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Everything posted by theunknown18

  1. I have been pointing them to the store but my boss doesn't like me selling stuff in the store that isent in the store. He said if it was something free i could just give it out. I tell them to go to the site and download songs for there fav games anyway. Plus we like to play a game to see if they can guess where the song is from.
  2. I got to use the Kinect and the move and i really like the Kenect i don't have to get up or use a controller to use my xbox for movies and the dancing games and fighters unleashed where fun. PS move on the other hand not so much it is just like the wii only the games are not as fun. I have fixed my xbox from the red ring 3 times and im going to just get the new bundle with the kenect.
  3. Hi i have been visiting this site for awhile and i love your music and would like to know if any of you guys had any Cd's or other stuff you could send me because i work at a local video game store in Michigan and i play your live radio stream over are stereo system and people ask about it all the time. I would love to pass something out to get more of your stuff out there. If you have something let me know by email or shoot me a message. Also here is the website for the store if anyone lives in south east Michigan stop on by. http://www.destiny-games.com/
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