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Everything posted by MrFisticuffs

  1. Hot damn, Izotope Vinyl was exactly the sort of thing I was looking for. Oh man, I am totally in love with this.
  2. I'm trying to emulate the sound of an old radio broadcast, and it's been simple enough to make everything sound distant and tinny, but I'd really like to introduce some of the characteristic crackles and pops. I'm not really sure where to start, though. Any suggestions?
  3. Okay awesome. Yeah, I didn't have the volume slider cranked, so my master channel meter and the top meter were showing different things. Neat.
  4. Cool, thanks. It just kind of bugged me out that everything looked leveled and I wasn't hearing any clipping, but I have a meter shouting 'DANGER WILL ROBINSON!' I'm kind of OCD like that, I guess.
  5. I'm noticing ridiculous discrepancies between the db meter at the top of the screen, the master meter in the mixer and the plugin db meter that I'm using. Is this normal? Man, how can I tell which one is accurate? I get everything leveled smoothly with the plugin meter and the master on the mixer, but the little meter at the top of the screen is flashing red like it's about to self destruct.
  6. Yeah, I don't own a midi controller or play much with VSTs or anything like that. All I really want/need is a nice, full featured program for recording guitar, bass, and vocals.
  7. I'm liking what I've heard about this, and I've meddled with the demo a bit, but I was wondering if anyone has really played with the ins and outs of this program and could give me some pros/cons. I think the biggest draw for me is the price combined with me being primarily a guitarist. Would I be better off saving my pennies for something like Sonar 5?
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