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  • Location
    Virginia Beach, VA
  • Occupation
    Selling home theater systems for the The Unholy Big Yellow Tag, You know what I mean.

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. That is exactly what I needed, Thank you. The fact of the matter is that having been a person who frequented UnMod for quite some time, I was just interested in what had happened. Being as I've been absent for 3 or 4 years, I am, suffice to say, out of the loop. Imagine moving away from home, coming back and finding that they built a new city on top of where you were, and then getting crap from the locals for asking about what happened. Everyone, Please let this thread die in peace.
  2. Apparently we do. Sorry, I didn't get the memo. I wasn't here. Didn't mean to offend your delicate sensibilities.
  3. Alright... someone tell me what happened.
  4. My friends and I are getting a regular segment on a local Virginia Beach area podcast. What I would like is an 8-bit sounding 30 second intro song. Kind of like the very beginning of the song, "Girl" by Beck on the album Guero. Doesn't have to be crazy involved or anything, something short, funky and sounds like it's from an NES. I'd do it myself, but A. I lack musical talent, and B. I lack the technical knowhow to make anything sound like it came from an NES.
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