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Posts posted by PhantomOfTheOperetta

  1. It depends on the type of retail working really. Some places like Wal-Mart and Target generally give you a whole different experience from someplace like Electronics Boutique or another chain of stores. I have friends that work in both types of retail, and frankly, working for a place like EB is not that great unless you know the people working there. I say this because EB (well, Gamestop really) has quotas that have to be met. You have to sell a certain number of preorders, a certain number of subscriptions, a certain number of UPTs (units per transaction), a certain number of "game of the month" titles, a certain number of used games, blah blah blah every week. If you don't meet your numbers, you can be written up. Get written up three times, and your ass is fired... all because you didn't sell enough used games, or get enough people to buy their "discount" cards. And here's the kicker... if you meet every quota, guess what? You get nothing. Not even a "good job". Do well, and you hear nothing. Falter a little in one area, you get your job threatened (be it by your store manager, or a regional one). The company gets the cash from your quotas, and you get to keep your job and not be in trouble as a thank you. Nice huh? Not exactly a good way to make for a great working atmosphere... especially when you're reminded of low numbers every day (again, unless you're friends with the people you work with).

    Jesus, you just described my job to a fucking T. Gamestop is a terrible terrible company and everyone should stay away.

    Most retail is cake though, you have to be a complete moron to fuck it up. It's the ideal choice if you're someone who's ok with making a small amount of money for a medium amount of work... or if you smoke a lot of pot.

    Wait jobs are alot more work, but you also make a lot more money, and it looks a little better on a resume.

  2. Seriously guys?

    I honestly cannot comprehend why this movie is so well recieved. The dialogue blows, the acting is sub-par (exception: Faramir), the fight scenes were fairly unimpressive, and there was enough slow motion to drive me up a f*cking wall. Worst of all, the good guys weren't actully GOOD guys. Spartans make terrible protaginists. They're just douchebags, that's it. It was absolutley ridiculous that they repeatedly referred to their virtues of "Freedom, Logic, and Reason" because the Spartans (even after Hollywood magic) advocate blind milatant nationalism. I can understand appreciating brutality, but only when backed by characters that aren't flat and one dimensional. If the spartans were even a little bit charasmatic, I could maybe hop on their team, but the first hour of boring, so called "epic" dialogue prevented me from even liking them.

    And where is this gore you people speak of? There were only a few decapitations and some eye stabbing. It was alright, but nothing groundbreaking. From all the hype it recieved, I was expecting another "High Tension" but it didn't even come close.

    I didn't completely hate it though. To it's credit, the movie picked up about halfway through and the cinematography was downright beautiful. If you can sit through the horrible pace of the first part, you'll probably enjoy it when they start introducing actually interesting characters like the immortals and mr.saws4arms. It was a good movie, but not a great movie. Nowhere close. I'm ok with the fact that I spent 7 bucks to see it, but I wish that I could say more than "Well... that was kind of cool. Oh, and pretty... it was very pretty."

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