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Posts posted by Lightbunny

  1. Years from now, people are gonna look back, and think about what they were doing when they first heard this remix. There will be a solemn reverence in their voices. There will be a tear in their eye as the relive their past. Their first brush with this remix. Their loss of musical innocence.

    Yeah. That's right. I compared this remix with the Kennedy assassination. IT'S THAT NOTEWORTHY.

  2. Sweet chickens...

    This thread is still alive? Amazing.

    Um...the penultimate Doc Ock fight in Spider-man 2 is tough, in an annoying sense. You know, the one where you have to shut down all the panels, while an invincible Doc Ock wails on you?

    Logic dictates: "Keep moving!"

    ...but it's kinda hard to keep moving when 90% of the room is engulfed in an unpassable fusion reaction. I blame poor game design.

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