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AJ The B0mb

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Posts posted by AJ The B0mb

  1. EDITED IN: I apologize to the mods for making a newb topic. I didn't see this topic. Again I didn't do it to be a jerk..i'm just stupid. Otherwise..

    Whats up everyone. First post at these fourms. I'm not new though. I've been happily downloading from OCR for a few years now after seeing it in EGM..I think it was. Wish I woulda found it before then but recently got DSL and now i'm downloading just about everything and loving it. This site is great..and if there was something beyond..this would be that!

    I finally got off my butt and signed up for the boards..i'm here enough why not talk to others that are here just as much..if not more.

    So as Brak would say..

    Hellloo Every Budy!

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