percussion! (the group in the sonic recording didn't have trumpets or flutes and the percussion would have been easier to do in post production but due to some instruments dragging time it might have sounded weird to add them)
  3. Here is an orchestral medley of themes from the GENESIS years of Sonic the Hedgehog I had recorded a year or two ago:
  4. Here is a demo of the string (4), flute, oboe and piano arrangement I have worked on. https://soundcloud.com/codychavezmusic/street-fighter-2-guile-stage-theme-for-strings-winds-and-piano
  5. I wanted to write piano accompaniment for a solo instrument player. I was inspired to do this after jamming to the newest Video Games Live album. https://soundcloud.com/codychavezmusic/street-fight-ii-guile-stage
  6. Here is a cover of the Sonic the Hedgehog staff credits I wrote the piano part for, with a great violinist, Steven Au, on the melody. Pretty straightforward cover.
  7. I am putting together some accompaniment so my friends can play along on their instruments. https://soundcloud.com/codychavezmusic/mega-man-3-title-theme-play
  8. Here is my orchestral arrangement of Sky Sanctuary Zone performed by orchestra. It was originally one part of a medley but due to unforseen circumstances we were unable to complete the entire recording but luckily Sky Sanctuary and the Sonic 3 Final Boss theme were recorded in such a way I could released them as individual tracks looped.
  9. I started a crowd sourcing project a while ago through a non kickstarter page but now, I have some audio that would give me a little more credibility for kickstarter browsers: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/168850550/sonic-the-hedgehog-medley-and-halo-suite-orchestra My goal is to raise $8,000 to hire an orchestra to record my Sonic the Hedgehog Medley and Halo Suite. I previously attempted to record with an orchestra the Sonic tune but unfortunately because I could only fund one hour of recording time, we couldn't finish the entire project! So now I am raising the funds to hire the orchestra for the amount of time I need to finish Sonic and to record my Halo Suite. At the end of my video you can hear clips of the different pieces from sonic 1,2,3 and knuckles that we recorded. Sonic: GENESIS, A medley of some of the most well known tunes from the GENESIS years including: Green Hill Zone, Metropolis Zone, Final Boss theme (sonic 3), and Sky Sanctuary Zone, and the 2nd recording will be my Halo Suite, which includes Impend, Peril, Unforgotten, and The Ark: Farthest Outpost.
  10. Here is some audio of the Dragonborn theme of Skyrim I wrote for a brass choir. Still waiting on the real recording... I was running the virtual instruments through Sibelius. I still need to learn to sequence. https://soundcloud.com/codychavezmusic/skyrim-theme-for-brass
  11. Casino Night Zone is the first, mostly because I only own so few studio recordings of my own writing ( I am not a performer, and definitely not an entire orchestra lol).
  12. Thank you! I do have a sonic score written out but unfortunately, that orchestra already had a pretty filled program for that night so they only used my Mario and Final Fantasy music. My sonic one ha green hill zone ( different from video games live lol), metropolis zone( sonic 2), final boss theme (sonic 3), and sky sanctuary zone ( sonic and knuckles). I'll give a listen to some Xenogears tracks!
  13. No, you have a valid point on the heard it before thing. See, I got into this stuff because of VGL and there isn't much out there for people in full ensembles so the decision to make that smb1 theme similar to VGL was because of its popularity among requests from orchestras. In the to-be released track, it follows my more original take on it. Don't worry about sonic. I've gotten a license for Sonic 2 music previously. Was the trouble Tommy T. was having with getting license to perform or record and sell? Considering VGL was such a unique entity when it started, I imagine it would have been hard to get the right deal, but now over the years I think it's become more lax. I miss Jet Force Gemini....I played only a few times but it was fun! But by all means, I appreciate all of your cents. Feedback is always helpful!
  14. Hello everyone! For the past couple years I have arranged video game music for orchestra and wind symphony, but now I am raising funds to release my first studio recorded album with a 50 piece orchestra performing some of my arrangements. The tracks include the music of super mario bros, zelda, sonic, halo, final fantasy and more. http://www.gofundme.com/videogamesinconcertvol1
  15. In my defense, I only arrange this stuff! The scat solo was a big surprise to me when I got the recording. I haven't been able to get a band on my own so any recording I have is an outside group.
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