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Posts posted by magus83

  1. Hardest boss hast to be in Eve in Parasite Eve when you have to fight here in the goddanmed Chrysler buiding! How i hated that thing, 70 floors of the same thing and every ten floors was a hader boss of the one you faught before. Then when you finally got to eve, she never seemed to die! No matter how many times i used that best spell, i think its called liberation I still can't beat her.

    Also ayone ever heard of Kung-fu Heroes for the Nes? At some point in a level some rock boss would come out of nowhere and would rampage through the level and kill you instantly. Never could beat it, but boy was that a wierd game.

    And i'm also counting refueling in Airwolf for the Nes. Never figured out how to land so when i ran out of fuel it was game over.

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