Voting will last 1 week, opening Sunday, February 21 as soon as I post the entries and closing Saturday, February 27 at 11:59 PM EST. Voting is open to anyone on this forum who registered before the announcement of this contest.
To cast your vote, please send me (Atropos) a private message on this forum, with the following format:
1st: Artist and remix title
2nd: Artist and remix title
3rd: Artist and remix title
Each 1st place vote is worth 3 points, each 2nd place vote is worth 2 points, and each 3rd place vote is worth 1 point.
You get to vote only once and you can't vote for the same remix multiple times. Entrants cannot vote for themselves, but they will automatically receive three points if they vote.
If you would like to offer feedback to the artists along with your vote, I will be happy to post feedback with the results. I will not post who the feedback is from, however.
Winners will be announced in this thread on Sunday, February 28.
1st place - 320GB external HD
2nd place - Metal USB-charging remote control helicopter
3rd place - LucasArts Adventure Pack on Steam, or pick a size for an OCRemix T-shirt
After the votes have been tallied, winners will be asked to provide a shipping address via e-mail (the same e-mail address they used to submit their entries) in order to claim their prizes. If a winner doesn't want to provide a shipping address, we'll be happy to substitute a digital prize (ie ThinkGeek gift certificates, Steam games, etc.) instead.
Mailing addresses get deleted as soon as the winner confirms receiving his/her prize.
If a collaboration wins, the people in that group will have to decide on a substitute prize that can be divided between them.
In the case of a draw between two people, both people will receive the prize they earned. In the case of a draw between more than two people, we'll have to work something else out.*
We will ship prizes internationally, but anyone outside of the USA may end up having to pay customs fees if your customs regulations are particularly evil.
Prizes will be shipped within two days of the votes being tallied.
* Because we can't be sending out 10 external hard drives. Sorry!