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Posts posted by oO0Phoenix0Oo

  1. That is another thing that bothers me, everything so far seems to have been handled by the local police. I am sorry to say this but the local police just aren't reliable. They mostly just go in take fingerprints and provide information. They need someone better on this. And also, I am not in denial because there isn't much to deny. If you read what I said, you would know that I think it will most likely and up that Benoit did do all this as much as I dislike it. But there is still more info and more investigating that needs to get done before they completely solve this case. Cases like these can take weeks to solve. Also considering that Benoit is a little more well-known than your average person, I am sure someones going to continue this case until it is solved completely. Also like I said before, the autopsy results haven't even come yet which alone means they aren't even sure how they all died and how long they were dead for.

    More needs to be done before anyone can say what happened for sure.

    Read the latest, it's very apparent that Benoit did it. It may be a tough pill to swallow, but that's the way it goes. Signs indicate that they weren't strangled with his hands, but a chokehold was applied to his son. Who knows how to chokehold better than Benoit?

    The only thing that I can say is at least if Benoit did apply a chokehold, his son would have been unconscious before he knew what was happening. He knew what he was doing, and he went about it methodically. Even though it was an evil act, I think he still tried to be respectful about it by not allowing them to suffer. At least I hope that's how he thought, although it makes little difference.

    Also, he was found strangled by his weight machine. He wrapped a towel around his neck, likely so his throat wouldn't be cut by the cord, attached all the weight to the cord and let it drop, hanging himself. I don't think any ninjas had it in for him, and I can't see very many people outpowering him without leaving signs of a struggle. It was Benoit.

    Check the latest news, and you'll see what I'm saying. Wrestlezone.com, as well as most other wrestling websites, have less speculative information than most reliable news sources. You may want to check http://www.wrestlingobserver.com/wo/

    Dave Meltzer is one of the more reliable sources of wrestling news, and he knows many of the wrestlers personally (and has for a long time). He also won't speculate like the news outlets will.

  2. That sucks. He had a good career before the murders suicide, why can't they just remember the athlete and try to forgive the murderer?

    I feel the same way, actually. No one can say for sure why this happened, but I'll be honest; I spent a good portion of lastnight awake in disbelief, and I cried over the loss of one of my heroes.

    I usually don't mention this part of my past, but I used to actually aspire to be a professional wrestler when I was growing up. One of the high points of my life was when I got an acceptance letter saying that I could attend the Harts "School of Hart Knocks" at the time. I had the money, and I was in a lot better physical shape than I am now; my dream was to be trained in "the dungeon" (even though at the time the dungeon was no longer in use). I gave up that dream for a family, and used the money I had to get married, and make an attempt at family life instead. More recently, I've been considering getting into shape again and attending a new wrestling school that is being operated by Lance Storm in Calgary. My wife wants me to go for it, and we talk a lot about what it would be like if I ever made it. Those talks would always end up in the direction of "who would my dream opponent be?". Well I always told her that given the state of wrestling right now, my dream opponent would be Chris Benoit. I imagined how amazing it would be to wrestle someone as intense as he was. I would get chills watching his matches, understanding the psychology behind everything he did, and being genuinely impressed every time he came down to the ring.

    The loss of that dream, and more importantly, the disappointment that I feel right now about his actions leaves me feeling genuinely heartbroken. I feel disillusioned, and disgusted, yet at the same time I will always love Benoit in my own way. He was my hometown hero and I looked forward to watching him every week, even if I had to download RAW just to watch.

    I don't know how to end this post, other than to say that this is one of the most confusing moments of my life. I just can't wrap my head around this.

    Edit: The backpedaling was necessary, and people should understand it. WWE hadn't learned of the mode of death at the time; only that Benoit and his family were found dead. The initial reaction among people internally was that it was an accident, possibly Carbon Monoxide poisoning. Only when pieces of the puzzle came together did it become more sinister; and that was hours after RAW went off the air. The only indication that anyone had that something was "wrong" with Benoit, was a text message that (they believe) Chavo Guerrero recieved, stating "The back door is open, the dogs are fed". People really should give WWE a break right now, as they are doing exactly the right thing at the moment (which isn't something their known for).

  3. WWE is insisting that it is not roid rage. They make a good point. Aside from the strict testing (which Benoit passed just this April), he left bibles at their feet. He tied his wife up and asphyxiated her with an electrical cord, she showed no sign of resisting. His son was asphyxiated by a plastic bag. The acts were very deliberate, and neither showed signs of being beaten, although there was some blood near his wife.

    Get this, though. His son had needlemarks on his arm. Apparently Benoit and Nancy were giving their son growth hormone treatments, as they thought that he was abnormally small. That may account for the steroids they found in the house. This is somewhat speculative, though, we won't know for sure until toxicology reports come back.

    Also, in most cases of murder suicide such as this, it's caused by a long depression in which the father feels that his family would be better off "in heaven" than living in this world. It sounds fitting, since he did leave bibles at their feet. It's sounding very premeditated. Lastly, Bret Hart indicated that Benoit may not have been happy with his current role in WWE TV, which might have meant his being drafted to ECW. He wouldn't say much more than that, but it sounded like there were problems of that nature. Once again, that's speculative and until reports come out confirming the validity, it should be taken as speculation.

  4. Since this would be about the fourth time I type something like this out, I simply can't bring myself to do it again, so here's a copypasta from a different thread:

    The more information that comes out about this, the harder it is to take. Apparently reports are saying that Benoit killed his wife and kid over the weekend, then killed himself sometime Monday.

