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Posts posted by DiamondBerg

  1. When I dlded all Ocremix with bittorrent, I listened to all. Yes, I did, but it was a long time ago. Then, your song came to my ears. I remember I've said : Holy shit! This song rocks! (in french, cauz I'm in Quebec). Seriously, Potricity, you've made many remixes with DKC, did you? I apreciate them all. I must thank you to bring us good remixes like this one. (Good?, why good, that's not enough to rate this 5:32-minutes-best-song-ever. Me too, I often relax with it. I like when you think that the remix is finished, as the sound go down, and all seems to fade-out, and then, the melody reappears. That's just beautiful. I wish I could make good remixes like this one. You're my idol! No, seriously, Thanks!

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