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Posts posted by MuNansen

  1. Hello, my name is Nathan Moller.

    A few months ago I left BioWare to move closer to home which is the Seattle area. I had worked on Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Mass Effect 2, and Star Wars: The Old Republic before I left. Here's a

    , as well as some machinima from before.

    While I'm looking for the right job, I'm keeping busy with an awesome little game idea that came to me while I was messing around with games on my Android, iPod Touch, and iPad, called Love Runner. I started a blog to discuss it's development throughout the entire process, and even posted the design doc online for all to see. I think it's going to be a fun little project.

    I came here because I know there's a lot of good game remix and chip tunes artists that hang out here. I used to spend hours browsing the mixes here, and have at least a hundred of them on my iPod that have survived through three different mp3 players. My favorite soundtrack for remix is easily Mega Man 2, and I've got lots of stuff from Bionic Commando, Final Fantasy(s), Street Fighter, Outrun, etc.

    We're building the game in Unity. I'm fortunate enough to have a Unity veteran like CJ Currie working on it with me, as well as some other great chiptune music lined-up. (The artist doesn't have time to create anything more, though. Thus my posting here.) What is needed music-wise, is negotiable. The main thing is a theme melody that I'd like to repeat in three different styles. Other than that there can be minimal tracks if necessary, though more is preferred. It'd be great if you can handle sound FX, too. There won't be a ton of them required, as the game is quite simple, and I imagine most can be taken right out of the music.

    There's no up-front money, as we're all doing this on our own time and dime, but there will be profit sharing on the sales. I'm not insistent that there only be one musician, or that all music be original for this project, just that we have the right to use it.

    So any artists out there feel like a little side project, or perhaps something to skin your teeth on and add to the resume? Contact me here if you're interested. The game is meant to be decidedly old-school in look, sound, and feel, so I think this is a great place to find some people that can create music with the nostalgic feel of the 8bit and 16bit era, but with the modern flair that makes you wanna dance to it.



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