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    Gaithersburg, MD

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  1. I'm actually just north of College Park in southern Silver Spring. I share a 2 bed/2 bath right now at $1372 but admittedly, it's a pretty swank place and I could probably find slightly cheaper in the area. I'd say a decent 2 bedroom with den would run you $1250 at least. If you're willing to fight off zergling-style waves of roach infestations, you could probably even find something in the $1100 range. Problem is, it's a college area and they can and do jack up the prices; I'm thinking it's to offset the business that they theoretically lose to people renting out basements.

    Yep, I see that paper transfers are a thing of the past. I hadn't thought about it before you mentioned it, but yeah I guess that is a cheesy way to save money and actually make more by forcing people to buy the $5 smart trip cards

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