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Everything posted by chillsonic

  1. a 180mb soundfont. either that's a really nice font, or it's a bank. if it's a bank (having multiple presets), then you could always delete everything you are not using with vienna soundfont studio. that would probably knock a preset to less than 5 megs or so. be sure to save a new version and not over the original.
  2. perhaps your guitar sample wasn't recorded or exported the same way as the others. if i'm not mistaken fl/fls only support 44mhz/16 bit wavs. you should check that out.
  3. sorry for another question, but i've read the manual and help files and still don't get it. how do i record in FL5 Producer (mic in/line in)? From what i understand, i need to set my card from the mixer (in/out), click the disk in the lower right corner (turns it orange), check settings under file>disk recording, and press play while the record button is down? I get the metronome, but i don't think it records. do i need to set up an audio track somehow? how can i acheive this? finally, will i be able to see the waveform from the step sequencer? Thanks very much.
  4. you'd need a 'midi interface' a piece of hardware. you would be able to play sound, but i am not sure if the piano roll would map what you played. i doubt it.
  5. It's gotta be automation (record button).
  6. kind of. . . except the pattern would need to be programmed backwards as well. that could get kind of tricky, but it is probably one of the only few ways. I recommend alterning the attack time of the instruments for a backwardy feel.
  7. In FLS 5 is recording audio via line/mic in possible? or is it still only midi and wav imports? I read the help file, and from what I understand, it is possible. I just can't figure it out. Thanks very much.
  8. For vsti> right click a channel, insert channel>more>refresh>fast scan, then check the box with the vsti(s) you want. The vsti will now appear in the insert channel list. For vst> go into fx>select>more>refresh>fast scan, then check the box. The vst will now appear in the select list. lemme know if it works. if not, make sure your vst(i)s are in the right folder within the fruity path.
  9. Hello, how exactly does the online download system for flstudio 5 work? If a hard drive crash were to occur, would fruity loops be able to be reinstalled? Is the download some kind of file that could be backed up on a cd? Thanks very much. I am highly considering fl via download and would just like to know. Has anybody had negative experiences with this? positive? Again, thanks.
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