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Posts posted by wayamy27narf

  1. This album could not have arrived at a better time. I've lurked patiently over the years for this album. DKC 3 has ALWAYS been my favorite in the trilogy. Plus, the GBA take on the game is a BLAST!!

    I look forward to listening and loving this album over and over again.

    I'll never meet/talk to everyone involved with this project, but I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the work you poured into making this project!

  2. "experimental electronica piece"

    Ah... ok, noted. I love this. LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT

    It's quite jarring, and it certainly captured my attention.

    The quirkiness pays off, because it's consistant throughout the entire piece.

    It's a song that I look for by name on my playlist. Love it.

    Yes, it's random. Yes, it's repetitive. Not for the faint of heart, but have a listen.... if you dare...

  3. You got it? Awesome. If I may be so bold (although, I know beggars can't be choosers) I DO have an idea for this.

    Sure, I'd love it make it myself, but don't have any resources. (perhaps in time, I will). In the mean time, let's see if you can create what I've been cooking up in my brain all this time.

    I want this piece to match the feel of James Swearingen's In All It's Glory. Perhaps you've heard that song, and maybe even played it at your high school/middle school/grade school.

    (I have a better file I'd be willing to send to someone, if they're interested)

    As for the middle part, (2nd movement, whatever you want to call it, I don't know... it's been 7 years since I was in band, cut me a break, please) you could use another track from the game like Scene 2 part 2

    or scene 5 part 1

    Again, I'm at your mercy here. Please do what you will with this song.

    Thanks again for your time!!

  4. I post this request, but even I can't say with confidence how this could be improved/given proper due.

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it, right? On the other hand, many of my favorite games have been remixed, and they make me love and appreciate the original music even more.

    So please, take this track, one of my top video game songs, and give it the remix it deserves.

    I'd like to think a remix of this song should still maintain this flowing fleeting flight through the clouds.

    That's my $0.02 for now.

    Can't wait to see if anyone tackles this!!

  5. Wow, did you guys actually do what I think you did? When you told me you knew a Hollywood film crew........

    I knew it!! This is going to be the score for "The Preliminary Hearing for the FDA Regulation of the Cure that Eventually Causes the Rise of the Planet of the Apes." ;-) Congrats to you!

    I'm psyched for a 5 hour album, personally. I think I'll have to call in dead for work that day.

    Ok... back to lurking and waiting patiently...

  6. It's time to come out of my lurker cave and make my singular post for the year. This song has been popping up a tremendous amount of times on my mp3 player. 2:09 kept really jumping at me, and for a while I couldn't figure out why. Then it finally hit me, it's very reminiscent of "Puttin' on the Ritz". That was such an AWESOME touch. Just how intentional was that? It's not my favorite Tetris mix, (can't say why) but it's resting comfortably in third place.

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