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Posts posted by BTDM

  1. I know there are these mixes (or WIPs, I guess):

    Lockjaw's Locker remixes

    Facelessman - Lockjaw's Legacy

    MCGerkin - Lockdown

    Kannon's Klaim remixes

    Kabuki Dude - Kannon's Prospekt

    EazyP- Getting Down the Mines

    Hadyn - Mine Brawl

    Terminator - The Kremling Apocalypse

    CC Ricers - Digging Deeper

    Pocketman - The Golden Echo

    Tomoko Kazuki - Melodious Mine Shaft

    If you want them, ask me ;)

    You would make my month! Yes, I would love them.

  2. I was just wondering if there were any Song remix's out there for the level's Lockjaws Locker (1-4) and Kannons Klaim (2-2)?

    If I simply passed over them, please Disreguard this and point me in the right direction. If not, Is there anyone out there that knows of any artist's that are planning on Remixing?

    Thanks for all the help!

    PS: I am aware that I posted 'konk' instead of 'Kong' Sorry >.<

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