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Posts posted by sayamkitty

  1. Overall this is a somewhat decent rendition of a classic and heartrending theme. I can still remember clearly the first time i watched those Magitek Armor suit/mechs clomping their way towards Narshe in all of their crappy SNES (but awesome back then) 3D'ish glory while Terra's theme crept into the intro music. Ooohh yeah, i had goosebumps. I was worried i'd never get to hear it again and would be doomed to resetting the SNES and going through the intro over and over - good thing that wasn't the case! Uematsu and his contemporaries were able to make magic out of simple midi'ish effects on a that 'ol consol. Before I even really comment on Terra in black, I have to point out that paying homage to that sort of music at all is quite awesome in itself. You're all Remix fans already of course, so there's no point in preaching to those who are already diggin all this though i guess ^.^ With all of that being said, I can't help but to agree with other's in that the guitar in this song was quite awesome. I'm trying the guitar myself a bit and well, seeing as how my main instrument is trombone, trying to hold down and pluck strings to make music anywhere NEAR as nice as that in Terra in Black is quite impossible for me at the moment. It's because of this that I am truely appreciative of the skill and emotion that went into laying out Terra's theme so well. Being a brass player however, i'm afraid i must also admit that the smarmy synth Trumpets utterly ruined the intro for me. It's because of this that i'm not really getting the total buzz of euphoria a lot of you are experiencing. I hate to say it, but i actually like that Death on the Snowfield remix more. Both however, are excellent remixes in their own right. Also, it just so happens i'm partial to the accoustic sound of Death on the Snowfield.

    Note: Sorry this is so long. It's my first post and i've gotten quite carried away.

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