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Posts posted by Sprautbirger

  1. Hi,

    Thnx for the feedback!

    JustChris can't believe you remember those vocals :D, but yeah I had some vocals going at first. As you said I'm sure the judges will have issues with the arrangement and perhaps even more with the dynamics and samples. Personally i think this "arrange it out of recognition"-thinking has gone a little to far at oc. I love the original groove from brinstar and I wanted to something similar.

    My intention from the start was probably not to make all the instruments sound as "authentic" and real as possible even though I ended up using mostly instrument-samples. Personally i kind of like that tacky piano for example ;) But you are right, just wish i had better sample-libraries..

    Hemophiliac, the blues solo actually was an idea from someone who gave feedback to the version with the vocals. But no I usually dont play blues, just thought it'd fit in.

    As i mentioned I dont have the project file left, so I just posted this one. No bigger expectations though..

    Thnx again for the feedback! :D /Spraut

  2. Hi,

    Posted an early version of this one in the "work in progress forum" 2 years ago or something. Got some ideas and suggestions from you and I used some of them. Continued working on the song for a little while and then I simply forgot about it. Found this mp3 on an old backup-cd, but I believe this one is quite different from the one I posted here 2 years ago. The working file itself is long gone though :/

    Just wanted to know what you think of it.


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