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Internecivus Raptus

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Posts posted by Internecivus Raptus

  1. Hi guys, lemme make this message quick, I'm on a gang of meds right now. Basically I caught some kinda flu virus I can't pronounce that is kicking my white blood cells' ass. I got a shot while I was in the hospital (you guys have no idea how boring TV can get when that is all you can really do :( ) And it's supposed to rejuvinate (or whatever) the cells. Till then I'm just all types of sick moping around like a little bitch and what not, not getting paid because my bullshit boss has a no work no bread policy. In my absence, Snapple, if I'm not up by Monday, please take over the guitar work on Credits. I was pretty far off in Boss 2 to keep going, and as far as Boss 1, try to see if someone else can grab it on the production end, but I most likely can still provide vocal work to it. Oh, and if anyone can, tell Prizm that I won't be able to rap on his track because anything that can do wrong will go wrong (thanks Murphy's Law... or whoever's law it is). Kep a strong head for me, I feel worse than when this fine ass bitch gave me blue balls a few weeks back at the club. Chow.

    Get Well Soon! 8)

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