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General Discussion

Discussion of the OC ReMix community, video games, music, and other related topics.

Forum Guidelines (Read Before Posting)

Welcome to the General Discussion forum on OC ReMix!

This forum is our main forum for discussion about OC ReMix, video games, music, other forms of entertainment, or just general conversation.

General Usage

  • Feel free to use this forum ask questions about OC ReMix.
  • The forum isn't a chatroom, so when posting, take the time to look over your post for spelling, grammar, and readablity.
  • Threads should be discussions, not just feeds for off-site content or links to one-off news items. That means if you're sharing something like a trailer from a game, share your own thoughts about what you're posting. We want to encourage conversations.
  • We'd like to minimize the discussion of topics related to politics or world events to keep the focus on games and music. Consider other spaces outside of OC ReMix for those types of discussions.


Only OC ReMixers (artists who have or will-have a ReMix posted to the site) are allowed to use General Discussion for self-promotion. This includes the following:

  • Completed, multi-track albums that are coming soon or are already out and available for download or purchase.
  • Crowdfunding campaigns that you're involved in that are related to video games or music.

Favorites Lists

OC ReMix has historically discouraged threads that ask "What's your favorite X?" where X could be ReMix, video game, soundtrack, etc., because these threads generally end up with people posting lists without talking about why those things are their favorites. If you post or reply to one of these threads, make sure you do more than give one-line answers. Tell us why you like the thing you're posting about. Remember: have conversations.

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