    That's a statement I never in my life thought I would make. I can't understand it at all. I'm losing sleep over this. How does someone who showed so much love for his family and respect for all around him end up doing something so sinister? I have a wife and kid, and I just can't picture any scenario in which this sort of thing could ever happen. I keep running through different scenarios in my head, trying to figure it out. He killed his wife on Saturday, apparently, then his son on Sunday. However it played out, it's tragic. This is hitting me harder than the death of Owen Hart did. Why did his son have to be involved? That's the part that gets me. He spent a full day alone with his son, how did they spend it? Was his son terrified in his final moments of the man he looked up to his whole life? His son was 7 years old for christs sake. Old enough to know what was going on. Old enough to understand what his dad did. As a father, it kills me to think about that. I could never do anything intentionally that would tarnish my sons view about me, I couldn't live with myself.

    They say the results of the autopsies may take up to a couple of weeks, depending on the circumstances. WWE also apparently knows more about the case, although they were asked not to divulge any more information yet. No one knows yet what the "instruments of death" are, either. With information as vague as this, it's hard to get it out of my head. Hell, I can't bring myself to hate him. What are the circumstances which pushed him to the breaking point?

    Also, the earliest autopsy results should be in at about 10:00 am. Hopefully we'll know more then, but in any case I hope that clears up the "whodunnit" for now. Benoit is a murderer. That's a hard pill to swallow.

  5. Has anyone come up with a definitive hardest boss yet? Because we might as well say it's the Tetris blocks.

    Going with the tetris theme, I remember trying to beat Bowser in Tetris Attack was quite the feat, when I first played through the game. Man that shit was kinda tough, what with the blocks rising so fast and having to do combos to hurt him. A nightmare when you aren't pro. I can do it a little easier now, but it still takes me a few tries.

  6. ]
    ]I'm a moderator. Unmod(Short for Unmoderated) is one of those places where I have no power. That's why I wouldn't be able to clean up anything there(But we have DJP to do that in case it's needed)

    Who else are mods (You, GrayLightning, djp, Xelebes, Joe Redifer(?); Are there more)? I can't tell anymore 'cause nobody has those "Moderator" name tags below the post-count rank anymore.


    That should help you. DJP is actually the forum admin, he has even more powers.

    Hey Smoke, since I know it's going to be asked anyway. Fill us in on how you went about becoming a moderator? Is it possible for anyone else to become a moderator the way you did?

    (I have the feeling this question is what SILVERWOLF was getting at, so I thought I'd not beat around the bush and just flat out ask)

    (Oh, and I'm guessing that there isn't really a need for more moderators anyway, but please fill us in despite that fact)

  7. Just read through the newb/tech help forum, and try not to make any topics like "OMG CLOUD FROM FF7 IS SECKZY!!!1" and you'll be JUST fine.

    Some people never learn this though.

    Hint for all you newbs.. Read through as many of OmegaX800's posts as you can. It's a perfect guide for how not to act on OCR. If you can't read through them all due to the sheer stupidity of them, don't fret, you'll do just fine here :wink:

    Oh and welcome all newcomers.

  8. Forum Newbie Alert!!!Be Warned, and Be Very Afraid!

    I’d be surprised if no one indicated Star Ocean 2 yet. It’s the only game out there that I know of that you are almost obligated to find the secret area of the game to level high enough just to take the final boss… Sure, at level 110 or so, Indelacio is a cinch, but there is no way you can get that on the robots in Fineal. The real challenge is when you decide that you are going to max out the difficulty, and take on Filia upgraded Indelacio on Universe. Yes, I did try the angel in the dungeon and for some reason she was way easier on Universe than Normal… But Universe difficulty Filia-Indelacio is Stinking MAD LUDICROUS!!! They give no creature in the game Combat Casting (he has the ability to start chanting a spell while still running from you) until him at this point, and with over 300000 MP, it’s going to be a long while until your done dealing with his grand waves. I never saw a normal item break until that battle, after so long, equipment just starts wearing out. FCOL! No enemy should take over two hours to chase down and smack with a Mirror Slice. Bunny shoes, Angels Armlet, Levantine Sword and all… I did it with Claude at level 231, but I’m sorry, two hours in one battle is just irrational…

    But now, I’m level 250 with my main crew, and I still can’t beat the Angel in the Trumpet on Universe… The only reason I beat her on Normal was because I forgot to save before playing it right after killing the first angel… When a boss has auto-kill on touch regardless of equipment, even when you’re all max level, I think that Qualifies as being the most difficult boss known to humanity!!!

    Also, I’d like to see someone beat Super Metroid’s Ridley with No Energy Tanks, No Screw attack, the Space Jump, 1 Missile Pack, 1 Super Missile Pack, 1 Power Bomb Pack, and a Charge beam (which wouldn’t be there if it weren’t for Botwoon in Meridia…) Mother Brain simply cant be done without the E-Tanks, so Ridley is the last challenge…

    Cloud at level 99 with Omnislash and knights of the round, and equipped with final summon-phoenix could take care of that star ocean boss on his own. Ruby weapon pwns that thing.

  9. Hello Everyone,

    I thought since this is my first time in the forums I'd just say hi to you all. I'm a 21 year old that's actually been coming to this site for a few years now, and I've been a huge fan since I first laid ears on the place. I've made myself a nice collection of CD's from some of the remixes here. Have to say some of my favorite Remixes come from Final Fantasy 6 though, but thats been my all time favorite final fantasy simply because its that game who's music first inspired me to learn to play piano. since then I've learned to play guitar too, shadows theme was my first guitar song :D

    Well I should tell you a little more about me.. Ive been married since I was 19 to a beautiful wife I met over the internet. Im originally from Alberta Canada but moved to New Hampshire USA so my wife could be with her family. I have a 14 month old son who actually is a young fan of many of the songs on this site. I'm a pretty nice guy so don't be afraid to make friends with me, I dont bite.

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